Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

As Days Go By - Year 213 - Picture Post

So, here's another update from my TS4 game. The movie series As Sims Go By is a little delayed, because I need to rush through a couple years first. Soon getting there, though!

At Upperton, Gloomville (not Uptown as the picture says... sorry), elderly Fiona Crumpleton finds joy in smalltalking with the buttler. She was always shy, and perhaps that's why she used to be feared as a journalist, as hardly anyone knew her well or had a chance to bribe her.

She won't be around for much longer. Her husband passed away long ago.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

New episode of The Free Will Show - Cook & Clean edition

Part 2 is out! This is a show where 4 participants don't know that their free will initiated cooking and cleaning actually give them points! This is the 2nd of 4 editions where the goal is to pick 4 winners who get a spot on the big Free Will Show, that will air in January.

Who wins the Cooking & Cleaning? This show is more than 30 minutes, but you don't need to watch it all. Watching the beginning and ending + random sections of the main part will keep you updated.

Future editions are the "Pets edition" and the "Monster edition". Stay tuned!

Part 3 will be available on Monday Oct 1st, and part 4 on Monday Oct 8th.

Monday, 17 September 2018

The Free Will Show - Cook & Clean Edition - Part 1

So, we are airing! This is the 2nd of 4 editions, where we'll pick contenders for the big upcoming The Free Will Show (airing January 2019). The Cook & Clean edition will have 4 weekly parts, equaling 4 days.

I hate filming anything with walls down, so in this edition we go much closer to the contenders, which makes those intervals with little actions but eating or talking more interesting. Spying on sims is fun, and as soon as their personality and relations get settled, there might occur unexpected situations like romances or fights, even!


You are welcome to predict the winner of this edition, by posting a comment. Should be done before part 3 is airing!

Sunday, 16 September 2018

The Free will Show - Cook & Clean Edition

Just a quick announcement!

Did you watch "The Free Will Show - Hug Craze Edition"? Well, this show has come to stay, and here is a little more about the upcoming seasons!

January 2019 the real thing, "The Free Will Show" will air. This show will run for as long as there are alive contenders in the house and will also involve the viewers!

Before the main show starts, 4 seasons (editions) will be running up to Christmas this year, in order to pick 4 of the contenders for the big show. Finally a couple more contenders will be found through contributions from other simmers, in order to balance genders.

We already picked a winner in the "Hug craze edition", and next up is the "Cook & clean edition", followed by the "Pet edition" and the "Monster edition"! These will get more interesting to watch as you will enter the house and periodically get closer to the contenders. Also the point system gets more advanced. Participants are no longer related, so a free will romance might actually occur, too!

"The Free Will Show - cook & clean edition" is set to air on September 17th with weekly updates!

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Give your Sims a custom Lottery

With Seasons EP there was introduced a world wide lottery, where your sims can participate to win great prizes. I've played 4 full years now, and never seen the lottery, and I know other simmers have not got this random calendar event, either.

So, if you want an alternative way to run your own lottery, read on!

Back in the days of The Sims 2, I ran the busy Simmerville Hood website. The site was packed with ideas for your sim community, including organizations and a few tools to add fun activities and calculations. One tool was the Lottery presented by the Grey Sims Organization. It's basically a small JavaScript making it easy to run your own local lottery. Your browser must allow JavaScript and popup windows, I think most browsers do these days.

Go to this page and enter details like lottery title, how many prizes, what each prize is, and then how many lots were sold. Then you will need to add names on those participating, or just a lot ID if you rather like to refer to some other listing you already have. Finally you will get a notice with a random winner of each of your prizes.

Do a test run with just a handful lots to learn how it works.

Sims must be charged manually, and prizes must be arranged manually as well. Using the "money" cheat will fix both. Prizes can of course be anything that you find a way to add to the winning household, money or a TV or a dinner for four sims at a nice restaurant? Think of something that might add to a story or the way you prefer to play. If giving each resident one lot each, you don't really need to charge them because they will all get the same. It's all up to you :)