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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday, 6 August 2023

The Yacobian Cathedral of Aarbyville

Welcome to San Sequoia's tourist attraction no 1, the Yacobian Cathedral! I just got the The Sims 4 Growing Together expansion pack, and I had planned so much for this world that I'm still very busy building and adjusting. It's a lovely world, I'm positively surprised thanks to quite some simmer community negativism. I'll probably post more about this pack once I get to explore more - including gameplay. But for now, the cathedral!

I planned a church on this lot in Hoapwell Hills back when I saw the map. There are tons of details and history in my game, even in worlds that I don't yet own. San Sequoia is the center of Region 6, a region that in early years was called Aarbyville, based on the original hood, Aarby Wharf. Later on it grew, but the region kept it's old name.

The cathedral was built in the Medieval era, and I based the front on the Yacobian church from Sims Medieval. Back then Yacobian Faith was supported by the King, but around Year 100 Church of Similius became Mazaloom kingdom's official religion. Aarbyville is the only region that still has a Yacobian Priest, and because it's a cathedral, probably the largest of the kingdom, I gave him the Bishop title. However, The Yacobian Faith's impact is restricted to Region 6.

You can't present a cathedral without a picture pointing at the sky, right?

I'm pretty happy with the build, just a few minor details might need some attention later on. The build is not too massive, although containing way more room than my other churches, and the lot being elevated a little to make the walk up to the cathedral a bit more respectful. The sims buried in front, has a lovely view to the ocean. It is hands down the best dead-sim-view of the kingdom...

The man serving here is 2nd generation Bishop.

Bishop Pauli Hueuey (46) took over this prestigious position when his father died 9 years ago (Year 222). He is not from any aristocratic House, and is not very rich, either. He dreams of becoming a Super Parent, but as it turned out he is infertile, he has chosen to aim the Parenting focus on the parish. His older, still unmarried sister, Maryna Hueuey, helps at the nearby Bishop's House, where they live.

Let's have a look inside...

Except from the yellow curtain up there on the wall, and probably a few columns, I think the interior is pretty much as I want it. The cathedral is massive when it comes to seats, no chance to fill them all without deco sims :)

The room is intentionally very dark because the Yacobian Faith is a very dark religion, preaching the punishment of the strict Wacher. Church of Similius, the state church, focuses more on the positive aspects of life, much based on the long gone Peterian Faith, btw.

The cathedral is categorized as Museum, because I totally forgot that we now have the Wedding Venue category (My Wedding Story game pack). Current visitors flock to the altar to view stuff, not good at all if pretending a Mass. I'm on the ball, but will get back to the category after building the other planned lots.

This is my first  church with "side ships" (no idea what they are called) - on both sides of the room there are more seats. Would make sense for royal coronations, which took place here up to Year 100. That includes 3 of the 4 first Monarchs.

And, I just had to check how a Mass will look...

It will be easy switching for a wedding ceremony. I figure it will be rather costly getting married here, though, I have not yet checked that price tag...

I do not intend to play Pauli Hueuey in detail, but someone suggested having one club per religion, which would also make sure that there are some "deep-thoughts sims" around when anyone visits. I don't focus that much on religions despites being integrated with my community, but I like the possibility of this parish growing, and perhaps becoming a challenge (or at least a corrective) to the state church.

The picture above is a bit meh, just wanted to show that here are seats up on the gallery too. The organ is not locked off, and the royal family has a few reserved seats up there, too, probably an old tradiotion that did stick - those seats have not been taken in a while...

There are several rooms not yet in use, the main problem is that they surround the church room, so they are rather small, but will be good for misc storages.

Bishop Hueuey has an office, but because it's not possible to lock it off (might work with a club door, but hey-ho), I did not bother to add a computer or to make it very personal. He has a puzzle table and a mirror for practicing speeches, and a desk of course. Might be fine for story telling, though (but the High Priest of Church of Similius has a much better office in the Windenburg cathedral, lol).

Under the building is the old crypt.

This is normally locked off, but open to tourists at certain hours. Originally this was a final stop for the Medieval Kings, but from Year 100 the Duke de Aarbyville took over this privilege. So, for more than a century only members of House de Croismare were buried here.

According to this faith, most sims go straight into the fire when they die, which explains the many flames in this ceremonial room.

There are a few historical coffins and ancient grave monuments here, too. And in one of the rooms is a weird coffin that might be the one of the Mazaloom's very first monarch, Courtis Thebe, who was on the throne for 1 year only - or - as some suggested recently, it might belong to a vampire who is not supposed to rest here at all. It might all be just a myth, though, invented in order to attract tourists.

There is also a small outdoor area just behind the cathedral. 

When lots are small, no space can be wasted, lol. It looks a bit weird from the map view, but fine once there. A narrow path leads around the building - it was established by a former Bishop's wife, some says to symbolize the narrow path through life.

Visitors can fish (if it is possible to stock a community lot pond), chat on benches, there are a few harvestables if you are lucky, and a very old picnic table. You will need to bring your own picnic basket, though, as heat and flames (bbq) are reserved the Bishop, on this narrow path through life.

Bonus picture - this is the ghost of Bishop Jorben Hueuey. 

He was a highly respected man, who was awarded with having his grave in the crypt - while his wife Rowda who died 7 years later had to accept the common graveyard outside.

More stories and builds from San Sequoia shortly!

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