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Sunday, 8 September 2019

House of Lord de Sür-Blyth

In my Region 12 there are several high society households that I never told anyone about. I previously shared some info and pics on the Duke de Cavalier household residing Chateau Cavalier. Today I'll introduce you to the noble family running the Sür-Blyth Farm in Brindleton Bay.

(Y220) Still in Cavalier Cove of Brindleton Bay we find another noble family, de Sür-Blyth. They hail from a different region, far south, and the first to settle in Brindleton Bay (Y102) was Lord Edgar Otto de Sür-Blyth. He was a businessman and farmer, and he introduced agriculture to Brindleton Bay. Fishing remained the district's biggest industry, though. It was his extraordinary agricultural efforts combined with science that brought him and his descendants the noble status that they still benefit from.

At the Sür-Blyth Farm they developed better animals and improved crops quality. In a close cooperation with Landgraab Science Facilities the science business has become more important than making money from selling crops, but it all started with a regular farm:

1. Lord Edgar Otto de Sür-Blyth (Y47-129) & Mary Sophie (von Wandenheim) (Y53-123).

Edgar Otto and Mary Sophie settled far south, but moved to Cavalier Cove in Y102 when Edgar Otto bought the land from Duke Clauss Nicolai de Cavalier.

Edgar Otto was a pioneer in many ways, constantly improving the farm. They kept pigs and grew vegetables, and made good money from trading farm products like ham and cheese.This was the region's largest farm by far for a couple generations, but it was the pigs that should really put this farm on the map. Already in year 106 Duke de Cavalier rewarded him with a peerage; Lord of Sür-Blyth. This was the first peerage of the area where the peer did not have to be male.

Edgar Otto and Mary Sophie had only 1 daughter, Elvira Maria (Y93).

2. Lady Elvira Maria de Sür-Blyth (Y93-170) & Alexander Marcus (de Puix) (Y58-131).

Elvira Maria was 35 years younger than her husband, and it's said that her father picked him for her because of his science knowledge. Alexander Marcus was a Scientist with high skills in Botanic and Chemistry, constantly testing new remedies on their crops.

Lady Elvira and Alexander Marcus focused on the science part, while 3 farm boys joined the household from Spring to Fall to help running the farm. The farm delivered superb quality pigs.

Elvira Maria and Alexander Marcus had 1 son: Edward August de Sür-Blyth (129). Alexander Marcus died from old age only 2 years after their son was born.

3. Lord Edward August de Sür-Blyth (Y129-210) & Lady Arléna Marina (de Cavalier) (Y148-197).

Edward kept developing the farm and Science business. He mainly kept pigs, but also some cows and chicken, and they grew several vegetables. He is the one who started a collaboration with Landgraab Science Facilities in Strangerville, their businesses are to this day well kept secrets.

He also did several expeditions to Selvadorada, bringing home new species and also was able to get the Region 12's only Avocado Farm Right. Other species were mostly for further experimenting in the name of Science.

Lord Edward August married Lady Arléna Marina, daughter of the Duke de Cavalier. She got disabled after giving birth to their daughter, and died young (just like her mother, Duchess Mera de Cavalier).

Edward August and Arléna Marina had 1 daughter, Elvira Leonora (184).

4. Lady Elvira Leonora de Sür-Blyth (Y184- ).

Elvira Leonora lost both parents before she became young adult, so she was actually a teen when taking over the huge responsibility of running the Sür-Blyth Farm. She continued her father's Science business and kept raising pigs, but reduced the crops.

She is now aged 35, and the only currently alive descendant from Edgar Otto de Sür-Blyth, but not yet married. Because there is a chance she will need a wheel chair while still rather young, just like her mother and her mother again, she worries that her active time might be up pretty soon.

These days the farm has just 3 Farm Rights (Sage, Strawberries and Avocado) and cows are gone. She still has 2 farm workers staying at the farm from Spring to Fall. They are normally students or fresh farmers learning from the practice.

The big question now is whether the Sür-Blyth family will survive another generation.

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