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Monday, 22 December 2014

Gloomville Diaries - Gen 1 - Ch 23 - Neighbours visiting

Recently the twins, Edith and Miranda, grew up to teenagers. But they were not the only ones growing older, Ochana is half way through her adult life, and tonight she wanted to throw a party. According to the Secret Mission's Rules & Directions, at least one person from each of the other 4 houses of their street, had to attend!

In the morning, Ochana and Chad had a special breakfast, heart cakes! Yay! Ochana always liked to flirt, and Chad loved those cookies, too!

- I really wonder if they will all attend my party, Ochana said.
- Of course they will! I don't see why it would matter that much if one of them can't make it? There will still be enough guests for a great party!

- Well, let's hope! she said, knowing that Chad could not understand it all. He was never introduced to the Secret Mission. Ochana worried a lot for what might happen if not all the other households were represented.

Finances were pretty bad, after buying all the Christmas decors for Edith and Miranda's birthday, and now throwing another party, the account balance was only about §800. Still no money for decorating the bedrooms upstairs. Sigh.

After school, or perhaps while there was still one hour left, twins Edith and Miranda found their way to the local clothing store! They were pretty disappointed when they realized that the room upstairs was not their birthday gift, instead they had been gifted a mirror! Then mom had allowed them to go shopping some clothes as long as they made it inexpensive.

It's time to get to know them a little better. Although there is also a younger set of twins, there's a good chance that either Edith or Miranda will be chosen to bring on the Mission. Simply because Ochana will learn to know them better. On their Young Adult birthday, she will need to make a choice!

- Edith, I think this was a bad idea...
- Come on, Miranda! We do need clothes, right? Mom allowed us to spend just a little.

Edith was always the most social of the two, and growing up gave her the traits Outgoing and Musiclover. She aspired to become a comedian, but well, her plans might change, right?

Miranda wanted to become a Freelance Botanist, she already helped Ochana with the garden. Her traits were Neat and Perfectionist, she would be a good assistant when it came to reorganizing the plants.

So, the first and second pictures show their everyday clothes. One rather boring, and one slightly more representative. Edith is a tad more feminine than Miranda. She also seems to care a bit more about her outfits. Her favourite colour is lavender, while Miranda prefers blue.

- You look like a retired librarian, Miranda! said Edith.
- Stop it, Edith, I couldn't care less!

Now their sports outfits. Their dad, Chad, just switched career and will now work at the local Gym, so maybe the girls can get some benefits from exercising there?

- We better hurry! Mom's birthday party is up in one hour! Let's buy some party clothes!
- Okay said Miranda. - But then we're done with clothes for a while!

Looks like they will attend a party with different attitudes! Miranda wearing the long skirt, and Edith wearing a cowboy hat. Good girls, now for the party!

Back home Ochana had dressed, and she were busy baking a cake. If she only did this before she dressed in her finest wear!

- Darling, would you mind repairing the kitchen sink? Guests will arrive in less than 30 minutes!

Well, not sure about that sink, but the cake was done, and shortly Ochana found herself in the living room, surrounded by neighbours!

- Attention! The action will take place over here! Hello?

She blew those candles, and the crowd cheered. For a second Ochana felt like the center of the world!

- Voila!

Right, for a second! That's how long it took the guests to go back to their gossiping and small talk. Totally ignoring tonight's main person.

Well, they all got some cake, although there was not enough chocolate cake, and some ate heart cookies in the kitchen instead.

Brenda Kammin it quite a flirty person, Ochana could watvh her from the doorway, as Brenda talked to Chad. But Ochana tried to relax, as Brenda Kammin was pregnant, and the father was Mark Oaksdale, Agaton Oaksdale's younger brother. Also Zilla Brox had attended the party - she owns the house where Brenda and Mark also resides.

The Grossing household was there too, represented by the violinist Kevin Grossing and his lovely wife, the author Camilla Grossing. They can't take their eyes of each other, rather cute actually. Uhm, not their hands either, by the way.

In the dining room, a little later, 4 men representing one house each, were gathered. All to the left is Adrian Hikes. Next to him is Kevin Grossing. Then, to the right are Mark Oaksdale (wearing yellow) and Agaton Oaksdale.

Ochana still though that the Oaksdales were involved with the injustice, referred to in the Secret Mission, but she had not found out yet, what actually happened in the past.

While the men gathered in the dining room, the women were busy chatting in the living room.

Seated are Zilla Brox, to the left, and Camilla Grossing, the author, to the right. Ochana is back in her original outfit, after switching a bit during the night. Weird wardrobe stuff is going on for the Holidays...

Ochana wanted to get to know both Zilla and Camilla. Zilla wasn't very interested, though.

- So, now that Mark Oaksdale moved in with you and Brenda, I guess you feel more tied to the hood's past? Ochana wondered.
- How would I feel tied to anything because of him? He engaged Brenda, they live upstairs where there is room for the baby, while I live downstairs. We share the kitchen and living. I hardly see them these days. No ties whatsoever...
- Brenda and Mark make such a nice couple, Camilla said. - How about you, Zilla, are you seeing someone, too?
- Well, just no! Zilla answered. And they all got the message, subject was closed.

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