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Tuesday, 23 October 2018

As Days Go By - Year 214 - Picture Post

So, here's an update from my TS4 game. I play fifty households rotationally, and a few of them are also featured in my movie series As Sims Go By, airing this weekend!

We're starting in Spring in San Myshuno. Single Sybil Harell visits the Oasis Springs main park. I always liked this park, and with a few additions like a small swimming pool, there's plenty to do for visitors. It's normally quite busy when I go there.

These kids do not belong to Sybil Harell's household. Sybil is here with her neighbor, Sculla Schwaini. They are both single and rent one section of a Spice Market flat each. That's right, I turned a flat into two small flats. Might post about that later on.

Sculla Schwaini is poor and criminal, but I don't thin Sybil is aware of her neighbor's criminal path. Sculla also is interested in magic, and lately she got obsessed with aliens. She started a group for alien searchers, and this far Sybil is the only other member.

They took off to this park because Sculla heard aliens were observed in Oasis Springs some time ago. But where to look for them?

A few hours later, Sybil left for a date at a near by restaurant. Another neighbor, Raj Rasoya, invited her to dine at The Solar Flare.

Sybil suspects the date to be a result of Raj's mom, Geeta Rasoya, pushing him to find a girlfriend. She has been widowed since long, and Raj is her only child. Sybil thinks Raj is a bit weird, but their apartment is great and spacious, they appear as a well situated family.

However, Sybil doesn't go very well along with Raj's mom. Anything Sybil does, Geeta could have done better.

Finally, Geeta was impressed with a fish dish Sybil served them one day she stopped by. Will the fish dish result in a proposal coming up?

Over at Gloomville, there's another criminal and single resident, Ella Hikes. She lives alone with her dog now that her brother moved to San Myshuno. Ella is getting old, and she decided to start dating. She is not interested in marrying, but maybe she could make some profit from having the child of a wealthy, cheating man?

She spent a few nights in the bars. The Oasis Springs based scientist Oscar Jupiter is only one of those she flirted with. He is married, quite wealthy, and as far as Ella knows he has only 2 adult children. If she could help him having a 3rd child, Ella could get her hands of a 3rd of this man's possessions!

In the Verde hood of Oasis Springs lives Malcolm Landgraab (47). He is still single and lives in the family mansion with his dog, Winston.

Malcom's old father just died, and nobody really knows where he died or where there might be a grave stone. In Oasis Springs the funeral traditions are different from other districts, as they always burry a person on the address where he or she died.

Malcom and Winston have looked everywhere, and they still are looking. What if death happened outside Oasis Springs?

Then, at night, the ghost of Malcom's father showed! Winston did not react, and Malcom was asleep, but this means the old man did die at home! So why can't his urn or stone be found? How to release the spirit without the stone?

In Riverville of Newcrest, live scientist Oscar Jupiter's son Caspar Jupiter with his wife Agathe and their 3 kids. Caspar is a scientist just like his father, and Agathe tries her luck as a comedian. But the 3 kids also require lots of their time, and Agathe is not that happy to be tied to their home.

She plays with the kids occasionally, and she helps the oldest with homework. If nothing else, she might pick up some funny lines for her next jokes.

Thanks Similius kids do grow up!

Show nights are more fun. Agathe is head of a little group getting together to test their new jokes. It also secures Agathe an audience, because it' hard to drag people to her shows, probably because she isn't really that good...

Over at Willow Field of Gloomville, Ella Hicks already gave birth to Emily!

Sculla Schwaini stops by, they are part of the same criminal network.

Let's move to Gloomville's Upperton. Something is going on at the von Kaching household. Bud von Kaching is a Region 12 Councillor, representing Gloomville. He will most likely be re-elected for a new 5 years period, which means he will be featured on the new As Sims Go By series. Not only Bud, but his entire household!

His wife Rose is preparing a breakfast scene, and she totally lost her lines. What was she going to tell their butler? And where is her dish? Aw, being an actress in your own home is not as easy as it sounds!

The only one relaxing is Rose's little dog Simelangelo. She loves him even more than her husband and 2 adult children.

Artist Vince Remeréz rents a huge room in this mansion. Rose is happy with it, because it gives her a certain status in the painting artist community having such a famous artist in the household.

Vince could never forget the model he saw at Planet Honey Pop!, and now he got to see her again, and even talk a bit! What is she telling him, or is it her hands that look different?

In San Myshuno's Art Quartwer resides August and Myra Gupta. Myra is a Food Critic, and she visit new coffee shops and restaurants.

Tasting a cup of coffee is a difficult piece of work, you need to pay attention to so many factors. Smell, taste, flavor, temperature, mug, service, price and room. Myra Gupta is well known for telling the truth.

She occasionally finds food that she enjoys a lot, and if Myra Gupta revisits a restaurant it's like winning a gold medal. Captain Blue of Gloomville is one of those few places. They never know if her visit is private though, or if she will suddenly pull out her notebook.

Myra and August's daughter Dora is still working the DJ booths.

And, who's dancing, if not the old Oscar Jupiter (84!)? He is supposed to be a rather dull and serious person, so what a shock to see him dancing in San Myshuno...

Dora's younger brother Donald is still a student, not really doing that well in school. This Harvest Fest he got into trouble as he started kicking some gnomes.

In the oldest quarters of Newcrest, actually the original Newcrest before Crestville and Rivercrest were developed, resides the Potterfield household.

This Winter Fest they decided to spend the day ice skating. Shariff Potterfield (50) and Jill N. Potterfield (58) only had 1 daughter, Jolene (12). Shariff's old mom lives in a house next door.

Shariff is a photographer looking for a new atelier, and Jill works as a Detective, she is the one featured in my series «San Myshuno, Undercover».

Father Frost stopped by, even if Jill never bothered to hard to decorate their house. Jolene found it interesting, exciting and a bit silly.

At Sable Square of Brindleton Bay, Fanny Silverbone is both excited and worried. She listened to her friend's advice, and signed up to get politically involved. And now she will be Sable Square's candidate for the Brindleton Bay's representative for the Region 12 Council!

She hopes she will win the election coming up very soon, but she also hope she will not be elected. She would rather spend time breeding her dogs and paint. Besides, she might need to hurry up a bit to find a man and eventually expand the house and build new stuff on this large lot. A huge play ground for the dogs? Her own gallery where she can exhibit her paintings?

Well, this update got more than long enough! You might be half asleep, if you read this far. Like the cat found near Fanny's house...

That's all from year 214. Starting Year 215 there will be a new As Sims Go By episode every year! The Film series was set to premiere in September, but is now in production and first episode will be up pretty shortly!

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