Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Desperately wanting The Sims 4 Create A Sim Demo?

The Sims 4 will reach our gaming computers on September 2nd - hey, that's only 6 weeks ahead! I don't plan to leave The Sims 3, due to my many ongoing stories taking place in worlds I created myself, AND tons of downloaded content, both EA made and custom content made by fans.

 But I can have BOTH! :)  Any way, I will of course check what The Sims 4 is like. Maybe I'll put together a few short stories too, that would be fun, just not as dedicated as those stories already running.

Last week EA sent out an invite to many simmers for testing the upcoming Create A Sim tool (CAS). The community is already raving about unfairness and the word Demoless is established on forums. The pick of testers were random, but still people think they got the right to be picked because they played so and so long, or spent so and so many dollars on the sims series. There's rumors saying EA will send out more invites, in waves even, but nobody knows for sure.

Meanwhile I do check my email frequently. Because I'm demoless, too. At first I couldn't recall which addy I registered with Origin (EA's game downloading service), and thought it might have been a long gone addy. Then I found that on my Origin settings I had not even allowed EA to send me anything. Jeez, first I felt left out, then it turned out I was the one who had left out EA...

So, if you are still waiting for your CAS Demo invite, make sure that your Origin settings are correct ;). You need to tick that EA can send the sims related information to your email.

Edit July 16: You can now sign up with EA to test the The Sims 4 CAS Demo! Go here!

PS: I'm pretty good at creating sims - check back to see how I will manage in TS4 - whenever I get my invite, that is :)

Related links:
Read about The Sims 4
Check out simmers The Sims 4 CAS Demo creations
Info at SimsVIP
Info at Snooty Sims

1 comment:

  1. Just added that you can now sign up with EA to test the CAS Demo! It's not granted you will get the invite, but it's obviously a better shot!
