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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

The Five Units Challenge - Report #11 - Donna's Birthday

Knowing these reports are dragging out - you might think how can I possibly keep going for 3 generations (challenge rules), when gen 1 sim is still a child on report 11? Well, good thing is that I will be more familiar with the various Parenting GP routines come next generation. But even better news - Donna will very soon become a teen!

Like seeing for the first time that a child can set a table by free will, is quite cool!

Donna chose red color theme, and no wonder, because red is her favorite color!

Today all the kids brought home a new school project. I've not decided yet how often they shall complete their project, it seems like each child might get three or four projects during their school years. This time Abraham assisted Sammy (left), Sylvia assisted Rudolph, and teen Fiona assisted Donna. Fiona got a project too, but 3 projects on the terrace is enough :)

Also discovered the Activity Table, allowing children to draw 3 alternative drawings. Donna gets to test it, she made a nice rainbow drawing...

... which she added to the family command center downstairs. It's nice that household members walk over to this wall object occasionally to check on notes and drawings.

Talking about school projects, Fiona has brought her project to the play ground nearby their house. she gets help (or is disturbed) by a local, and Sammy and Donna appeared as well.

Sammy plays the guitar that he got for the camp, and Donna sings. I get this feeling that she might become a good singer, she often sings nicely in the shower, and I let her practice singing occasionally.

Abraham appeared, too, and look at his skin! He's not feeling too well, obviously, but I couldn't find any serious indication that he should visit the hospital. It might be something come-and-go, I hope it's not too infectious.

So, the big day is here! Donna will become a teen, and Sylvia sets the tables on terrace. It's a bit tricky with two tables, but I wanted the parasol table, and they come only with 4 seatings.

Cake is brought out, and everyone gathers around Donna! And I'm curious to see how she will look!

Ah, note that the cake was served at Sylvia's outdoor unit! She decided to build an outdoor kitchen. This far only ground is ready...

So, cake eating can start...

Donna is set to bring on this challenge because she is the only child with black hair and green eyes. Her child skills were Creative (6), Social (5), Motor (4) and Mental (2). She got dad's Loner trait, with her old Cheerful trait, and she got the Big Happy Family aspiration. I think I like her :)

She had the Silly trait as a toddler, but I would think that she knew better as a teen than to fix the broken dishwasher, without a single tech skill?!!! She did this by free will, when I noticed she was already busy fixing, while standing in a water pool! Thanks Similius, she did well!

Both Sylvia and Donna got some skin disease, I wonder if they got it from Abraham?

And Donna also has some mood swing making her walk like a zombie. I hate those swings, but they are a bit fun, too :)

To be continued...

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