So, my stories take place in two different communities; Town of Galucca and Magna Island (aka Maccaroni Island). Although I focus on a handful households, I prefer to keep track on all residents. Just to make sure that bi-characters will be as real as possible with correct family situation, the right tie to the community's history, the right profession etc.
All together there must be near 100 households to check on! I use one spreadsheet per town to keep track on it all. I don't like the game's story progression, because I prefer controlling everything myself. Mostly I make sure that all families reproduce, that all careers in town are covered, and that grown up children who are not taking over the family home will move out to marry. I also adjust everyone's outfits after a birthday, to match their financial status (I need both rich and poor families in my towns). The notes of future birthdays etc, allows me to stop by each house only when needed, and it's not really a problem if I delay a stop either.
I use just one column per household, and one line per year. When a baby is born I'll make a note including parents and a few extra genetics that I made up in addition to the game's DNA system. A few colour codes make it easier for me to say find all unmarried sims who are "up for grab", because of their pink text on the year they reach Young Adult stage.
Lately I came up with a new time span in order to manage it all. Previously I mostly played with aging on, and when telling a story it would often become some hectic day because so much had to happen all over town, not always affecting the story's update at all. Now I've decided to turn aging off, focusing more on playing out everyday matters, focusing more on the residents' relations and dreams, rather than community development. So, I'll basically play with aging off, but will age everyone up one year whenever I'm ready for it, normally within 7 simdays. All my worlds will be aged accordingly, making sure they all go by the same year count.
Each season will last for 3 sim years. If I want to explore one season more, I'll just wait longer until I age up my worlds. Maybe the seasons will follow my real life seasons, but that's not very important.
All in all, these changes will give a more relaxed time span, and I can actually play a household which I normally don't play, for a full simday, without ruining any bigger plans. I think it will be great!
How do you keep track on all your sims?
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