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Thursday, 20 February 2020

Duchess Claudine de Cavalier honored with "Order of the Sprout"

[As Days Go By, Y222: House de Cavalier] Looks like my As Days Go By picture posts series skipped a few years! Perhaps my many projects simply got too much for me to handle. All those videos taking most of my time, and always being behind schedule. But I always capture tons of screenshots while playing, intending to share stuff from houses that are not featured in the As Sims Go By series.

Anyways, I figured it's time to move on with the ADGB posts, but to make the task easier (and perhaps less confusing), I'll rather focus on one of my 60(?) households in each post. Then I can post it while I'm on the ball, instead of forgetting all about it one month later. So, to kick it off, here's an update from the highest nobility house in my game, the house of Duke de Cavalier. And, if you got curious to see one of those older picture posts, here's As Days Go By Year 218.

Recently Duchess Claudine Beatrix de Cavalier was awarded the exclusive "Order of the Sprout" for her great work on the Duchess' Botanical Tables, a project she gladly spent 10 years to (almost) complete. The ceremony took place at the Council House and she was very proud for this achievement, because the order, initiated by King Baltazar II 221 years ago, allows for only 10 members at any time - nation wide!

The Duchess wanted to take advantage of the family of 5 being gathered (both Baron Carlopold and Lady Merielle moved out to study), so she arranged for a formal family photo to be taken. Back home at Cavalier Cove they changed into their gala, and below I'll add some info on their regalia. There is no King in my region, so this house might be the closest I'll ever get :)

Duke Aquess Benedict turned 76 this year, but is still with very good health - despite gaining weight. The light purple sash he is wearing is given to members of the highest class of the Brindleton Order, which in fact Aquess is the administrator of. The blue ribbon medal was received from the king when Aquess became Duke. This dukedom actually has a Crown, which he will wear on coronation day, only - that's when the old Duke will step down allowing for the oldest son, the Baron, to step up.

Duke Aquess lead a successful Military career in the past, like head of this house is expected to do (because I still lack the Strangerville pack, I need to pretend). Pretending means the poor old man doesn't get paid any pension, so every time the bills arrive this house gets a bit hectic :) Their savings won't last forever without some ordinary wages to cover those weekly costs. Duke Aquess is 3rd generation Duke here at Cavalier Cove. His grandfather came from the House of Rossie, and got Cavalier Cove from the reigning King. Duke Aquess still has a strong contact with the Duke of Rossie, that is located just outside my Region 12.

Duchess Claudine Beatrix de Cavalier (born Roxenfox, Lady of Lunderclam) is naturally also a member of the Brindleton Order. She has no huge medal from the king, as those medals are reserved the peer, but the Duke gave her the highest class of the Cavalier Family Order. Purple is the primary color of this house, so the family brooch is on purple silk ribbon. Unfortunately the brooch itself, featuring a portrait of Aquess' grandfather, doesn't show correctly on Claudine, I have no idea why, because it shows perfectly on Merielle, and Claudine's body shape isn't even big.

The new medal, "The National Sprout" has green ribbon, and thanks to bad luck I now see that it is hidden behind the text on her photo. It can be seen on the top group photo, though. Such high order medals can be worn on sash or without sash, it depends on the occasion.

The Duchess is also wearing the house's most valuable set of jewelry, there is also a matching bracelet. These shiny things including the tiara are mostly used with gala. I do keep track on history of all jewelry of the nobles, like I know what year this set was bought (Year 98, when this dukedom was introduced. Tiara came 91 years later). I'll save more jewelry details for a future post... :)

Duchess Claudine has been one of  my favorites of this house, probably because she organizes the huge castle garden (you got a glimpse of it in my ASGB video series (Season 2, Episode 1). She has now reached 70 and will still be good for many years, I hope.

Here's the future Duke, Baron Charlopold Demistris de Cavalier. He became a member of the Brindleton Order on his teen birthday, but he just grew up and has no honors or medals yet. He started his University degree this Fall, and is currently residing at the Mossy Lane Dorm in Gibbs Hill, run by Region 12. He is not very happy with the conditions though, let's see if not the Duke himself will suggest improvements to the dorm in the next ASGB episode!

