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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Regional Reform 233 - Speculations

(Year 232, Spring) Following numerous complaints stating that the Regional Reform 233 comes too late and debates taking too long, Prime Minister Wilder has confirmed more information to be announced in a few weeks! Now that the refined national map is ready, bar a few possible minor adjustments with reference to the ongoing «Come Rain Come Shine» weather system science project, it gets a bit easier to see the bigger challenges. We know where the culprits are located, and while a few changes might stir up protests, there are also smaller changes with hardly any effect.

The Mazaloom Kingdom map. Click for a larger version.

The map might appear as rather compact, but Mazaloom kingdom is just a small corner of the world. The number of 8 regions shall not change, but some borders will adjust, hopefully with more equal population numbers per region than today, which is the goal of the entire reform. The main challenge is that Region 12 is too large, stretching through most of he nation. It covers districts like San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, Magnolia Promenade, Gloomville, Evergreen Harbor, Brindleton Bay, Newcrest and the arid Oasis Springs with StrangerVille annex. Everyone acknowledge the splitting of this region is the most dramatic change to come, but how will it be executed?

To split region 12 without exceeding the total number of regions means that some other regions must be merged. The administrative number of 8 stands strong with tradition, and changing it would cause loads of unwanted administrative changes on many levels. According to the official population numbers (Y231), Region 12 currently counts 3,150,500 persons (down 110,000 from Year 230), while Region 8 has a population of only 4,000. Oasis Springs with StrangerVille is currently in Region 12, but has applied to join Region 7 Advorton (which is also arid, including Chestnut Ridge).

The early Medieval Era map no longer reflects reality. Today it is just a
valuable piece of history. (painting owned by Mazaloom National Museum).

At the same time the Royal Chamber claims the 5 dukedoms to be located in each their region, like the original large peerage was designed. This wish would probably not be given priority by Politicians of today, but Region 12's two dukedoms (Meadows and Brindleton) in addition to the Royal Palace (Del Sol Valley) are not close neighbors, so this claim might not really be an issue. The Royal Chamber's concern for a few peerages possibly losing their high nobility status, was already clearly ignored by People Chamber with the reference to any adjustments to the large peerage must be seen a consequence of the regional reform, not the other way around.

Roger Mistfield (SIM WORLD party)
Leader of the new SIM WORLD Party and outsider, Roger Mistfield (Chestnut Ridge), is among those loudly criticizing the People Chamber's slow progress. He wants the full reform completed one year earlier than scheduled!

- SIM WORLD party claims this progress to be a 2 step reform. The changes not in need of everlasting debates can be executed immediately. Then the deeper dilemmas involving Region 12 can be decided later this year. There is no need to delay a final map until Year 233! Political parties need to plan strategies leading up to the Year 235 election, and especially small parties like SIM WORLD, need to know in what region to work harder to provide minimum one candidate from each region. We are good to go according to the current regions, but once the borders adjust we might lack candidates in several regions and therefor not be allowed for the nomination process! We will need more than a couple months to navigate the new reality! Also trades, regional recreation centers, the national museum and others, not to forget our online community pages will need time to apply all changes, so we say it will be better for all if all minor changes can be announced now! Getting them out of the way will make it possible for so many instances to start their planning!

Prime Minister Wilder (RIGHT party)
PM Rob Wilder states that the reform is not restricted to geography.

- This will affect election routines including how People Chamber seats will be won for generations to come. So far there is agreement that no region should be smaller than a population of 200,000 which seems very hard to achieve. This also affects cultural traditions as the regions might be more diverse than Mistfield thinks they are. We can't allow each resident to state their personal wish, but we can respect our traditions that go back 230 years. Therefore, merging regions like 3 and 6 would upset so many locals that we will do our best to avoid it.

The debate continues. According to critics the following changes ought to be implemented immediately:

1. Oasis Springs (incl. StrangerVille) can join Region 7 Advorton. This will form a region with a population of  100,000+. With just a little focus on population growth, by i.e. allowing more rental units, this region can easily reach the 200,000 population mark and qualify for 1 seat at People Chamber.

2. Region 3 Tredony can be merged with Region 6 Aarbyville. Geographically they are very close and only Aarbyville has a dukedom. This will free up 1 region for the Region 12 split. The new Region 6 will then have a population of 400,000 and qualify for 2 seats at People Chamber.

3. Region 8 Ticktop needs to merge into a neighboring region, without any debate. They can be merged with Region 2 Rossie, which will then have 250,000 residents and gets 1 seat. This will free up a 2nd region for the Region 12 split.

4. Following these minor changes People Chamber can limit their debating focus to the splitting of Region 12, and announce a conclusion this Winter, one year early. Region 12 can be split into three regions, without exceeding the 8 regions total. 

These are pure suggestions, not yet voted by the three chambers. PM Wilder has announced a public statement during the upcoming Grand Mazaloom Symposium, taking place in Aarbyville later this Spring.

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