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Friday, 22 January 2021

Sulani: The Backstory

(Sulani, Year 226) I promised to share my take on the Sulani backstory, so here it is. 

I grabbed the Island Living expansion pack on sale a month ago, and had loads more fun than I expected from exploring and adjusting. I'll basically use the world as a vacation world way outside Region 12, but I will also include 3 local households to my rotation. Knowing their background adds to my experience. The Landgraabs owns a vacation home at Ohan'ali Town, and the Rossie Trust (Duke of Rossie) owns a vacation home at Lani St. Taz. In addition, Calera Camp is a Science Station where Scientists from all SimNation will spend a couple days, occasionally, studying anything from minerals, volcanic activity, the marine biology, wildlife and green environment.

But let's have a look at Sulani's history and how the story leads to the rulers of today.

According to local traditions, Sulani must have been populated for at least a few hundred years. Fragments of their culture hints to a good but primitive living, including their religion surrounding their god Taz, manifested by the volcano. Today Sulani has roads (very few cars, though), electricity and the land owners benefit from the still growing modern tourism.

Typical tourists doing nothing but relaxing. Quatore Virton and teen daughter Haddy, from Newcrest.

Taz - God and volcano
Taz was the highest spiritual Leader, while the Chieftain was their material Leader. They showed their gratitude and respect to Taz by sacrificing to the volcano. The biggest Taz festival was when a Chieftain died, and his dead body was thrown into the volcano - some Historians suggests that in the first era this sacrifice actually took place while the old Chieftain was still alive, they thought it was the only way his real powers could be handed over to the oldest son.

Today these festivals are held mostly to entertain tourists, but also to honor those long gone Chieftains - and Taz, which is still their God, even if the sacrifices have become way less dramatic.

The Chieftain
The community leader used to be called the Chieftain. It was always a man, and only his (oldest) son could bring on the honor. If no son, a new tribe would claim the position.

This community based all on oldest sons to inherit everything from his parents, while his siblings got nothing. To make this system easier, the norm was to have only one son, so most men in Sulani could bring on an existing household. With the heritage there also came a responsibility, though, to financially support unmarried female member of the family. This way, many unmarried women (and men) became the servants of their tribe.

For many generations the Chieftain title was held by the Hoapili tribe, their last Chieftain was Ohan Hoapili (Year 70-142). His descendants still reside the area, see below. When he died without sons, the modern civilization (and investors) had arrived Sulani, and the Chieftain system faded. 

Sulani's central hood changed name to reflect and honor the current Chieftain, and because Ohan was the last reigning Chieftain and there won't be a new one, his name seems to be the final one for Ohan'ali Town.

The Crypt
For the past 100 years the funeral rituals were less dramatic, hardly involving the Taz volcano at all. When locals die, it is important that the stone or urn is not moved for two years - no matter how inconvenient the position might be. Family will visit the stone/urn to mourn, but bringing gifts during the first 2 years is seen as disturbing the soul of the deceased sim. Within the second year the spirit is set free and the urn is brought to the Crypt in Ohan'ali Town. Only a former Chieftain's spirit will not be set free, as it is meant to join the so called Island Spirits.

Keala Hoapili visiting the Crypt, greeting her late father, Sulani's last Chieftain, Ohan Hoapili.

In the Crypt the urns are displayed for family to keep bringing small sacrifices like seashells and food. New urns will push older urns into the background, meaning the urns are mourned for a natural, limited time.

The island Spirits was always important to the locals, and most locals still relate to them as the return of former chieftains. One of the Sulani festivals takes place around midnight, and on this night locals will visit the Crypt in order to get advise from past chieftains.

Other festivities include Town Barbeques, Flower & Music Festival, Town Pot Luck, Island Celebration, Beach Bonfire, Fishing Competitions and Family Fun Day.

Civilization discovers Sulani
In Year 123 a storm and a ship became essential to the discovery of Sulani. When the ship "Long Since Past" hit the shores, Admiral Estebhan Ebernizer was the only survivor. 5 years later he was rescued by another ship, but meanwhile he had explored the area and made interesting discoveries of minerals at Mua Pel'am. He had managed to hide from the small local tribe, at the time counting only 10 individuals, all residing the town hood. They made a living from fishing and harvesting wild fruit and roots.

Professor Lothar Wixx and Admiral Estebhan Ebernizer outside their first mine.

