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Thursday, 14 August 2014

Seagull Cottage chapter 11: Museum

On we go... It's been 11 days since Cathrina and Alexander arrived Galucca, and Hank Hoonk is still the only lodger at Seagull Cottage Bed & Breakfast. But I can see more lodgers moving in shortly :) The day started in the toughest way...

Cathrina: Oh, Alex! Stay out of the way! I gotta save those waffles for Mr. Hoonk's breakfast!

Alexander: Careful! I knew we should have bought a smoke detector!


Cathrina: Mr. Hoonk, have you ever heard mention of some group called MSW?

Hank Hoonk: Ah, you prepared these waffles just like old Gloria used to! Burnt, but just a little! MSW? Of course, MSW is my best source for news about the Unicorn! Why?

Cathrina: Really? So what does MSW stand for? And do they have a leading person that I can contact?

Hank Hoonk: MSW is just a garden with a tiny chapel, girl. There used to be a group of people meeting there, but not anymore. Not sure what the letters refer to... Maybe the local library can help you.

Alexander: What are the two of you talking about? Cathrine, is there more?

Hank Hoonk: Uhm, why don't you guys serve eggs, like Gloria did? Fresh eggs from the seagulls, they were delicious, and provided protein to bodies of studs like me!


While Alexander cleaned the bathrooms downstairs, Cathrina quickly read another page of Gloria's old diary.

"Ludwig is in SimCity again. Some funeral. Gives me time to improve on my magic skills. I joined MSW, and now I can't find the black silk neck ribbon I was supposed to take care of. Detch helped me getting the seagull feathers where I want them... In a golden box, under the full moon, blessed by the other seagulls. Yesterday I secretly placed some blessed feathers under the lodgers' bed sheets, if it works they will connect. Even Elvira Grump's sheet in the red room got a handful feathers, although she complains a lot, she always pays her rent on time."

Cathrina: What? You put the feathers in their beds? Oh my... connect... now you got me confused, great aunt Gloria!

"This morning Elvira Grump was nowhere to be found, but to my surprise there was a seagull in her room! I opened the window to let it out. I got the feeling the big bird complained about something, but I don't understand those screams."

Cathrina: Uhm... did you find that red room woman or did you not?

"I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant! Thanks Similius! I'm not feeling well, but that should be expected my age. I reckon this is my final chance. I spend hours in the nursery every day. I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms!"

Cathrina: So you did give me a relative, didn't you? So where is he or she?

Alexander (from the kitten's room): Cathy! Cathy, I found something, hurry!

Cathrina: What's up? Oh!

Alexander: Tina Baby teared down one of the curtains, it looks like they hide some old photos!

Cathrina: Oh my! Why didn't we look earlier? They quickly removed all the fabrics.


Cathrina: Look at them! The blond woman must be Gloria, she is on all the photos! Look, she is tending her garden! And there, holding hands with a man who gotta be her hubby! And those must be lodgers, I wonder if it is the student and old Mrs Prudle?

Alexander: What, you even know the names of her lodgers?

Cathrina: And look, a large group of people at the entrance, look Gloria and Ludwig on the stairs... and a toddler, but held by some other woman...? I'm almost crying with joy, Alex!

Alexander: Cathy... what is all this about? You seem to know them all! I need to get involved...

Cathrina: I found Gloria's old diary, Alex. And guess what, she probably had a kid! I might have some relative in Galucca!

Alexander: But if you had, would you still inherit this place?

Cathrina: The diary also made reference to MSW, and i think I want to visit the local library. But not today, we got a deal with Margreta Gripp in just one hour.


They met Margreta Gripp outside the Arts Academy.

Margreta Gripp: Hello! The exhibition is no longer here, so I suggest we walk over to the Historical Museum, and then we'll have some coffee in City. Okay?

Cathrina: Hi, Margreta. Sure, sounds like a good idea!

Alexander: More walking? Okay...


Margreta: This town has got a very rich history. Did you know this place was founded as a Countship 200 years ago? The Town Hall used to be the Count's home until the noble family moved into their new castle. This first room tells the story from the very early years.

Alexander: Oh, so there is a castle?

Margreta: That's the mysterious Pettonta Gral. There is a story telling that some very old Countess actually starved to death while searching the gral under the castle cellar. She searched for eternal life, but only found death. This is just a copy of the gral, as far as I know the real thing was never found.

Cathrina: This painting reminds me a bit of the Old Town Market, where we bought some seeds...

Margreta: But it is! It shows the second Count on his favorite horse inspecting the trades. It was painted by Cluedo van Hutch. I heard his descendants still reside in Galucca, and they still paint!

Alexander: Oh, there was a catastrophe 90 years ago?

Margreta: Yes, 21 locals were killed. They never figured whether the damages were caused by the volcano, by pollution or even by magic.

Cathrina: Eh... by magic? Uhm... no, nothing...


Margreta: So, this is my favourite hangout, Expo Café. There is a modern gallery inside the high building. This is the hearth of the city, the red streets are called the Galucca Plaza.


Margreta: I could tell you more, but I guess it's getting late. I'm a history teacher, that explains my interest in Galucca's past. But just moving here, I'm still only exploring.

Alexander: Have you ever heard about MWS?

Cathrina: MSW. A group that no longer exists, but that left a... location.

Margreta: No, never heard of it... if it was a private association it would probably slip the history books unless it did something spectacularly big.

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