Charlopold studied at Windenburg Business High School. He loves to head to Granite Falls for angling. He is single, and he might be in no hurry because he plans 3 more years in Britechester, and then he will focus on a Military career (better get that pack by then!). There are rumors he just got a non-nobility girlfriend, which is not exactly what a future Duke should aim for, but there's nothing official and not even his parents were told yet. When he returns to Cavalier Cove in a few years, I assume this castle will become his.

Here's Lady Merielle de Cavalier, aged 29. She graduated from Windenburg Business High School this Summer, and still resides in Oldtown there. She is single, and has not yet decided whether she will move out or stay at the castle for a few more years. There is a tradition where the oldest Lady of the house will reside the tower room for as long as she is single. Will Merielle keep up with that tradition? She wants to go to University, but I believe nothing was decided yet.

She is not a member of the Brindleton Order, as there can never be more than 10 members, and the  Duke would need to spend those membership opportunities wisely. Membership is lifetime, so if everyone live a very long life there might not even be openings for Baron Charlopold's future family to wear that pale purple sash. Lady Merielle got the highest grade of the Family Order though, and on her picture above you can see what the brooch looks like. I might show a closeup in a future post. Highest class is reserved for those residing at the castle, so if Merielle decides establishing elsewhere (not counting a dorm), she will keep her order but no longer wear the highest class (there is a minor visual detail that differs).

Finally, Lord Leon Demitris de Cavalier is still a teen, and he seems to choose a life far away from the nobility. He is number 2 in line to this dukedom, but is aiming for a career in showbiz! He loves acting, and is currently a student at the private Showbiz Academy High School, where global star Judith Ward is both Principal and biggest owner.

Leon has no regalia at all. The Family Order is only given to women, the only exception might be male servants deserving a honor if serving the house for 25 years or more. When Leon grows up his father might find him worthy to the Brindleton Order, though (the sash). We'll have to see if an Actor can get accepted...

Duke Aquess might be retired from his regular career, but he still spends hours in his old study every day. Being head of this house include lots of administration, although most details are delegated to the butler. Duke Aquess is not much involved with politics, but he maintains all connections to other high nobility families, and of course to the Council. His niece, Lady de Sür-Blyth, is Hood Contact for Cavalier Cove. He might need to help her finding a good spouse, because she doesn't seem capable of doing so herself, and it's important to nobility that all houses have processors.

The Duke started a senior career as an Author, and already published several books. It brings in some royalties, and he loves expressing his talent writing both historical reports and children's books.

Duchess Claudine is also keeping herself busy most days, here in her office with a splendid view to the castle gardens. Her main task is of course to manage the household, and every Monday morning she plans the weeks with the two live-in servants, the Butler and the Cook. She will officially represent the house at some events like public lot openings or historical jubilees, and she is of course helping the Duke building their network and alliances. Being the highest nobility of Region 12, they get many requests and invitations.

Spring, Summer and Fall she can be found in the impressive castle garden either organizing, arranging flowers or plain gardening. The Cook helps harvesting and fertilizing when the Duchess needs assistance. Every Summer they open the garden to the public, as they arrange the traditional Castle Garden Fair. She also is the hostess at several formal dinners given at the castle.

Finally, the two live-in servants who spend most of their day in or near by the kitchen. Cook Emma Sherwood (76) has served this house since she was widowed 10 years ago. Butler Mehdi Mandir (64) joined this house 18 years ago. Mandir is in charge of cleaning and repairing (whenever there is loads of work he might hire some assistance), and he is also overseeing the daily menu. They have each their bedroom and a shared bathroom, next to the kitchen.

Periodically there is a 3rd live-in servant, the Gouvernante, but at the moment there there are no children around, and no need for such assistance.

So, now you know a bit more about the high nobility House de Cavalier :) I'm tagging these posts with #Familyname, making it easy (for me) to look back.

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