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Friday, 11 August 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #09 - First Unit

It's time for another report from the Clump family and my ongoing challenge! Sylvia and Abraham's 4 kids are all going to school, Rudolph and Sammy are teens.

Boys share one bedroom upstairs, while girls Fiona and Donna share another room.

Fiona is doing her homework, while Donna is asleep in her red bed.

Outside the house Abraham has started to develop his unit. The project claims that five outdoor units of minimum 6x6 ground tiles will be equipped to reflect the sim's first level 10 skill. Abraham and Sylvia will equip one unit each, the remaining 3 units are waiting for the future 3 generations. Donna will equip one of the units, but doesn't know it yet.

Abraham reached level 10 of the Painting skill and Sylvia reaced level 10 of the Cooking skill, meaning that also Donna, Donna's main heir, and Donna's main heir's man heir will need to max out both Painting and Cooking. Abraham built a small pavillion, I think this work will take some time.

Sammy peed himself in the kitchen. It's cool that they get visually dirty, but hey - a bladder accident should not make his nose dirty, should it?

Rudolph met a young woman at the playground next door. He is a teen, and the girl turned out to be young adult. Gross!

Well, at least a  bit gross... you should rather romance with girls your own age, Rudolph!

Sammy ran off after the bladder accident. In Oasis Springs he found some club. But the only one paying some interest were two elderly women. Is it a club where old women meet young guys, or what?

No, didn't look like it. Besides, it was still early in the day. Then Sammy notices a guitar, a viola and a mic! He really wants to play an instrument, and the guitar looks way too tempting...

Sammy realizes how awful it sounds. He had no practice at all...

And it sure doesn't help much that a few guests flocked to watch him performing... ugh!

At home Donna sets the table without even being asked to! Placemats are red and white, that's appropriate as her favorite color is red :)

Sylvia watches Abraham's pavillion, she wonders what he is up to. And, she wonders what unit to pick for her own installment? There are 4 to go, and this one, near the terrace might be good, as her theme wiill be cooking.

Bills are expensive these days. §2.200 is quite a lot, but luckily Abraham has sold several good paintings recently.

Fiona plays at the next door grounds.

Dinner again, it's nice how they all get seated and actually sit by the table for a while. Well, Abraham obviously chose the sofa, but the kids have a guest, perhaps she just snapped the final dining chair.

To be continued...

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