So, Ochana contacted the neighbour again, Sonia Oaksdale, who was into history. Hopefully she could say something about Gloomville's local history?
This morning they all gathered for breakfast.
It seemed like both Edith and little Paula had a real tough night.
- Oh, I think you both need clean beds, Ochana said.
- It was just a very warm night, mom! said Edith and headed for the only shower in the house.
- So, what are you up to today, girls? Ochana asked them while eating scrambled eggs for breakfast.
- Gooble-yum-yum, said Edith.
- Oh, that's funny, Edith! laughed Miranda, the one who isn't really much outgoing.
- You really think so, Miranda? In fact, I'll hang out at Captain Blue with Tammy Oaksdale and Mandy Rosewood. I plan to pull some jokes, it's better at day, because the place gets too crowded at night, especially Weekends.
- I'll not come to Captain Blue. I have to work in the garden, more tomatoes and sage to plant!
At Captain Blue Nightclub Edith met with Tammy Oaksdale, the teen girl next door (red haired on picture) and Mandy Rosewood (wearijng pink hat), who Edith met when they recently visited Ona Rosewood's family at Oasis Springs.
Of course Tammy and Mandy knew that Edith planned to tell some jokes. So, after some dancing, they pushed her towards the mic.
- Jokes time! they cheered.
- Oh... well, it was the moose and the goose... flying to SimCity, then they fell down and the goose said... "Gooble-yum-yam".
- Yay, haha, cheered Tammy and waved.
- Ehm... said Mandy quietly and checked her phone.
And Edith went on, and little by little other guests flocked to the mic and got seated.
Oh, who was there to listen to Edith's jokes, dressed in a weird black robe? A secret comedy agent in disguise?
Back home at Glee Abode, Miranda was happily digging the hours away, all alone. She planted some tomatoes earlier, harvested at a picnic to Oasis Springs. Today she planted some more.
She was pretty new at gardening and not very skilled yet. And she could not wait to reorganize this plot a little! But could they ever compete with the Willow Farm next door? The Oaksdale family grew perfect spinach, and seemed to love showing it off.
- If I just didn't need to see those perfect rows every day! Miranda sighed. She loved perfect rows, but while Ochana was still the main gardener, Miranda realized that their garden would stay messy.
They shared the duties. Because Ochana was the better skilled, she did the watering and the splicing. Miranda did the sawing and weeding. And they both harvested the crops.
Those old planters had not been in use ever since the Sims by Numbers Show, before Miranda was even born. Now it was time to make use of them again, after all they were perfect for herbs, located just outside the kitchen. Miranda planted some Sage for a start.
When Ochana arrived the Town Library, neighbour Sonia Oaksdale was already there. She worked as a painter, but now she also worked part time at the library.
Being quite into history, Sonia had accepted to help Ochana some more. They discussed Gloomville's past previously, but back then Sonia was pretty new in town and had not read up much on local stuff.
- So, I have many questions, but if I need to start somewhere, and I obviously do, I'd like to learn about a man named Edwin. I think he resided in our hood, Willow Field. And I think he might have been involved with your farm, Willow Farm, and maybe there was also a crime of some kind.
- Oh, Ochana, that's many questions! I did look up some stuff earlier today, and let me tell you what I found before we go on!
- You know I moved in here about the time when you did. Then my husband, Agaton, had just moved in at the farm. Joined by his brother, Mark. Well, they had never been there before, but the late farmer was some distant relative, maybe an uncle or their father's uncle.. I asked Agaton, but he has very little knowledge about those farmers. I left those notes at home.
- Were those notes more than a name? Ochana asked eagerly.
- Well, pretty much just a couple names. But what I founds here in the library today might interest you even more. I'll need to read it more thoroughly, but there were obviously some conflicts back when Willow Field expanded. First there was just the farm, Willow Farm, then more land was sold to settlers. And I think some poor small people, more or less native half gnomes, were pushed out.
- Oh, that's interesting, Sonia! I wish you had a map! Was Glee Abode involved? And how about Edwin Flock?
- I found no mention of Edwin Flock, the Flock name was there, yes. I think the natives with redish hair and pointy noses were called the Glee People.
Ochana nodded. Sonia was on to something! The old Mrs. Raven had told about the Glee people that night at Café Lavender!
After the not so successful jokes, Edith brought Tammy Oaksdale and Mandy Rosewood back home to Glee Abode to hang out.
Edith is actually better acquainted with Mandy while Miranda prefers discussing farm subjects with the farm daughter Tammy. This time they switched.
They ate a little, did some homework, and chatted a lot. None of them had a boyfriend yet, but all except Miranda were looking.
Then Ochana got back home. - Hello girls! How nice!
Then she suddenly noticed the looks of Tammy Oaksdale, only daughter of Sonia and Agaton next door!
- Red hair and pointy nose, Ochana said to herself, silently. - And more or less dressed like a half gnome, if you ask me!
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