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Monday, 7 January 2019

Get Famous: Notable Newcomer

I just grabbed the Get Famous EP on sale, waiting this long because I know I will not play celebrities. I prefer normal sim lives, or even community matters. But, isn't a fame system part of a community? I don't know yet if the system will work well outside the sims' Hollywood, but i will find out.

While I will mostly focus on my regular sims where of some might deserve a little fame - like painters, musicians, writers, critics, politicians and a few with more custom types of careers. For now I'm just taking a round allowing a few residents build their 1st star.

There is one resident who it feels natural to give a shot for the Plumbob Studios of Del Sol Valey; namely Penny Pizzazz. In my game Penny has been modeling for at least 10 years, so I don't mind her trying out some acting as well.

I want her to gain minimum 3 fame stars in the long run.

She has been collected some fame from singing karaoke and performing comedy, but she is still far from her first star. So, she quit her Trend setter job and signed up with one of the film industry's agencies, and got herself an audition that she probably nailed.

She traveled to Blumbob Picture's Studios in Del Sol Valley to do a commercial. It's an impressive build, and the surrounding area is so nice and detailed that I really would like to walk outside our limited lot area.

First off to the makeup and costumes. I took a while to figure this out, because when Penny had got some blue hair, I wanted her to move on to costumes.

The makeup obviously needed another go to get her hair and makeup right...

Then it was time to visit the costume. I was a tad disappointed with how sparse these rooms were decorated. I'm working as an actor myself, and even on very temporary set locations, the crew will need lots more stuff to do their job.

Well, Penny got her costume on and walked on to tell the Director that she was ready. Doing this for the very first time was a bit weird, just like being a bit nervous :)

Penny has her goals ready, so she also likes to make an impact on everyone she meets. So, she took the time to smalltalk a little with the Director, something a RL Director never would have accepted from, a newcomer, LOL. Then I suddenly realized there was nobody but myself to watch the clock, I had probably wasted enough time on small talk, after all I had no idea how long the acting and filming would take.

Penny walking onto stage for the first time. I love how the studio is built, by the way!

A little scared and nervous, are we? ;)

Well, she picked the risky line, and gave it all. Best mood is said to be Confident, but she was just Happy. I gamled on that her level 6 Charisma would make up for any acting mistakes, her Acting is only 2.

I loved how the crew gathered to view the performance, exactly how it normally works on a real set. Each of them had specific jobs, like operating camera, special effects and so on. On a real set everyone will keep eye on whatever is their responsibility, like props, light, sound etc.

On to the wheel thing. It felt like the soap display was in the way, but we don't know what's going on inside the Director's head. There will normally be a plan behind every little detail, and the fresh actor is not meant to debate it at all.

Final step was the mop, I think Penny did pretty well.

Then the job was completed, and when Director raises fist and cheers, you know it was not terrible. In real life they normally say nothing when it's still good, LOL. She got silver, and earned her first fame star!

I was happy to see that Penny was allowed to stay on the lot after the job was done.

She talked with most of the background actors, she is on their level now. But she also took the chance to check on trends on some of the equipment (video recording stuff?). Before she started the Trend setter career, she was aiming to become an Internet Personality. Trends were always interesting to Penny, and my vague plan is that she might return to trend setting once she done some acting.

Did your Penny Pizzazz try acting yet?

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