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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday 14 April 2018

The Five Units Challenge - Report 28 - Shooting the Criminal

Life goes on in Rivercrest, a hood within the larger Newscrest district. Just south of the golf court, is the Clump residence. Below you can see the redish roof in the distance.

It's such a lush neighborhood, perhaps that is what inspired legacy founder Sylvia Clump to become a dedicated hobby gardener?

Well, this challenge is about building 5 garden units based on interests, and this far none of the family members chose gardening.

Sylvia's hubby Abraham died a few years ago. She still resides here with the family of her youngest daughter Donna. Her other 3 children established in San Myshuno, Sammy and Rudolph in the Spice Market hood, and Fiona in the Art district.

They did not hear from Fiona in a long time, but Sylvia got no answer when calling her.

Also Donna tried to reach her sister Fiona, but all she could hear was her sister's answering note - please leave a message. Was something wrong, or did Fiona simply get a new phone number? Donna had asked her mom to go downtown to visit Fiona, but Sylvia obviously hesitated.

- Mom, I got an idea. If you can stay here at home watching August and Olivia, I can visit Fiona.
- Alone, you mean?
- No, I'll ask Sammy or Rudolph to assist me. They know the city pretty well.

Babysitting August and Olivia shouldn't be a very tough job. They were both old enough to entertain themselves, and they mostly behaved pretty well, too.

August had taken up sports, he even started exercising by free will. Will he become an athlete, some day? He loves music, and he is on his way to learn responsibility. His Social skill is strongest, followed by Mental.

Olivia, the challenge heir, was more into playing and imagination. She seemed to have a thing with cats, no wonder she built a strong tie to Sasha. Olivia is Self-assured, and she too is best at Responsibility. She has good Social skills.

Sasha, the cat, seemed a bit worried these days. She preferred relaxing in the arms of Olivia, how cute!

One day Olivia carried Sasha down to the pirate ship.

They lived next to this playground, and both Olivia and August frequented the ship often. It was a great spot to make new friends! But this day was different...

A woman stopped by and she started to pet Sasha! It was the first time Olivia felt jealous! And it did not help that the woman was an outsider! The kids knew she was a criminal, dealing with smugglers and hacking into computers! Awgh!!!

Olivia had to rescue Sasha right away! She aimed he canon at the criminal woman, if soap bubbles wouldn't scare her, then what would?

At Newcrest Shopping Mall granny Sylvia had coffee with her friend Dorothy Flemming.

- I don't understand, Dorothy, Sylvia said. - Why would you not like to join our trip to Granite Falls?

- I'm sure it would be nice, but I really don't own the equipment for making such a trip.
- I'll gladly borrow you some hiking clothes, if that's the problem!
Dorothy harked with her raspy voice and waved her arms, nearly pushing down her coffee mug.

- Well, I don't fancy the forest. Not happy about sharing a tent with others, either, but I could of course bring my own private tent. And I could bring my camera. I'm still not convinced, though. Give me a day to think it over, dear.
- Sure, call me tomorrow night!

Then Dorothy had to leave, and Sylvia was approached by a stranger.
- Ahem, it may be none of my business, but I happened to notice who you were having your coffee with...
- Excuse me?, Sylvia asked, quite surprised that a strange woman would walk up to her like that.

- Well, you might already know that person, and that people are talking. In case you didn't know... Dorothy Flemming's real name is Donald Flemming.

More in a few days!

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