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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Rules and Directions

Gloomville Diaries is a TS4 legacy, and there are certain rules and directions for the Legacy Holder to go by. No points will be collected along the journey, but 6 stages illustrated by 6 potions will indicate current Legacy Holder's progression.

Legacy Rules and Directions

 - Legacy Holder (LH) must explore the rare history of Gloomville, by talking to locals and visiting historical as well as uncommon locations. The knowledge shall be written down, and the book about LH's findings shall be locked away in the secret office.
 - LH must consume 6 potions according to progression in this order: Happy (for becoming LH), Flirty (for dating spouse), Focused (for learning the big task), Energized (for feeling stronger when the job gets too big), Inspired (for writing down Gloomville findings), Confident (for stepping back).
 - LH must focus on wishes/whims and aspirational goals in order to save up minimum 1200 satisfaction points to get the 6 potions that shall be handed over to Main Heir. This shall take place at the Flock Hideaway on the day when LH steps back.
 - LH's birthdays must be attended by minimum 1 member from each of the 5 households of Willow Field hood.
 - Every LH shall add one new minor tradition to this list:
    - Xxx (Ochana Mox)
    - Xxx (LH2)
    - Xxx (LH3)
    - Xxx (LH4)
    - Xxx (LH5)

 - Main Heir (MH) is to become the next Legacy Holder (LH), and Secondary Heir (SH) is a backup, who needs to settle in a different region (world), i.e. Oasis Springs.
 - MH and SH shall be chosen by LH on the day when the oldest child reaches Young Adult, or when LH dies. Any of LH's children can become heirs, no matter age and gender, but adopted/stepchildren are ineligible.
 - Picking heirs should be restricted to certain qualities:
   1-6 points equal to Social status*
   1 point for each skill point, mximum 15 points total.
   1 point if writing skill is minimum 2.
   0,5 point for each whim completed.
   1 point for each social event attended.
   1 minus point for each time passed out.
   1 point for each non-household contacts within Willow Field (hood).
   1 point for each positive non-household relation within Willow Field (hood).
   1 minus point for each negative non-household relation within Willow Field (hood).
   1-5 points based on LH's intuition.
 - LH shall step back on the day before MH's wedding, but only if the current LH has completed the first 5 stages of the Secret Mission. If LH dies too early, MH inherits the LH title, but will not drink the Happy potion (to accept the mission) until the day before the marriage.
 - On LH's stepping back day, LH shall take MH to the Flock Hideaway*** where LH will hand over the 6 bottles of potion to MH. This is where MH accepts to become LH, and the deal is sealed by resigning LH drinking to Confidence, and fresh LH drinking to Happiness.

 - If LH dies and there is no chosen MH to step in, SH will become MH and take over Glee Abode at Willow Field hood within 6 simdays.
 - There can never be more than one SH at a given time, and the last chosen is the only valid. If valid SH dies, oldest child of SH inherits the title, even if LH had more than 2 children.
 - If LH dies, and there is no MH or SH at all, the deal is broken and the family must move out. They can bring personal belongings, but must leave behind (or pay) a total of §50.000 and will carry an eternal curse.

 - Main Heir (MH) must be engaged to start the legacy mission, even if the LH title is earned at younger age.
 - MH must marry someone from Willow Field, and the wedding shall take place at Gloom Garden.
 - SH is free to marry just anyone, anywhere.
 - Family name will follow local tradition **).

*) In all my towns sims have a number from 1 to 6 to indicate social status. A married couple's average number decides how high networth is likely for their home. The only way to increase average number is to marry someone with a higher social status. A child inherites the parents' average social status number, but success factor (decided by DNA) can add or reduce the social status by 1. This way children of the same house will normally not have the same social status.

**) If a couple settles on a new adress the one with the highest social number will bring on the family name. If one of the two has a house, he/she will normally bring on the family name, unless the spouse moving in has a much better social status (gap being more than 1, meaning bringing in the more values).

***) The Flock Hideaway can be accessed only by LH and whoever LH brings along. Be good, follow the sound, go downstreams, into the mist!

The Contract

Ochana Mox accepts to found a family that will reside at Willow Field hood of Gloomville for minimum 6 generations.

Ochana Mox accepts to marry and to have minimum 3 children.

Ochana Mox accepts to follow the Ruiles and Directions, and to never involve anyone but Main Heir and Second Heir.

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