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Monday, 29 December 2014

Gloomville Diaries - Gen 1 - Ch 24 - A new computer

Both Ochana and Chad were now Adults, not that it shows and not that is matters. Ochana still wanted a new computer, but funds were low, and she had to think outside of the box!

after the kids left for school, Ochana and Chad walked outside into the little garden. The plants were mostly tended by Ochana, but Miranda, who recently became a teenager, liked to help occasionally.

- So you grafted that plant? Where did you learn that? Chad asked after inspecting a new plant.
- Agaton showed me, Ochana replied. - Agaton Oaksdale is a farmer, you know!
- So, will you magically come up with some tomato plants then?
- No dear. But my friend Ona Rosewood invited us over to Oasis Springs again, her hubby knows where those wild tomato plants grow!

Ochana walked over to their apple tree, and Chad followed.
- This tree is getting old, Chad! It was planted by Sissela Morck, one of the Sims by Numbers contestants.
- And?
- Well, I wish we could use the apples for something special, it would be like a nice tradition, you see?

But Chad did not see. - Why don't we just eat those apples? he asked.
- Well, I was thinking of baking something. Let's see...

They walked inside, and Ochana tried to come up with some recipe for an applecake.
- Meh... this won't work, she said to herself...

- Wow, Ochana, you really got a good hand with that one!
- I wish it was this easy, but I don't think this will give us any applecake, Chad!

- Oups!
- I'm impressed, dear! Chad said.

- I think I'll bake some chocolate cookies instead, Ochana stated.

- Love you just the same! Chad flirted.
- How about strawberry cake! Ochanna suggested, not really able to tear herself away from the cooking. - If we only had fresh strawberries...

She found that the baking helpt taking her mind off the need of a computer. The kids would need a computer for their school work, and she would need a secret computer up at her hidden attic office, to practice her writing skill. She would need to work harder on the Secret Mission, as soon as Edith and Miranda became Young Adults, she would need to pass on the mission to one of the kids! By then she would need to write her book. Her own book for the Gloomville Diaries.

Then she got the brilliant idea! How about the neighbour Adrian Hikes' sister? What was her name again, Ella was it? She was a computer geek, maybe she could sell some old computer cheap?

Ochana walked right over, and the door was opened by Adrian Hikes.

- Hello, Ochana, he greeted her.

- Hi Adrian, I'd like a word wih your sister!
- Oh, did she hack into your homecomputer?
- No. Is she at home?

Adrian pointed at a door, and Ochana walked into Ella Hikes' bedroom and office.
- Hello, Ella! she said.

- What? Who sent you?
- Your brother Adrian told me I'd find you in here. I'm Ochana from across the street.

- Oh well, and what on Earth made you think you can waste my time like this? I'm busy programming!
- Oh, I just wanted to ask you a favour. Computer related, actually.
- Okay? Like what? Hacking your old enemy's heart starter?

- Heaven, no! Ochana bursted. - I just need an old computer, and thought that maybe you got something old and cheap that you don't need.

- Uh, well, I actually do. It can't connect to the internet though, it's probably just good for ordinary writing.
- Perfect, Ochana said. - I need it for writing only!
- How much can you pay? Ella asked.

A little later the kids were back home from school. The older twins, Miranda and Edith, were extremely tired, while Pivian and Paula still had some energy left. Miranda was even stinking filthy. They all had a chocolate cookie before taking a nap.

- Oh, who took the kitchen chair, Pivian asked. - We used to have four!
- You can stand eating a cookie, Pivian! said Miranda. She actually wanted to do some gardening, but first she needed to take a shower, and then to sleep for a couple hours. School was tough today!
- Is it true that you got a boyfriend, Edith? Paula asked. - Someone in class told me!
- No, that's not true, Edith said. - I'll let you know whenever that happens, Paula!

Meanwhile, up in the attic...

Ochana got her old computer. Ella Hikes wanted §500, but Ochana offered her §200 or nothing. Because the kids were at school and Chad just left for his new Sports job, it was easy to bring the computer up to the secret office. Then she moved one of the four kitchen chairs. The family would need both the kitchen table and dining room table to eat their meals anyway, because they were six.

Then Ochana could finally start writing. She would wait a few days with her book project, but for now she made some notes. Everything she knew about Mr. Flock who suffered injustice, Aileen Gleeson who used to own this house, how she thought the Oaksdales at Willow Farm must have had something to do with it all. The old tree at Muggerdale Hood. And the peron named Edwin - who was he?

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