Year 133 Admiral Ebernizer returned to Sulani, bringing a Scientist and a couple Miners. They focused on the mountains near Taz volcano, and the ground was not all volcanic, but with promising sapphire veins, easily accessible while the volcano was dormant. Would it be worth mining?

Ebernizer now met protests as the volcano was sacred ground to the locals. Chieftain Ohan Hoapili would not allow anyone to build even a smaller shed at Mua Pel'am, it would be offending to Taz. Ebernizer then suggested to buy the entire Lani St. Taz hood, but the locals had seen that area glowing with flames a few generations ago when they were fishing from boats right outside. The admiral understood they probably had seen the volcano's reflection in the waters, thinking it was actually Lani that was glowing, giving the sacred understanding which resulted in St. Taz being added to that hood's original name, Lani. However, he decided to leave this case for now.

Admiral Estebhan Ebernizer waited until Year 145, then he paid Sulani a third visit to find the Chieftain had died some years ago. The Chieftain's widow struggled because the locals had refused to support her little family as she had no husband and only daughters. Ebernizer suggested a deal with her; if he got Lani St. Taz, he would not only support her with money every year, but he would also support her daughters Keala (7) and Kalamainu'u (5) for as long as he lived. This was a clever contract, as it would also protect him - threatening or killing him would also harm the late Chieftain's two daughters financially. The contract was made public at Ohan'ali Beach the next morning.

Estebhan Ebernizer with visiting son Ortago and ex-wife Estrella, near "Journey's End".

The Admiral quickly built a house and named it "Journey's End" as he realized this would be his final residence. His ex-wife and son visited only once. His adult son, Ortago, established back in SimNation, and they lost contact. According to rumors, Ebernizer had a local romance, but he never remarried.

He was now joined by a Geologist, Professor Lothar Wixx, and they became 50/50 business partners as they founded "Sulani Mining Company, Inc.". Wixx immediately started examining the volcano and the caldera. A few more sapphire veins were located.

Chieftain's widow and Lothar Wixx.

Lothar Wixx then married the Hoapili widow, which made it easier for the company to get permission to build a tiny camp for the Miners near the volcano. Both Admiral Ebernizer and Professor Wixx built themselves a fortune from their new business.

Year 160 the widow died, and on behalf of the two daughters Wixx charged Ebernizer for their financial support, according to the contract. This caused an end to the friendship between Ebernizer and Wixx, and from now on they hardly spoke as business partners. Ebernizer gave most of his shares to his son, Ortago Ebernizer (30%), and sold his remaining 20% on the open market. Wixx had already sold 20% to raise funds, but still owned 30%. The new situation forced the company to establish a formal Board including 2 additional share owners, and Lothar Wixx was voted the Board CEO.

At this point (year 160) the land of Sulani was split on several owners: At Ohan'ali Town the old Chieftain's Villa was owned by Keala Hoapili (22), while Kin-Ship was owned by her sister, Kalamainu'u Hoapili (20). Rest of Ohan'ali Town including the old market (Bazar) was owned by Lothar Wixx, who also owned all land of Mua Pel'am including the mining ground. Admiral Estebhan Ebernizer owned all land at Lani St. Taz.

The Modern Era
The period following Year 160 is often referred to as the modern era of Sulani. Now the visiting Miners were joined by their families for a temporary stay near the beaches, and when they returned to Sim City, word of the lovely vacation destination spread. A few businesses were formalized; such as The Sand Bar, owned by Wixx but still operated by locals. Caldera Camp functioned as a primitive hotel.

Sulani had no Chieftain after Ohan Hoapili, but because of the times changing, and the Wixx family becoming rather powerful, Lothar Wixx gradually took over the function as Sulani's leader of the modern era.

The Ebernizer family
Y164 the old Admiral Ebernizer died, and his son, Ortago Ebernizer (34) inherited Lani St. Taz. This caused several changes: Because Ortago resided with his family in SimNation he would benefit more from money than tropical sand, so he sold Journey's End and the beach near by (Sapphire Shores) to the Duke of Rossie. Reef Finery was sold to a local fisherman named Tule Ngata, who had already been renting the reef for many years. Only Sand Simoleon and Perfect Pier stayed property of Ortago Ebernizer, who actually lived in his pole house at Perfect Pier for several years.

Fisherman Tule Ngata rented a shed from Admiral Ebernizer. His daughter inherited his house.

