Well... another day was on at Seagull Cottage... Alexander got a large bird's cage and managed to catch the Cockatoo that so frequently visited their garden. Cathrina thought it was a good idea, especially after learning that their neighbour Brad Kragger's snake was still hunting in the cottage garden.
Their cat, Tina Baby, was naturally interested in the bird, too!
Alexander: Chiii-chiii-chiii
Tina Baby: Moarrrrrrrr (wanting to eat you, birdie!)
Cathrina: Hello? Cathrina speaking...
Margreta Gripp: Hello, it's Margreta! Cathrina, I got news for you! Can you talk?
Cathrina: Sure...?
Margreta Gripp: I'm at the library, I've been researching for a couple days... I found something interesting, thought you'd like to know...
Cathrina: Shoot...
Margreta Gripp: Well, maybe you already knew... I found that you are related to the Pettonta family... Count Gustav Pettonta at the castle... Hello? Hello? Are you there?
Cathrina: What... Uhm... I had no idea, but... are you serious?
Margreta Gripp: Serious as can be! But that's not all... this alsomakes you a descendant from Lady Esphella Pettonta... that's the woman who was thrown into a deep well long ago... she founded the MSW group that you and Alexander asked me about the othe day!
Cathrina: Oh... is that good or bad?
Margreta Gripp: I'm not sure, Cathrina... it might be quite bad news, actually. I think you shall not tell anyone... there might still be some conflict... not saying you are in danger, but there might be reasons they don't want you here! Not wanting to scare you, just keep quiet and there won't be much of a risk, you know! I'll contact you again tomorrow to tell you more!
Cathrina: The Pettontas not wanting me here, or? Uhm... risk?
Then Margreta hung up, and someone else claimed Cathrina's attention...
Pauline Detester: Mrs Seagull, if you can separate yourself from your cell phone for one minute, I'd like a word with you!
Cathrina: Yes? I'm right here. Won't you sit down to eat you breakfast?
Pauline Detester: Definitely not! These are simple toasts! I told you last night that I want ice-cream for my breakfast! And you ignored my wish, just like that?
Hector Detester: Pauline, this is fine! Mrs Wooblerhield, everything is very nice and we slept well! The coffee is nice, Pauline, please join me! This is the only meal you get until we get settled in our new home later today...
Pauline Detester: This IS bad, it reminds me of a horrible grilled cheese painting. I demand that we get lunch that is better than this!
Hector Detester: *Cough-cough*
Luckily - someone was at the door. Limrick Sculler, the Policeman walked right in...
Limrick Sculler: I stopped by to see if everything is alright. So, is everything alright?
Alexander: Yes, shouldn't it be?
Limrick Sculler: Well... you might have heard the story... the former owner of this place? We had some cases to solve back then... ehm, so I just stopped by to check.
Alxander: Well, we are fine. Just fine!
Pauline Detester: No, we're not fine! Not at all. First I got a terrible blue room, then I couldn't sleep all night, thanks to those noisy birds outside!
Cathrina: It's hatching season, Mrs Detester...
Pauline Detester: At 2 AM? Nonsense!
Alexander: We have decided to reopen this common room to the locals, just like we heard it used to be. Would we need to arrange anything formal... paperwork, you know?
Limrick Sculler: Ah, yes, this place used to be pretty busy, I heard... No, you won't need to register any community activity, it's alright that a bed & breakfast allows locals to stop by. I live not too far away, I might stop by to check again some day! Good day!
Pauline: Good? Did you say GOOD?
Well... the Detesters agreed they should gather their stuff from the 3 rooms they had rented, and meanwhile Cathrina and Alexander hurried upstairs to check the old diary. Yesterday they read about how Grand Auntie Gloria Moonster was getting old, so how did she fare?
Cathrina: We almost read it all, Alex. I don't really want it to end.
"Some days ago I buried the old Magic book under the big pink rose shrub. How strange, now the rose has turned all black! It's quite unique. Lodger Edith Jones told me that she never saw roses this black! She asked where I bought it, and I lied and said I got it from a ship in the harbour."
Cathrina: A black rose? I never saw her black rose in this garden...
Alexander: Might have been one of those neglected plants, then... More?
Cathrina: Yes... well, this seems to be a few years later. Her handwriting is getting way harder to read.
"I keep forgetting to write... I'm a widow by now, Ludwig left me last year... I can do nothing but wait for my own time... I only have one lodger currently, and finances are going downhill. The place needs attention, but I can't afford any upgrades. Neither can I fix anything myself. I can hardly walk... Ah, the black rose... it died after a couple years. I can only blame myself. Or the seagulls did it! Or Gabriel did it! Revenge! Today a noisy group of gardeners marched into my garden to inspect the black rose! I sent them away!"
