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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 29 August 2022

Amailia Luxe-Hamper Hoffstar moves to Tartosa

(Year 229) Chateau Peak announced that His Majesty King Tarriot's half sister, Amalia Ellice Luxe-Hamper Hoffstar has celebrated her young adult birthday and moved to Tartosa. There she will stay until further notice at Villa Vigna, which is owned by the Mazaloom Royal Trust.

Amalia Ellice Luxe-Hamper Hoffstar posing in front of the portrait of her mother's parents.

The press release said nothing regarding Amalia's graduation at Summerfield High i Windenburg. Rumors had it that she did rather poorly building character values and only got a B grade, which would not even qualify for the school's diploma.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Y230 Election: The Toughest Battles

(Year 229) With only the Winter until the big Year 230 election is coming up, it's time to highlight a few of the more interesting local battles! Each hood will have its Hood Contact, and normally only in a few hoods there are candidates from all three political parties, RIGHT party, LEFT party and MIDDLE party. Now that the N.A.P. votes are in and the parties have publicized their ranked list of candidates, we finally know who will be running. In 32 hoods there will be minimum one Hood Contact candidate, but only 6 of those hoods will have a full 3 parties battle: Arts Quarter in San Myshuno (Region 12), Sable Square in Brindleton Bay (Region 12), Upperton in Gloomville (Region 12), Oldtown in Windenburg (Region 1), Crafthole Town (Region 4) and Tartosa (Region 3). Let's check out some of them!

In San Myshuno's Arts Quarter LEFT's Anaya Jang is the most merited Politician as she is currently leading the Culture & Entertainment Dept. of The People Chamber.

Abhrin Wusha (58, RIGHT), Anaya Jang (63, LEFT) and Chaos Kessler (35, MIDDLE).

Jang is likely to keep her position as Hood Contact, but also RIGHT party's Abhrin Wusha is a long timer, he might be a serious contender as he was 5 years ago only 4 votes behind Jang.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Sprucewood Prime - Young Students' Favorite

(Year 229) At the moment there are two private boarding schools, one for elementary students in Evergreen Harbor and another for high school students in Windenburg. They are both expensive (§1,000 per year, but with a discount if paying the total before 1st term), so they mainly reach out to high society. Previously I shared tidbits from the general system with uniforms etc, now it's time to stop by for a regular inspection, with info on the building and owners. And, we'll start with Sprucewood Prime!

It should not be necessary to suggest that Sproucewood Prime is extremely popular with the children. The colorful building works like a magnet, and I must admit it was quite fun mashing together crazy colors with no color scheme at all. 

This boarding school intends to be a playful stop in a sim's life, and this part is actually quite controversial, as most high society families are rather old fashioned clinging to the traditional values that brought them up where they are today. How can this school be so popular with the elite when it so obviously breaks with their aesthetics and traditions? Well, when their little Lord learns about Sprucewood Prime from other students, there is no escape. If the Monarch's children can study here, it's very hard for a Duke to explain to his child that this boarding school is no good.

Friday, 12 August 2022

The Royal Palace releases Portrait of Crown Princess Emireza

(Year 229) Chateau Peak has released a new photo of the Crown Princess. Not just a picture, but a collectors' object that can be bought in a limited number of copies at selected galleries and stores all over the kingdom.

The picture shows Crown Princess Emireza (18) carrying the family order that she was given two years ago, and there has already been suggestions the picture might not be brand new.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Sims By Numbers - Reunion Party

(Year 229) You met three of them at the Simmerville Show (episode 2), where the big reunion for the very popular blog show, "Sims by Numbers", was announced as a nice surprise. Guests, Ochana Mox, Ona Rosewood and Toby Twoller Greco were sent off to meet the other five contestants - what a treat 44 years after that old show closed (human year 2014)!

With a short delay, here is the report from their reunion, which was a very nice dinner at Simmerville Studio's entrance café, which was of course closed off for the occasion. Simmerville Studio is located in Gloomville, the same district where the show was run back then. Winner, Ochana Mox, got the house (a slightly shrunk version, that is), and she raised her four children there. The others spread to other districts: Surprisingly more than half of them settled in Oasis Springs, but also some in Newcrest and San Myshuno.

Friday, 5 August 2022

Gossips #2

(Year 229) Antoinette Morck is here to share some more gossip with you!

- Hello, again! I'm planning to base most of my gossips on the celebrity in Del Sol Valley, but you know, after Plumbob Pictures got some serious competition from Simmerville Studio in Gloomville, and both musicians and the acting crew spread all over the kingdom, Del Sol Valley is no longer the only hotspot out there! So, this issue will cover several other districts, and I promise a Del Sol Valley special in my Gossips #3!

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

N.A.P. votes are in!

(Year 229) Every 5 years the N.A.P. vote takes place prior to the main election. This sets the platform for the political program, and also might reveal in what districts each political party stands strong. This weekend the voting was on, and here are the results that will affect us in the years 230-234!

From the N.A.P. voting this weekend.

For this round there are 117 hoods, and the party getting the most N.A.P. wins per region will activate their main N.A.P. in all hoods of that region. In addition each party can activate each of their other N.A.P.s in one hood where that N.A.P. won the vote. Having strong local support might affect the upcoming People Chamber election, as candidates running for Hood Contact in a hood already "NAP'ed" by their own party, will normally grant their candidate some extra votes.