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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 27 January 2024

King Tarriot receives Family Tree

(Year 232, Spring) Yesterday HRM King Tarriot held a special audience for the Historical Society's leader, Mila Munch. The occasion was the society's first print of the new series of family trees honoring a few of our most important houses.

HRM King Tarriot received the first framed family tree; tree of the House of Luxe-Hamper. 

The series involves most of the high nobility Houses, but Munch states there will also be a few no longer existing houses. Starting with the royal House of Luxe-Hamper felt natural.

- This series will be released over the next couple years. Thanks t our fantastic online genealogical information, and the fact that each frame will cover only 4 generations, the research itself is not very time consuming. But then  it shall be printed in a certain number to limit the costs, and we also plan to frame a good number.

These objects are intended as a collection, but single items can also be ordered. In addition to the old noble houses, anyone can request their personal family tree printed in this manner, naturally more interesting if you have some knowledge of your grand- and great-grandparents.

The audience took place in the Royal Palace's Mazaloom Hall.

Mila Munch had requested the session to be small. She has met the Monarch before, but assured she would be more nervous if there were numerous photographers present. She is happy to get the word out, though.

- Yes! We do this service for the community. It would be sad if nobody got to hear about it!

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