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Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Sims By Numbers - Reunion Party

(Year 229) You met three of them at the Simmerville Show (episode 2), where the big reunion for the very popular blog show, "Sims by Numbers", was announced as a nice surprise. Guests, Ochana Mox, Ona Rosewood and Toby Twoller Greco were sent off to meet the other five contestants - what a treat 44 years after that old show closed (human year 2014)!

With a short delay, here is the report from their reunion, which was a very nice dinner at Simmerville Studio's entrance café, which was of course closed off for the occasion. Simmerville Studio is located in Gloomville, the same district where the show was run back then. Winner, Ochana Mox, got the house (a slightly shrunk version, that is), and she raised her four children there. The others spread to other districts: Surprisingly more than half of them settled in Oasis Springs, but also some in Newcrest and San Myshuno.

The evening was packed with mingling, memorizing, improvised speeches, good food and a few nice drinks for those of the elderly group who managed to stay awake into the small hours.

Let's see how their lives turned out! Small right side inserted picture is how they looked at the time of the show, 44 years ago. One did not fulfill the hotel dream, while another's daughter just married o a Duke! We asked them a set of questions and here are their answers:

Mother of a Duchess

44 years ago she came 2nd, only 55 points short. Ona's chore during the show was Handy(wo)man - she had to repair anything that was broken. She was quite happy with the show ending. Her plan was to become a Pro Athletic, but instead she started a home based flower business, and married her daughter off to the Duke von Windenburg!

Name and address: Ona Rosewood (85), Dusty Turf in Oasis Springs
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: Getting a few hours off to visit the Gym at Gloomville's commercial area.
Career: Florist, home based.
Family: I married Josue (Egan) Rosewood, and settled next door from where he grew up. We had a daughter Mandy and a son Emerson, they are both moved out. Mandy married the Duke von Windenburg. Hubby Josue made a decent political career including being Region 12 Councilor for several periods.
Favorite life moment: I was quite happy when Duchess de Cavalier (Brindleton Bay) gave me a private tour of her lovely chateau gardens, and accepted my gift of Dahlia flowers, but my best moment must have been  my daughter Mandy's wedding in Windenburg. It gave me no title *shrug*, but it's awesome knowing that one of my grandsons shall some day become the Duke von Windenburg!
Favorite color: I have no typical favorite, but natural green is never wrong.
Future plans: Winding up my florist business, finding out whether my son Emerson or his wife Sofia would like to take over. They are both into ECO stuff, maybe a florist business would match their plans somehow. I had no farm right because that was not needed with flowers, but perhaps I will invest in a produce deed for selling a flower specie or two.

The famous Virtuoso

He came 3rd, and was involved in (but lost) the finale of the big contest on their very last day. His chore was Painter, so he helped decorating the house. When the show ended each of the contenders was gifted one of his paintings. But Toby also played the violin during the contest, and that lead him to become the famous Virtuoso of today.

Name and address: Toby Twoller Greco (78), Nookstone in Oasis Springs
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: The last day is what I remember clearest, first I had a duel with Ochana, then a card game with Aquatore. Right there I thought I would win the show! I also enjoyed my first practice on the violin, of course!
Career: Musician, quite successful. Probably also known for still playing unannounced and for free on the street, despite being able to fill up big concert halls all over SimNation. Sharing my music with those normally not attending a formal concert is important to me!
Family: Married to Natalie Greco Mester Bedrock. Two kids about to grow up. Yes, my wife has a minor title, but we live quite moderately at Nookstone.
Favorite life moment: Giving a concert at Tredony Royal Tybe Hall, with King Tarriot and Queen Venezia as guests of honor. Oh, and daughter Celina claiming to play her first guitar at 4 AM was awesome, too!
Favorite color: Brown.
Future plans: I never made plans, but embraced any opportunity coming my way. I don't see a point in changing that this late in life.

Hood Contact and granddad to be

Quatore came 6th, and despite taking care of all Cleaning during the show, he had a good time. After the show he settled in Newcrest, where he was the Hood Contact for several periods, but never fully explored politics.

Name and address: Quatore Virton (80), Old Crest in Newcrest
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: Being the Sim in Focus sitting in that green chair was always interesting.
Career: Tech Guru career, but never was very ambitious.
Family: Family of 3, was widowed five years ago. Daughter just got pregnant, and I can't wait to meet my first grandchild!
Favorite life moment: Nothing particular.
Favorite color: None, but there is something about Peach.
Future plans: Will just enjoy family life and assist with my daughter's soon to be born baby.

Nature lover

He came 5th and kept working with Culinary. Fabian was Chef on the Sims by Numbers show. Later in life he made sure that children got a chance to learn about nature, through countless hikes into the forest of Granite Falls.

Name and address: Fabian Rumple (83), Nookstone in Oasis Springs
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: I was totally obsessed with all kinds of cooking back then, and I loved serving my food to the others.
Career: Culinary, but never made it as far as I expected.
Family: Married a much older woman, and was widowed 6 years ago. One son who just grew up to take over our humble home.
Favorite life moment: I started a Nature Club for kids, and seeing them enjoy nature hiking always was great!
Favorite color: Green, not sure if it is so because of the color itself, or because I love nature so much.
Future plans: Finding someone to take over the nature club, I'm too old for those nature walks.

