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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Gloomville Diaries - gen 1 - ch 32 - Collectors

They had their family painting painted by the talented artist, Vince Ramerez, but there are other issues on Ochana's mind these days. They are desperately short of money, and the only bathroom they got, not even with room for a sink, can't serve six sims much longer.

Ochana was out in the garden inspecting some splined plants. If they only could turn this into a family business. Selling flowers! But no, she had no idea to grab such an idea.

Besides the garden was more or less Miranda's duty. Ochana thought of something else though, and gathered the 4 children in the dining room.

She told them they all had to help traising some money.

- Each of you will go out there to collect whatever values you can find. Harvest, dig, explore! Bring those items back home, and tomorrow we'll see if it helps us adding a second bathroom, finally!

- Yay, Edith & Paula shouted. - Another bathroom! It's on time!

- So, go out there! Make sure you visit different hoods!

Ochana felt a bit like a Super Sim, giving those instructions. Aw, in this very room the Sims by Nymbers Show participants used to gather for their morning meetings!

A little later Miranda, Pivian and Edith were in the kitchen, reading and doing their homework.

- You guys realize the heir thing coming up soon? asked Edith. - I'm oldest, and if I get this house when I marry, the rest of you will need to move elsewhere.

- Well, I guess you won't get the house until Paula and I grow up, too, said Pivian.

- I wouldn't place a bet on that, Edith replied.

Edith's twin sister Miranda was only a few minutes younger. She had worked hard on the garden ever since she became a teenager, while Edith mostly spent her nights telling silly jokes at the club.

- Nothing is decided yet, she said and scratched her ear.

Miranda often visited Muggerdale hood, that's where her friend, Alan Mugger resides at his little farm. Miranda ran down there to look for collectibles.

She harvested a few of the plants in the community area.

Leaving most of them to the locals, though.

Then she found some minerals near a very strange, old tree.

Eventually she gave in, and knocked on Alan Mugger's door.

Edith chose to do her search at Upperton hood. She had been there a few times, she preferred the style up there, and the houses were great. Of course she would bring back home some collected stuff, after all they would get a second bathroom!

But first she wanted to visit the Bootwig family. Their son, Hugo Constantin Bootwig, already grew up and was no longer attending school. Edith had no idea why she wanted to see him, because he was the kind of nerd she normally ignored. Was it the size of the Bootwig house?

Knock, knock. Hugo opened and Edith walked inside.

Pivian never requested a bigger bathroom, and he realized that he would probably not inherit the house anyway, so why should he spend a day collecting funds?

Well, he did anyway, and he did it with great pleasure. Pivian loved to collct stuff, he wanted to discover the unique finds! He went to Gloom Garden and started the hunt right away.

His favourite was there wild frogs. Once growing up he hoped to either work with biology, or to run a zoo, or anything in between.

Ochana was a little surprised to find Paula resting in the living room, while her 3 siblings were all about collecting stuff.

- Shouldn't you been somewhere else, Paula?

- Oh, you mean at work? I'm on duty tonight, I know, but just updating my simbook status first, you know.

- No, I meant shouldn't you be out there collecting something? Ochana asked.

- Oh that! Paula laughed. - I already brought in my collection, a lovely blue and yellow easter egg! I'm sure it's worth quite a lot!

Well, Ochana couldn't force Paula to go out to look for more. Maybe the others returned back home with just one piece each, anyway. So, Ochana walked up to the attic to practice her writing.

She felt almost ready to start writing her volume for the Gloomville Diaries. A few more days practicing and then she would make some solid effort!

The next day they all placed their findings on the living room floor.

Oh, this is great! cheered Ochana. - I'd be surprised if these objects can't bring in enough for a new bathroom!

- When will it be built, mum? Edith asked eagerly.

- Hard to say, said Chad. - But we'll start right away! Now off to sell all this stuff for a good price!

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