Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 28 February 2025

New Royal Portraits

(Year 233, Fall) Royal Palace Office (RPO) has released four brand new portraits of central members of the royal family. It's been a while since the previopus updates, but with a new royal photographer on board, the future updates might get more frequent. Read more about the new photographer below. First we'll take a look at some of the new portraits.

They all come in multiple versions, all certified by the RPO. The most interesting to most Mazaloom residents is of course the portraits of HRM King Tarriot and HRH Queen Venezia.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Nordhaven admitted District status

(Year 233, Fall) Today Council House announced that the Nordhaven community has been granted status as a district of Mazaloom kingdom. Having district status means they will elect their Mayor come the Year 235 election.

Nordhaven, located just north of Windenburg, is a quite old community. Founded in Year 84, while the area was still property of the Crown, it was a popular off-trail destination for hunting royals. King Wizar established a new harbor up here, and also had a small estate, Haven Herrenhaus, built to oversee the increased business with SimNation farther north.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Free download: N.A.P. posters

I wanted to make more out of the in game votings (ECO Lifestyle EP required), so I added a bunch of custom mini posters for sims to drag attention to their point of view. There is one poster for each Neighborhood Action Plan (NAP), and they are perfect on a sim's office wall - being a Politician or just an individual supporter, or to the typical "no posters allowed here" walls that you find around town . at the bus stop, speaker's corner, or recycling station wall, or where ever posters get displayed. Perhaps you alreay have a set up in a corner of the public park with a debate station (Discover University EP required) where locals can speak up?

Text is in Simlish, and the lay-out varies just enough. The icons are from the game. These posters are easy to position, but if you allow them to overlap, they will be flickering.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Mazaloom Super Bowler

(Year 233, Fall) The annual bowling cup took place in Gloomville this weekend, and the bowling club has proven that this event has come to stay. This year no true celebrities qualified for the 8 available start numbers, so the problem from last year when fans and photographers occationally disturbed the contenders was avoided.

Left to right: Polly Prescott (Copperdale), Ramona Talcom (Brindleton), Bill Loffertop (Copperdale), Garvin Clump (Newcrest), Bianca Sterner (Copperdale), Bertel Dougham (Brindleton), Roger Lockerbud (Copperdale) and Konrad Wooblershield (Windenburg).

Club leader Bill Loffertop (66) said that advertising had been sparse in order to make the tournament more effective. For the first time all sets except qualifications tok place during the same weekend. It would not have been possible with a bigger audience. The challenge is that some of the audience walk in to talk with contenders during the set. We have no international venue where the audience is seated separately from the bowling lanes.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

High Note Talent Agency for Musicians

(Year 233, Fall) Today the last, but not the least important - new webpage from Mazaloom kingdom's many talent agencies went public. If you work with music you should check out High Note Talent Agency!

From Olivia Clump's Farewell Concert at Museum of Classical Music in San Sequoia.

This agency signs with Musicians and Singers. They help building a career, through marketing and a wide network of consert venues - small and huge.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Royal Teens observed in Chestnut Ridge

(Year 233, Fall) Guests at the local «Canter Dinery & Nectary» probably had to look twice to believe what they saw: The Crown Princess of Mazaloom walking in to place an order! No stylish outfit? Not even her hair properly done? No security? Or wait, was her bodyguards in disquis as regular restaurant guests? No wonder everyone stopped eating!

She placed her order and walked outside. And the guests were unsure whether the quick event actually took place at all.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Latest News from the Snorthia Conflict

(Year 233, Fall) There has been very few news regarding the ongoing Snorthia-Mazaloom culture conflict. Early Spring the Royal Palace Chief Attendant, Miss Patricia Maiden (52), accepted an invitation from Emperor Orchor of Snorthia. She has been accused for starting the conflict by recognizing her late mother as the mothel of a paintet portrait, «Moon Liza», that was claimed by the Emperor to be a very old national treasure. Now they claimed Miss Maiden to travel to Snorthia to help solving the problem. She was warned, but insisted on going. And now it seems like nobody heard from her ever since.

No, it is not Miss Maiden in that hopscotch.

As result of the conflict, Mazaloonians is no longer granted access to the empire, to which we share a long border. Our Winter sports athletes can still not visit Mt Komorebi to practice - Miss Maiden was a rare exception.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Maps galore

(Year 233, Fall) There is a new page in the Community section, namely a page providing a set of maps covering a wide range of topics.

The plan was to reveal the maps one by one, but there are currently so much going on that you get all those maps in one go, and well - maybe there will be more details in future articles here on the blog. Or maybe not.

The map page is linked from the start page of the community section.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Stately Estate for the Prime Minister?

(Year 233, Fall) Up to this day, the Prime Minister of Mazaloom was never offered a stately owned estate suited for the duties coming with the position. Former prime ministers did stay with their family, just like they did before winning the election. The subject has now been debated by People Chamber, and changes are coming!

Prime Minister Rob Wilder (72) is the one who introduced this case. Staying with your family makes the job harder because the security must be considered constantly, and your spouse and children might be dragged into whatever consequencies following your political battles and statements.