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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Seagull Cottage chapter 13: Hatching season

Another update coming up! I had some extra fun this time because this update features a few older versions of Galuccians who are kids in the current Galucca story. It makes it more complicated to involve locals because the more locals Cathrina & Alexander meet, the more details will need to match the other story.

(As if anyone but me would notice a mistake)

This morning was anything but quiet. It's the seagulls' hatching season and everyone at Seagull Cottage do notice...

Alexander: Tina Baby has grown up! I think she might need better equipment now.

Cathrina: I can't stop inspecting these photos... Gloria, where is your grave? And where is your boy, Gabriel?

Alexander: Visiting the priest?

Cathrina: Will see Priest Lavendula tomorrow. I'll try the library today.

Alexander: Do we have time for Gloria's old diary before serving breakfast?

"I put a few extra feathers for Sonia Franken. What must happen, will happen! Some days I feel like a weird force directs me, but I know it can't be true. Gardening helps me to touch ground, literaly. I like how expanding the cottage and moving the entrance brought privacy to the garden. Lodgers might still rest in the garden, but that's all."

Alexander: So they added the common room and the living rooms upstairs?

Cathrina: I guess so... oh... listen to this!

"This morning elderly Sonia Franken was transformed. Everything is back to normal by now, and no complaining guests at the moment."

Cathrina: What is this...? Was she a witch...? Sonia Franken was transformed?

"Ludwig suggested that we open the front room to regular visitors, if we add a bar and a few table games, they might even leave some money."

Alexander: Hmmm...

"Gabriel will soon start school. He would be the perfect student, but i liked it better when he was younger, it feels like the responsibility will grow too big for us. It would be easier if he could stay here at the cottage... someone at the door..."

Cathrina: At least we know that Gabriel got old enough to start school. Maybe there is some old school book at the library?

Alexander: Mr. Hoonk, according to rules of the house guests are supposed to get dressed before entering the common room...

Hank Hoonk: The waffles are burnt again, Mrs Cathy! Extremely burnt!

Cathrina: Oh, sorry for that, Mr Hoonk and Miss Kess!

Burgina Kess: No problem, I don't eat waffles anyway, no eggs for me... I'm 100% vegetarian. I'll just have some fruit!

Hank Hoonk: Hunks don't live on fruit, we need waffles! May I suggest that you hire a cook?

Burgina Kess: Oh, you are a waffle man? Don't you ever think of the poor eggs that could have become chickens?

Hank Hoonk: There's so many seagulls, a new cook would harvest fresh wild seagull eggs in the morning, sweet Miss!

Burgine Kess: Yuck!

Cathrina: Hoonk, some days ago you mentioned the MSW location. Is it far from here, could you show us the place, some day?

Hank Hoonk: Sure, Mrs Cathy! It's up the trail, not very far from here! You should go there on a night with full moon, there might be a bigger chance to see the Lady ghost!

Alexander: Lady ghost?

Hank Hoonk: If you was a brave man like me, man, you would find it... commonly fascinating... I'll take you both there, the moon is full in a couple nights. Deal! Would you come to, Miss Kess? You could bring an apple for the Lady ghost!

Burgina Kess: No thanks...

A little later Cathrina redressed and walked with Alexander to Old Town. He had his first shift at the gas & bus station, while Cathrina asked her way to Elle's Library. To the business building, turning right, then the bar called Heaven on her right hand, and then the library right ahead. A tall white building, and she noticed the noble family weapon up there, the same that she saw at the Historical Museum.

It was a rather quiet day, and the first person she talked to turned out to be Head of the library. His name was Rene Tackott.

Rene Tackott: That's a lot of questions, old school books, funeral history, local history, heritage protocols and not to forget the old MSW. I can help you with some, but not all at once.

Cathrina: Yes?

Rene Tackott: For instance, the MSW. Do you know... anything?

Cathrina: Just a little. I heard about the location at Moon District, and I know... there were some society, with some meetings...

Rene Tackott: Well. To start, the MSW closed down a generation ago. Their past is rather vague, but there are a few notes locked away in our storage room. I can't give you access, but I can look into what we got and contact you in a few days.

Cathrina: That would be nice. Do you know any local elders who were involved with the MSW?

Rene Tackott: No. If there were any, I don't think they would talk much about it. But if they exists, they will probably have some connection to Moon District.

Rene Tackott: And here we got or collection of history books, local history over there. You can browse those books on your own, my assistant, Anitra Seylouse, can help you when she is back from lunch. Ah... there she is leaving, wearing a white jacket. She is very interested in local history, and she also arranges the monthly Historical Town Walks.

Cathrina: Thanks! And the school book? I assume the boy was born about 45 years ago...

Rene Tackott: And the boy's name?

Cathrina: Gabriel... not sure of his family name, but he was son of Gloria Moonster.

Rene Tackott: Oh, the Moonsters? I never heard of Gabriel Moonster... did you ask the Angler, Albrech Moonster? He lives up at Moon Trail.

Some hours later, Cathrina stopped by the Gas & Bus Station to pick up Alexander. They had planned to walk back home together.

Cathrina: Are you not closing this place?

Alexander: In 20 minutes. That's when the last Bridgeport bus departs. Did you discover anything new?

Cathrina: Not much, but there is a man at Moon Trail called Albrech Moonster! That's Gloria's maiden name, you know, he must be family!

Back at the cottage, they admired the view to the ocean.

Alexander: I don't really understand why this house is built the way it is. There is a grand panorama view to the sea, but it can only be seen from the bathroom window, because somehow they found it smarter to see the trail up to Moon Mountain from the living room windows...

Cathrina: All those birds... it's hatching season, maybe we should go looking for eggs in the morning.

Alexander: Upsetting Miss Kess like that?

Cathrina: She won't stay long anyway. She reserved the yellow room for 3 nights total. Which reminds me, we will need some more variety for breakfast...

Alexander: You worry too much, Cathy. Come...

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