Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #6 - Family Photo

My little challenge goes on and it's time to celebrate! Sylvia maxed out her cooking skills, so cooking will be the theme of her outdoor unit! Because she is first, she can pick any of the 5 prepared slots - they are all free.

The entire family celebrates with a solid serving of mac and cheese. Well, they forgot to place Donna in her highchair, so she ate while seated in the armchair instead.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #5 - On The Move

Life goes on in the Clump family - go here if you like to read about this challenge. Sylvia and Abraham now have 4 kids, and it's quite a handful to tackle! I expected the days to become a tad repetitive, but because the children reach new life stages, there will constantly be new content from the Parenthood GP for me to discover. I really enjoy it all!

Although, I've been thinking of moving this household, more about that below.

Abraham and Sylvia works quite well as a couple. I was a bit worried for Abraham being a Loner, would he coop with such a big family?

Saturday, 22 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #4 - Skills status

My Five Units Challenge goes on, and it's time to consider the founders' main skills as well as the outdoor units they are supposed to build. The household now counts 2 adults, 2 children, 1 toddler and 1 baby. Thanks to the Parenthood GP this will probably become my most hectic household ever.

Everyday is starting to get real hectic for the Clump family. Abraham brings in most money by painting, and thanks to his latest masterpiece selling for nearly §2.000 they were able to expand the house with a new story. Sylvia grows and sells crops, which also brings in some money.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #3 - Growing Household

The Clump family lives on, and in this report from my ongoing challenge twins Rudolph and Sammy will grow up! In future reports there will probably be less pictures per lifestage, but right now I'm enjoying watching the everyday actions of the toddlers, and have to share :)

I'm impressed with how well adults take care of their small children on free will. My only complaint is that when I check what action they are up to, the thumb will not tell, because so many interactions starts with Talk or Walk, etc. I can tell they initiated something, but I'm not able to see whether I should interrupt them or if it's the action I wanted them to perform.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #2 - First Real Family

My little challenge for this summer/fall moves on rapidly, and twins just grew up, yay! Abraham and Sylvia had twins, and now seeing their genetics is quite exciting.

The toddlers seem to behave calmly and with manners, but I guess that will change soon enough? It's been a while since toddlers were introduced to TS4, but I hardly had time to play them until now.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #1 - Founders getting Started

I'm not having the time currently to play my games as much and detailed as I would like, so instead of random and quick visits to my ongoing hoods, I figured I'll run a smaller new TS4 challenge, allowing me to test the Parenthood gamepack. So, here's a few pictures from my new attempt at the Five Units Challenge. Find the rules here if you want to check it out!

I created Abraham Clump and Sylvia Rotting in CAS. They look quite ordinary, but according to rules a few details were given my attention. A small house was built and I was actually surprised how easy it was to get a decent starter home. I expected that their start funds would not give them a quite spacious home, but that they would need to stress a while to get the essentials.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

The Five Units Challenge

I'm running a challenge and here is the set-up and rules, in case you like to do something similar.

My founders Abraham and Sylvia just moved in. Follow them on this blog - #thefiveunitschallenge.
I will post reports from my version of this challenge summer and fall, starting this July.