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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Bimbo NL - Simmerville's webmistress of the past

Among tons of sims, from all 3 The Sims series, one character was my clear favourite for a long time; Bimbo NL. She was the webmaster of my Simmerville website covering the development and gossips of my main games - both in The Sims 1 and 2.

Her full name was Bimbi O'Brian, and I recall she originated from a made up hood called Rosewood. She moved to my TS1 Simmerville hood, together with a high school friend, Jim Loveless. He was just a bi character though, as Bimbi NL grabbed all the spotlight :)

Bimbo NL was concerned with the Simmerville website (although it was actually Jim that initiated it). She covered local politics as well as more glitzy stuff. She even investigated, and from the top of my head I recall a top secret military operation, involving aliens, where Bimbo went a bit too far to get the scoop she wanted.

Well, here is Bimbo NL's personal TS1 diary! Note there are a total of 3 pages covering 2004, 2003 and 2002 (linked on bottom line).

Anyone following my Simmerville site back then, might recall the ambitious project where my TS1 hood prepared themselves to move into TS2 - the return of a lost demention. Bimbo NL was probably the only TS1 sim who was allowed to visit the new TS2, with the generous help from EA's very own Lucy Bradshaw. Bimbo NL was simply recreated in the new CAS, then sent to EA Games who returned a few pictures :)
Bimbo NL was of course wearing a tank top with the "logo" of Simmerville website - those 4 yellow dots.... Here's the article including those early TS2 pictures.

Oh, I just discovered that Bimbo NL (and a few other sims from several hoods out there) wrote a transformation diary, supposed to cover her first 5 days in the new TS2 place. How cool is that! I had forgotten all about that!

So how did life handle Bimbo NL in the new TS2 hood? She did rather well, she married (hm, did they ever marry?) and had to kids. She was 52 when marrying Simbille Ballong. She quit the webmistress job, and bought Café Cornell. At 55 she wrote this in her diary:

"I attended the annual Golden Star Awards, and guess what! Simmerville won the community website award again, and I was given the surprise lifetime achievement award, including a Dame title from the King of Simborough! My friend Anthony Troy must have put in a good word I think, lol, cool!"

So she was Dame Bimbi O'Brian Ballong :)  Check out her TS2 diary, with more pictures!

Well, I knew Bimbo NL through many years of simming, so when she passed I was pretty sad, no wonder. I found this posted on my TS2 Simmerville's 45th year:

"Bimbi "Bimbo NL"(O'Brian) Ballong (75)
Simmerville's coolest websimtress ever, Bimbo NL, died today, while drinking her daily espresso. Also known for several bestselling books and for owning local Club Cornell. Married twice. Leaves husband Simbille Ballong and their teen son Simerin, and her adult daughter Claira O'Brian from first marriage with Joe Carr. Bimbi Ballong reached status of platinum and will be found at the Cemetary d'Honour. R.I.P."

 You do get attached to those sims, don't you?

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