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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Seagull Cottage - Ch 16: Invitations

[Year count 200]   Cathrina and Alexander Wooblershield already got some routine running their little bed & breakfast! Today Ms Burgina Kess is leaving!

Burgina Kess: Byee! I might stop by some time!

Cathrina: Travel safely!

After Ms Kess left, there are currently no guests! As soon as the breakfast was put away, there were fewer chores than on a normal day, now that all 4 rooms are vacant. So, Cathrina and Alexander rushed up to the little study to check another page of great auntie Gloria's old diary.

"I put Gabriel's toys back in his old room. I sat there for a couple hours today. I imagine he is out there flying on silky wings, high up there looking down on us. Some days I think I can see him outside!"

Cathrina: Oh... I didn't quite realize that Gabriel too might be a seagull! This is getting creepy, Alex!

Alexander: Keep in mind that most of this is what you think, not what you read... there's no way a boy can turn into a seagull anyway. Read on, sweet...

"It's been a while. I'm old but still with good health. It's just becoming a little harder to run Seagull Cottage, but as long as we are two, we'll find a way. I'm thinking of Gabriel every day. I love to imagine him running this place as an adult, surrounded by his own family. The first owner to be born here... but it will of course never happen. Who will now care to bring on our life work?"

Cathrina: And now we are here! Auntie, do you know that we are here? Not born here, but at least relatives!

Alexander: Relatively... one of us, that is...

Cathrina: Here's more... police... listen!

"Mr. Sculler, policeman, was here again. I served him tea and told nothing. I decided to get rid of the old Journal of Black Magica. That book brought nothing but sorrow. The MSW is no longer active now that our neighbour Vepsula Silver is dead. I'll bury the book in the garden during the next full moon. I know, it's not sane, but I like to have some ritual for it."

Alexander: It's hard to explain, but in a way I don't fancy these desk seagulls a lot.

Cathrina: What do you mean...?

Alexander: I get a feeling they... no... well, nothing...

Cathrina: Wow, Alex, that looks great!

Alexander: Yeah, I figured they used to be white, and yes, it looks so much better. I think the fence need some paint as well, just not sure about the colour...

Cathrina: Alex, I got a great idea. It's time we invite all neighbours here at Moon District, even those we didn't meet yet. Now that we have no guests might be a good time. What do you say? Tomorrow? We could serve a buffet and some nectar...

Alexander: Uhm, sure... I'm not working until the day after, timing seems good.

Cathrina: Let's go invite them! As soon as you are done painting that last chair!

Cathrina: Hello there! We're the new neighbours at Seagull Cottage!

Albrech Moonster: Hello? Uhm, I'm Albrech... Moonster.

Cathrina: Ah, you are the Angler? The library man told me to see you! I think we are distant relatives!

Alexander: Ah, two cats!

Cathrina: My mother's maiden name was Moonster! Her mother again was born here in Galucca. She was sister to Gloria Moonster!

Albrech Moonster: Oh, you now all... of Gloria's story then...?

Cathrina: Not really... did you know her?

Albrech Moonster: Of course, but she was old when I grew up, she visited a few times, but I never visited her. She visited my dad Milton, they were cousins.

Cathrina: Really? Is he... around?

Albrech: Neh... I mean, dad is very old and sick, he sleeps all day and can no longer talk.

Albrech Moonster: If... we were not related, I mean if I didn't know, I would still have felt that we were of something... in common, you and I...

Cathrina: Uhm... oh, well... did you know that my hubby Alexander also keeps a cat?

Albrech Moonster: Yes I knew... Brad Kragger told me... his snake almost ate your cat once... in your garden... I know he never told you.

Couple hours later they had stopped by at all the houses of the district, invited to the gathering, or at least left a note.

Alexander: So many strange people around here... and they all knew Gloria.

Cathrina: We're finally on our own Alex! Do you realize there are nobody else but us in the cottage right now!

Alexander: Mmmmmm... sweet silly, you taste good! Even after the dried fish candy we were served.

Cathrina: Oh, someone's at the door! Not now!

Cathrina: Yes? How can I help you?

Pauline Detester: Argh, let us inside, for instance! We need beds for two adults and two toddlers!!

Hector Detester: ... and a nice little doggie, please!

Pauline Detester: If you tell us that you don't have available rooms, I'll make you change your mind! A-ha, Hector, don't you recognize the gas station guy! He's in there!

Hector Detester: And we need you to kindly fetch our luggage at the gas station. You helped us storing it there. That was so nice of you!

Alexander: But we got no car...

Pauline Detester: No car? Have you never heard the taxi-word, young man? And you... we need our rooms right away! You have no idea how tired one gets from having no room all day! I even missed my rest!

Hector Detester: But, you did take a nap on that nice bench in the park, Pauline...

Pauline Detester: 3 beds will do!

Hector Detester: And perhaps a paper or some old box for little Sabby, if possible?

Cathrina: *sigh*

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