Hotel dream never fulfilled

She came 4th and her main chore was Gardening. She did not keep working with plants though, but instead she founded a small hostel in the desert.

Name and address: Fiona Robberton (78), Nookstone in Oasis Springs
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: Not quite sure. To be honest, I mostly longed for the show to end.
Career: Never had a real job, but started Robberton Hostel right after Sims by Numbers. I'm still running it, but it never grew into the big hotel I was dreaming of back then. I also was the local Hood Contact for a few years.
Family: Never married but had a lovely daughter. Charlie likes to help at the hostel, and hopefully she will run the place some day.
Favorite life moment: First guest arriving at Robberton Hostel.
Favorite color: No clear favorite, but Peach is okay.
Future plans: Improving Robberton Hostel while I'm still on duty.

From Comedian to Llama Herder

She came 7th of 8, and her main chore was fishing. Sissela actually made a career of joking about her participation in the Sims by Numbers show. Then she got bored with her old jokes and switched to herding a llama!

Name and address: Sissela Morck (78), Nookstone in Oasis Springs
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: I enjoyed switching between being social and the silence when fishing.
Career: Comedian, member of the club Ha-Ha Comedians. A year ago I bought a llama wool deed, and instead of joking, I started my little wool business. That is, Fluffy (the llama) gets to hear my old jokes occasionally. I guess I was inspired by my daughter Antoinette who left San Myshuno to run a cow farm in Hen ford-on-Bagley. If she could change her life that radically, I could handle the change from Comedian to Llama herder, too!
Family: Partner (another Comedian) and 3 grown up kids. Seven grandchildren so far. 
Favorite life moment: First time the audience laughed of my jokes, and not of me making a fool of myself.
Favorite color: No particular color, although my hubby Johnny often says I prefer silver over gold.
Future plans: Improved llama wool quality, perhaps being able to invest in a second llama. They seem to thrive in the desert and I read that the wool quality won't get harmed by the pollution in our hood.

Culinary Chef with triplets

Otto came 8th and last in the show, which is quite interesting as his looks and outfits (even his name) were all based on the number 8. His chore was to fix parties, maybe that is why he took his family of 6 from Oasis Springs to the pulsating San Myshuno?

Name and address: Otto Adrian (75), Fashion District in San Myshuno
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: All the parties, of course! They were not always successful, but still quite enjoyable. There was something involving a cupcake factory...
Career: Culinary, still works in the fast food industry.
Family: Married one of the Caliente sisters, had four kids including triplet girls. Wife was into politics, but focused even more on her little tomato sauce business.
Favorite life moment: Moving to the city!
Favorite color: I've learned to appreciate light colors, white even. I guess white is not a real color, though.
Future plans: Assisting Dina (wife) with her tomato sauce production. When all kids leave home, we might even look for a house with more room for the home business.

Secret Legacy Diary

Ochana won the Sims by Numbers show 44 years ago, her chore was Accountant. She was recently the main guest at The Simmerville Show (episode 2). She won the SbN Show house, and with it there came a secret project ("the Gloomville Diaries") that Ochana no longer can recall in detail, as it was passed on to one of her 3 daughters (she can't recall which daughter, but probably the one who got the house).

Name and address: Ochana Mox (77), Bon Voyage Retirement Home, Upperton in Gloomville
Best memory from Sims by Numbers: The win of course! It was so exciting because I was only 2nd before the final day. The win was not a landslide, not at all!
Career: Raising four children (two sets of twins) is enough work, but as they grew up I did some canning.
Family: Married Chad (who passed as late as this Fall), two sets of twins and one cat named after the woman who donated the house to the Sims by Numbers show.
Favorite life moment: Sunday breakfast with hubby and four kids were often my golden moments.
Favorite color: I like green, but other colors are good, too.
Future plans: I'm currently residing at Bon Voyage Retirement Home, and I was just widowed. So, at the moment I feel it might be too late for plans, but ask me again next year, please! 

And the Reunion party went on

Back in the days of the Sims by Numbers show there were few TV productions and not so many blog series either. The 8 contestants gained some fame, but those  not continuing to work with entertainment were quickly forgotten. Toby is the clear exception, while Sissela kept at least a local audience.

The party was a great opportunity for them to rememorize but also to learn how life treated each of them. As Ochana put it: - What a splendid treat that we are all still alive!

They decided to form a SbN Club, and to meet every year for as long as they are 3 or more members. Perhaps the final members of the group will guest a future TV show at the age of 100?

The reunion event attracted some curious viewers outside, they kept watching as the dinner went on, as if it was a bonus episode of their long gone favorite TV-show. We'll not reveal who left the reunion first, but it definitely was not Ochana Mox.

The entire Sims by Numbers show can still be seen on this blog! Find the start page and browse the episodes from the episode listing.


  1. I'd loved to know all of them!
    It's amazing to see them reuniting again!
    They had a great time there! Awesome!!! 🤩

    1. They are some of my very first sims back in 2014, and although the were just meant for the project, they stayed in my universe this long. It's crazy they are all still alive, but it won't be long till they go. I know Ochana and Ona the best, the first was also the main character in first season of "Gloomville Diaries", and Ona figured in my video series "As Sims Go By" :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. The throwback ! I love all your stories and your creativity inspires me so much in my game !

    1. Thanks! So glad that you find inspiration for your game! I only wish my days had 48 hrs, there's so many more projects and ideas I'd love to play out.