Alexander: She must be quite old... any dates?
Cathrina: No dates... might be less than 10 years ago.
"Lodgers are hard to find. Mr Hank Hoonk in the blue room for his second period. He loves my burnt waffles. Unfortunately I can't make him connect, because I can't find the little golden box. I'm pretty sure I got 2 or 3 feathers left, just enough for a last treat. Such a pity Gabriel is not able to help. I talk with him every day in the garden. I worry what will happen to Seagull Cottage when I'm gone... I miss Ludwig. And Gabriel. What more is there to miss?"
Cathrina: Poor Gloria! I think she had no idea why some spell turned out all wrong for those feathers. But she obviously knew the effect by now... I think it's strange that we didn't find that tiny golden box. The box that she stored those feathers in...
Alexander: If it's very tiny, It might be anywhere. Did you look in the garden? Maybe she buried it like she buried that book, and forgot that she did?
Alexander: You really are serving those troublemakers lunch? The old man is polite and nice, but that horrible woman, can't we just ask them to leave? They got what they paid for already...
Cathrina: And the two girls are cute, so is the dog. If it could only stop farting.
Alexander: So, why not just let them leave?
Cathrina: Well, I noticed the grumpy woman dislikes grilled cheese even more than regular toasts, so I'm serving her some for lunch... grilled cheese.
Alexander: Oh, you are playing with fire again, Cathy. You don't really know what she might be up to...
But well... we'll need to just imagine how Pauline Detester liked her lunch. The Detesters left Seagull Cottage B&B five minutes after the grilled cheese was served, to put it that way...
And we will see Moon District's locals flocking to the place. Recently Cathrina and Alexander invited all their neighbours to stop by. It's time to meet more of them! There, to the left we see late Vespula Silver's son Ryan Silver and his wife Alma (Onioon) Silver arriving from the upper trail. And near the stairs are next door guy Brad Kragger and Burgina Kess, and Albrech Moonster. And over there with the car... is it Emma Hydront? But she doesn't even live in Moon District, so why would she feel like she should attend a hood meet and greet?
Cathrina: It's so nice to meet you both! We tried to stop by earlier, but didn't find you at home.
Alma O. Silver: Oh, I'm glad that someone moved in here. I'm pretty new here at Moon District, but Ryan grew up here.
Ryan Silver: Yes, I did. When my mom died, I inherited the house just up the hill.
Cathrina: Uhm, your mom was Vespula Silver, right? Leader of some... local organization?
Ryan Silver: No! I mean, yes she was my mom!
Cathrina: Okay...? Well, today I just learned there is a castle in Galucca. A Count lives there, I had no idea. Did you ever go to the castle?
Rayan Silver: No! We will never go there!
Cathrina: Oh... uhm... well, we like it here at Moon Trail. We're even getting used to the noisy seagulls. I guess all of you locals are used to them since long...
Ryan: No we are not... there's no seagulls up the hill, just here, and probably down at Moonster Dock, too, and at the Nest, of course.
The big guy wearing all white is Rufus von Plumbob, you might recall him from the Fish Market down on the Harbour. His wife and kids couldn't come, and I'm not sure that he enjoyed himself a lot either.
The woman next to him is mom to the two kids, the family where Cathrina got the kitten some weeks ago.
Cathrina: Hi, kids. Didn't you get some lemonade yet? Alexander will make you some!
Sonia: No, because we don't want any!
Aron: We didn't come to drink lemonade!
Sonia: Have you got any kids yet?
Cathrina: Uhm, no. Not yet. I remember you were looking for other kids to play with the last time you stopped by here. But that is less than a month ago, and it takes a little bit longer to have kids.
Aron: But couldn't you just hurry up?
Sonia: Then the only reason why I'm still your friend is that we know your cat. Can we see Tina Baby, please?
Cathrina: Sure, let's look for her!
Well, the event went on, most of the guests were kinda satisfied, and Cathrina and Alexander got to greet everyone, of course. Then guests left, and there was some heavy knocking on the front door...
Cathrina: Eeek! (visitor having crazy looks and even all black eyes!)
Alexander: Oh... Yes?
Fernando 1-58: Hello, I'm Master Fernando 1-58. I heard you reopened this place, and it's my prophecy to stop by!
Alexander: Well, hello... do you work at the Town Hall, or?
Fernando 1-58: No. I'm Master. I reside at Pettonta Castle.
Cathrina: Oh... eh... uhm, well, we were just about to call it a night...
Fernando 1-58: You are not locals? Where from?
Cathrina: No, no, we are not locals, we moved in from the city of... the city. Not so long ago.
Fernando 1-58: Planning to stay?
Alexander: Yes.
Fernando 1-58: Be greeted. We'll meet again!
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