Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 13 September 2021

The Free Will Show - Final Episodes this Fall!

I never gave it a serious thought until today; but The Free Will Show might actually be among the longest running The Sims shows ever created! Ha, now that it all will be over in just 3 episodes, I must admit that I can't hide my excitement for it to end.

When the show started more than 3 yeas ago (August 2018), I was expecting to produce 10+ episodes mostly to explore the Free Will mechanics of The Sims 4. Honestly, the free will dynamics are not all that great, at least they require that you direct the sims occasionally, otherwise they mostly focus on their basic needs. It took several seasons of the show to see the first hug between two contenders! Hardly anyone ever flirted, and nobody put up a fight - ever.

From season 4 I had to implement the red lamps simply to make sure that the show would eventually end. Right now all the four contenders have 3 lit lamps each, meaning there will be one contender kicked out in every coming episode! So, in just 3 more episodes we will know the winner! The winner gets to keep the Free Will House that is located in Brindleton Bay and becomes a resident of my Region 12. In addition, she or he gets §1,000 for every single point of their final score!

Making all these episodes made me learn to appreciate all 4 of the contenders. They have unique personalities, which might be a tad hard to discover if you watched just a snip of a few episodes along the road. I can't wait to see who will move into the house, will it be Charles, Brenda, Sonia or Ramona?

I think Jane Gargoyle is super cool, too, but she is not a contender. She moved in this season to stir things up a bit - and because I wanted to know how vampires on free behaves. She is so cute when she  can't control her plasma desire, but very  clearly she is ashamed that she get these thirsty drifts. Biting a contestant will not only drain their blood, but also their score... Luckily there seems to be just one biting per episode, but none of the 4 can feel safe. The bit by Jane might very well decide who shall get the lowest episode score, and by that will need to lit their 4th red lamp...

The first episode of the main show aired January 2019, but before that there were 4 intro heats to find the 6 contestants. The entire idea was born with the first heat, "Hug Craze edition" (4 episodes) which was kind of hilarious as sims back then hugged way too often as result of a bug. This was followed by the "Cook &  Clean edition" (4 episodes), the "Pets edition" (2 episodes) and the "Monster edition" (1 episode). Jane Gargoyle participated in the latter, but did not win (and - she was not evben a vampire back then...).

Originally the Free Will Show had 6 contenders, but Don Trotter and Andrew Green were kicked out long ago. This coming week one more contender will have to leave the house - there's no escape. The upcoming episode is not yet in production so I have absolutely no idea who that will be. Stay tuned if you like to find out :)

The entire show is on my Youtube channel.


  1. It's been great watching Charles in your Sim universe. I can sympathise with your feelings on free will in the game. I do agree it could be improved but have definitely enjoyed the show and all the work you put into creating the videos. Thank you for the opportunity to see our Sims in your game. :)

    1. Hi Flethro, it's been great knowing someone keeping an eye on the show :) I just completed episode 24 which will release tomorrow - and because a contender finally died (not talking of cowplants this time), TWO contenders leaves the show!!! With two left, the 25th episode (next week) will be the very last. After all this time I'll miss it (a tiny bit).

    2. Adding - I have a feeling that the latest patch(es) affected the free will - they behave slightly differently, but that might also be caused by being more tense with Temperance around, dunno...

  2. Wow, they are dropping like flies now! I'm on the edge of my seat. Also, I wanted to thank you for your reply about how you created your resident registry. I've relearned some basic HTML and CSS in the last week to create my own little registry (that is based on yours) but it's just an offline website for me to refer back to. Haven't touched JavaScript yet, but might look into it down the track. :)

    1. That's great to hear! Glad you find a way to program it, and let me know if it ever goes online! I wish some registries like these were integrated with the game for automatic updates, but guess it's too late in the series now.
