I'm currently spending my days in Britechester where 4 sims study for their degrees as a test. I mentioned them in a previous post, but did I say they all study at Foxbury Institute? They stay in a residential home so they actually just vanish by their front door, but when they go out to socialize, they mostly go to Foxbury Common.
Here are 3 of the 4, Jill N. Potterfield, Corinne Dougham and Salvador Kessler - all in a younger version than you might have seen them before, as they all appear in my video series As Sims Go By. I simply set them back a life stage to get the education I imagine these sims have, and after graduation they will become their real age again. Magic! Oh, if you wonder why the 4th sim is not pictured - he is taking this photo; Malcolm Landgraab.
In this post I will show you some of Foxbury hood, there will be more about the 4 students later.
Foxbury is a modern campus, very different from University of Britechester. I like that we have two, but I constantly think that several of their distinguished degrees should have been swapped. Biology, Economics and Psychology have longer traditions than Drama, Communication and Fine Art, right? Academic stuff could be at Britechester and newer degrees at Foxbury, but I have no idea how these things are decided, perhaps in real life there must be a mix. And why do I care, anything goes.
In the above picture, the Common is the white building to the left, and centered is the Sports arena. The long building to the right holds two student housings on top floor.
Foxbury lacks the charm that you find in Britechester. But sometimes modern is good, especially when it comes to computer science and robotics. They take place here at Foxbury of course. The little park changes a bit when there are events - look out for that stuff, I only saw one yet.
The Foxbury dorm is kinda strange. The build is super modern, but a bit too large for my liking. It takes 30 sim minutes to cross the floor, LOL. I've already rebuilt parts of the interior, trying to make it a little less spacious. I'll share some more pictures and comments in next post.
When I get access to a new world I normally go in film making mode and fly about to check it out. This hood is well done, it's spot on the theme for Foxbury. Perhaps a bit less inviting, but I like that the hoods are this diverse. Note the little beach, you can go there to swim.
The outdoors is beautiful, with water channels and lush planting here and there. I didn't explore the many walking paths quite yet, there are probably a few picnic areas.
The modern city in the distance - is it Sim City? And a parking lot in front. So many cars! Or perhaps they are actually car robots? ;)
Note the tall bridge in the background, it's cool that a not so modern bridge is allowed to make a contrast to everything new. And you see the train crossing the bridge...?
Bridge again. I did not check how far you can swim, but probably not all this way...
And the train again... It's just another distant illusion. Don't even try to check out the rear side of the train, ha-ha. It's actually not there... Still a cool effect seen from a distance, as intended.
Well, it's getting late. I'm surprised how little rain we het here in the new world - that is said to be based on England. Aftr playing 4 terms = 4 full weeks, there might have been 4-5 rainy days. I call that a waste, as most students will spend most time indoor studying anyway...
Pictured is one of my stidents, the future Dr. Salvador Kessler, rushing outside the Common to shower in the rain... well, the other students inside gasped as he walked through the eating area - undressed... :o
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