Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

I'm no longer on Tumblr! I refused to give all their 3rd parties unlimited access to my computer. Link still works, but no updates.

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday 10 February 2020

Nobility project: History, Coat of arms, High Orders and Jewelry

Oh my! I'm abroad at the time, far away from my game. But what do you do when you can't access your save? Planning ahead of course!

Or back. This Winter I started creating a detailed background for my community. I already have a couple noble families, mainly Duke de Cavalier and Lady de Sür-Blyth, but I wanted to know their background. Not just one geration, but five! Or ten, even! And my oh my - one thing can certainly lead to another!

I used a spread sheet to get the history right for the entire noble system of my region ++, this includes titles and who were sovereigns at what time. It includes names and DNA on all babies born, as family lines are important when it comes to heritage. And it also includes when there was a war or a peaceful period, as well as bigger events to each household like big house fires, failed produce and who were bestowed a new order title. It's notes for a full fleshed history book, that I might post more about later, as I think many simmers would enjoy writing their own game's history book.

I started at year 0 intending to reach my current save year 222, AND the plan was of course to have some of the many peerages expire because of politics or lack of heirs - when I started I had no idea who would make it all the way up to my current time. I use both DNA and a dice to decide development. Some houses are fortunate, others are less lucky and one already expired due to bankruptcy. There was a huge revolution along the way, limiting the nobility's privileges, and I'm currently at year 150 and this far only 2 or 3 houses are gone, so my noble community is still quite massive. At the most active period there were about 30 noble houses. My goal is to have only 5-10 noble houses in the end, including several low nobility Lords with hardly any power. A couple Dukes and some Barons with a little higher status.

I mentioned that one thing leads to another. Because I also had to create each house's coat of arms, this also sets their signature color. On some occasions they were even adjusted when a new head reached top of the house. But that's not all. All high nobility houses have their own Orders, meaning they can bestow knights and ladies of their order. Some orders have 2 or 3 classes, including sashes and brooches to wear for gala ceremonies. All this is still only in my spreadsheet, but I'll soon create the stuff for CAS.

Last night I went on a downloading spree for jewelry! In the past I hardly cared about jewelry in my sim games. Some top of the community would wear some necklace or a few extra rings, but I hardly downloaded any custom content for this. But this time around it's different! The old houses do of course have some old heirlooms, jewelry that only this house have access to, and that comes with a long tradition and perhaps even rules for usage. I'm mostly looking for old and historical creations, but my oh my - there exist so many great jewelry designs out there! The above picture is a screen dump displaying some work by NataliS on TSR, well worth to check out! Also MSSIMS is a great source for upper class accessories.

I'll post more about this project at soon as I get back home. I'm pretty sure you like to know more about their orders, coat of arms and jewelry, right?


  1. I think you got your translations wrong, it's called "coat of arms" and not "weapon". A weapon is a gun or a sword. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms

    But I'm very eager to look at the differents coat of arms, families, and orders that you made up. Will they be in the family trees ? For my part, I always have monarchies in my sims games with various nobilities and ties.

    1. Hi! Thanks for the input. Yes, you ae of course right. I used direct translating from my native language, we actually use the wording "weapon" for coat of arms. I'll correct this in my system, better get it right.

      The entire nobility theme is new to me, I never before cared much about it, although I got a couple noble houses in my game. There is also lots of rules and stuff for the titles, heritage, orders etc that I suppose it takes a Master degree to get correct, so I'm just making up my own system, based on how I understand those RL rules in general, but probably with a lot of "short cuts" for simplifying. It's super interesting though seeing how some houses struggles to keep their social position, and it's quite fun starting the hunt for a possible heir. After a few generations there are practically relatives all over the world(s).

      Are your nobilities presented online?

    2. Well, I began a new world with a Witch royalty and I intend to get every non-heir become a king of another neighbourhood. The kids of the non-heirs will be royal dukes and then go down through the generation. It's based on the UK Nobility system and I got inspired by your registry to make the small blog here : https://mondedemoon.blogspot.com It's in French though

    3. That looks great @Frantztztz ! I'll add your blog to my blog roll later, if you don't mind. I like that your portraits are good sized. I need to find a way to rearrange mine. I don't speak French, but I know a little, so I don't mind checking your sims. I visited France about 10 times and also started a class to learn French - very long ago. Love the language, and wish I learned more :)