Ortago Ebernizer died 17 years ago, and today his two lots in Sulani are owned by his son Stephan Ebernizer (51). He grew up partly in Sulani, but left as he got old enough. He is still single and works as Business Adviser in Sim City. His late mother was of the House of Summerton, meaning Stephan Ebernizer is cousin of today's Jurton Summerton, Lord Foxbury, and probably in line of successors to that title.

The Wixx family
At Ohan'ali Town the last elder of a family who had rented Lagoon Look died, and because those two step daughters were still minors, and there was no more money coming from late Admiral Ebernizer's contract, Lothar Wixx sold Lagoon Look to Nancy Landgraab, who had also become a minor owner to the mining company.

Francine Ville was quite the mysterious stranger during her first years in Sulani.

At this time Professor Wixx married a Botanist, Francine Ville, who nobody could say for sure when or how had arrived Sulani. It turned out she had a past as a witch but had left most of her magic in Glimmerbrook. Hard to believe, though, as she often saw paranormal stuff happen in Sulani. They had a son, Mandrake, and a daughter, Lavendula. Francine quickly developed a nice garden, and started to sell herbs and flowers at the old market, that rapidly was renamed Francine Bazar. She also held paranormal céanses, secretly. Later on her business expanded with books, beach equipment and souvenirs for the growing queue of tourists.

From year 165 most locals accepted Professor Lothar Wixx as their community Leader, but they still turned to the Taz volcano for spiritual consultations. Francine's paranormal services did not appeal to locals, but she kept offering her céanses to tourists.

The elderly and well cultivated Francine V. Wixx did great efforts to run Francine Bazar at Ohan'ali Town.

Year 170 both Lothar's step daughters were young adults and could take care of themselves. Because Koana Hoapili was the formal owner of Chieftain's Villa, Lothar and Francine had a new mansion built at the old Admiral's Wreckage for their new family.

Wixx Estate has 4 bedrooms and 5 living areas. The old ship wreck is still used for paranormal céanses.

It became the largest build Sulanites had ever seen, but the old ship wreck was preserved for the future - or to visualize that Wixx had a greater success than the Admiral. Renaming the lot from Admiral's Wreckage to Wixx Estate said it all.

Mandrake Wixx (right), his son Rallar and daughter Francille, and sister Lavendula all to the left.

Both Lothar and Francine are long gone, and today their son Mandrake Wixx (62) reigns the family business, which includes leadership of Sulani Mining Company, Inc. He married and had two children, Francilla (29) and Rallar (28). While the kids were still minors, Mandrake's wife Hildur disappeared during a trip to Forgotten Hollow. Mandrake's sister, Lavendula is unmarried, so she has been supported by her brother by staying at Wixx Estate, helping with the household and garden and bringing on her grandmother Francine's paranormal services to tourists.

The Hoapili family
This old tribe lost most if their formal power when the final Chieftain died with no son to take over. Daughters had their high value, but could never become a Chieftain.

Today Keala (88) lives with a young woman at Chieftain's Villa. Keala is the local with the strongest tie to the Spirits, and she is proud to share information on Sulani's history and traditions. She is often seen in the Crypt, bringing gifts to ancestors. And she often brings homemade food to share at the Francine Bazar, where locals often hang out.

Lia Hauata and Keala Hoapili in front of the old Chieftain's Villa.

This family holds many well kept secrets. The young adult Lia Hauata (30) is Keala's secret granddaughter. When Keala was young she romanced a merman, and their daughter preferred staying with the merfolks. Then the daughter had a child with a human man, and when the child turned out to be human, arrangements were made for Keala to raise the little girl - Lia. Some day soon Keala will tell the true story to Lia.

But that's not all! Keala's sister Kalamainu'u, who inherited Kin-Ship, also got into a romance with a merman, ate kelp to join him, and had a daughter, Liliana (40). Kalamainu'u has more or less disappeared, as she lives more in the water than on land, and Keala just recently discovered that Liliana is indeed Keala's niece. 

Makoa and Liliana.

Only Keala knows why this could be a problem that not even Liliana should know about. Is Liliana aware that her mother is a mermaid? Liliana took over the Kin-Ship, married a human local, Makoa, and gave birth to a lovely daughter. Is this when the well known mermaid-to-human-daughter curse will strike? If so, Liliana might be in trouble!

Got to wrap it up right here. I'll definitely post more from Sulani in the future.

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