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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 14 August 2023

Horse Ranch: The Training Grounds - 1 of 5

Here is the brief story of Chestnut Training Grounds, located at New Appaloosa (The Sims 4 Horse Ranch EP). It will feature several known sims of my Mazaloom kingdom, as they come to borrow a horse to practice their Horse Riding skill, as well as Stian Pratt-Anderson, a Military guy who just wants silence and suddenly finds himself surrounded by numerous horses and an eager Equestrian club! Along the way there will also be some of my findings and comments, because most pictures are taken during gaming sessions, me exploring, normally not following a planned script.

So, this is Stian Pratt-Anderson (56), born and raised locally. Being a Horse Lover he did try Horse riding back in his youth, but he never owned his own horse. With the Championship Rider aspiration, he always wanted to spend more time with these fascinating creatures, but he also is blessed with the High Maintenance trait. How do you combine a well rested soul and perfect toe nails with the hard work of cleaning a stable?

Stian currently rents the small flat at the old Training Grounds, owned by Mazaloom Equestrian Association (M.E.A.). Older locals still refer to the grounds as the Duke's Hall, thanks to a long gone horse named Duke, who won all competitions he entered.

He is no longer a teen. In fact, he is not even a Young Adult. He never found himself a spouse, and - as we shall see - he might not be the easiest going guy in Chestnut town. His career took the Military route, he was quickly transmitted to the Royal Security Staff, meaning he often travels to Del Sol Valley. These days the royal palace has downscaled their ceremonial events (following the recent, hefty budget debate). Stian accepted the offer to take one year off.

This is clearly his chance to follow his personal dream!

So far, so good. The Training Grounds stable is empty, because the place was not ran professionally in quite some time. The building has been used as a meeting point by the M.E.A., with a few social facilities including an old coffee machine and a few puzzle games. Stian has no plans of serving coffee to strangers, instead he will bring in a horse!

He spent hours in his flat searching online for a horse. He already talked to the staff at the next door Equestrian Center, but he found the charge of §1000 a bit heavy. No work for one year, so he will need to watch his budget. A local Rancher advertised a foal for sale, but Stian can't wait years before he starts riding.

Although he always heard of rescued horses coming with rather tough personality due to their past, Stian finally decided to rescue a horse. §250 was not bad, and could the personality be that troublesome? As soon as they built a relation, new and good memories might even overshadow the old ones? Perhaps he would even find a mate into high maintenance, like himself?

He chose an adult Andalusian mare named Tornado. The bright animal looked great, but even more important was that she looked at him in a way that gave him hopes for a good, future relation. She had no skills, but he could deal with that. They had a year to practice whatever they would like to practice. Her traits turned out to be Defiant, Needy and Fearful.

On their first night together, Tornado joined him cooking his dinner in the flat.

Stian realized that he should lock the door, but well - after all it was her first night and he could understand that the stable with room for four horses could feel a bit empty if you are a Fearful and rescued horse.

Tornado seemed interested in the old Windenburg calendar that was left on the wall by former lodger. It said Year 221, which was 10 years ago already, but the photo was still nice. Perhaps Tornado grew up in Windenburg and was longing back home?

He found it wiser to bring her outside. She had to get acquainted to the stable and her new surroundings.

He stood there for a while watching her. She hardly moved, and  he wondered if he actually got himself a sick horse. He filled the hay feeder, luckily some prairie grass was growing on this lot. If it was enough to keep that feeder fill, he would save some costs...

Tornado eventually moved over to the ball, and obviously had some fun playing.

Stian then lead her to her bed in the stable. There were 4 boxes, 2 on each side of the main stable door. He might remove those other 3 beds, rather using the space for something more useful than emptiness.

Then Stian went to bed. He could hardly sleep, wondering if Tornado was still resting in her assigned horse bed or if she had escaped already.

Well, Tornado quickly got used to her new home, and the word spread rapidly: Chestnut Training Ground had horses!

One day a young woman stopped by to borrow Tornado. The woman was Maria Egan (25), resident of Oasis Springs and descending from the native Chestnut tribe. She wanted to practice Horse Riding but didn't have room for a stable at home in Oasis Springs. 

Stian had not yet started riding Tornado, and he was a little skeptical to whether the horse was ready, but why not? If a visitor could take Tornado for a ride, Stian could spend some quality time meditating or fixing his broken right hand nail? He accepted to give it a go.

It did not take much communication before Tornado accepted the young woman to mount, an soon they were off for a relaxed ride.

However, it did not last long until Tornado was tired and had to take a nap. Or wait, where is that woman, did she just leave the sleeping horse?

No, she had interrupted their ride because of a bypassing man that she recognized: The Count Chander of Advorton

She asked to take the count's picture, and he willingly posed for her. Tornado was not the slightest interested in his lordship, most likely she had no idea that he resides the oldest ranch establishment over at Riders' Glen.

Eventually they completed their ride by returning to the Training Grounds. 

Stian realized this could be a smart business idea! He could allow anyone to borrow Tornado for a ride, if they gifted him §500! Tornado would build skills while Stian mended his mental health and perfect nails! After a few weeks he could close the doors to strangers, and focus on winning a few competitions to secure a steady income!

It turned out that Maria Egan was a member of the Equestrian Foals, a club recruiting horse loving sims mainly into Horse Riding as a hobby, but with a chance of entering competitions eventually.

The very next day the club's Leader, Aili Landgraab (46), stopped by! She is born a Lady from the Gloom barony, but now residing in Oasis Springs since many years.

- One of our members informed me that the Training grounds are again providing horses!
- One horse only, Mam,
Stian grunted.
- That is a fantastic start, Pratt-Anderson! I am sure you will fill up this stable quickly! And I have a suggestion!
- Like what?
- Allow us to use the Training Ground for club meetings!, Lady Aili announced enthusiastically.
- Never!
- I could make you a member of the Equestrian Foals club! There is of course a long waiting list, but I would let you in promptly!
- Sorry, Mam, but no! This place will not become your club hangout as long as I rent it! Now, if you don't intend borrowing my horse for §500, please leave me alone!

Poor Stian had no idea that Lady Aili happens to be the wife of  Malcolm Landgraab Mester Cacti, one of the most powerful men of the kingdom! The Landgraabs never accepted a no for an answer.

And Tornado?

She enjoyed the past few weeks, meeting so many nice persons taking her for rides around New Appaloosa. At times she managed to forget about her crappy past.

To be continued!

PS: My equestrian clubs were roughly introduced at the recent Simmerville Show (#5).

Disclaimer: This edition was made before the Horse Ranch EP release, details might not match with reality.

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