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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Rab-Saxor, Lord von Lykke

So, I'm still enjoying my massive nobility project where local history is being written. I started with a King and his Royal Chamber in Year 1, then introducing the many peerages until the great revolution that took place in Y120. As the result of political insight and quick maneuvers, the last bunch of low noble titles were introduced in a hurry in Y121 in a last attempt to secure future power to the high nobles now that the King was thrown.

Say hello to Mr Rabaan Rab-Saxor, who was introduced to the title Lord Lykke back in Y121. He was given the Lykke title because Duke Hendrian von Windenburg, who had been head of the Royal Chamber since 4 years, had no relative who could benefit from the new title. Although noble titles were not allowed direct connection to specific land, Lord Lykke was indeed meant to serve the Harbor and Isle hoods of Windenburg.

At this time trades were blooming and the harbor was very busy. Rabaan's coat of arms is described as fourths with primary color green and secondary color cream, and a golden sail ship centered. The green color is also known as the primary color of the house of Saxor.

The new tile was below low nobility and gender neutral, seen as quite modern as the title holder was expected to build a career in Business (or Entrepreneur) instead of Military. There was no tax discount, but following a long period of wars and conflicts Lord Lykke would still have certain military duties. At this time the House of Saxor had spread to most districts, meaning the surname was in use by Duke of Meadows (San Myshuno south of Myshuno river), Lord of Prome (Magnolia Promenade) and Lord of Shine (Uptown in San Myshuno). In addition a Saxor was married to the peer of Lunderclam (Sim City), Myshuno (San Myshuno north of Myshuno river), Shiningham (Rossie, county that includes Britechester), Crestville (middle part of Newcrest), and finally Gibbs (Britechester). It looks like Rabaan was the first descendant of Duke Victor Saxor (1st Duke of Meadows) to establish in Windenburg. Rabaan Saxor had Saxor relatives all over the region, so when he accepted the title Lord Lykke and moved to Windenburg, he changed his surname to Rab-Saxor.

Rabaan was born Year 95 as son of Lord Viggo Saxor of Prome (Magnolia Promenade, geographically within my San Myshuno). He is the great-grandchild of 1st. Duke of Meadows. He was only 26 and technically still a teen when moving to Windenburg. His older brother had already inherited the Prome peerage.

4 years later he married Ms. Dora Fyres, daughter of the local Lord von Dresden. Rabaan and Dora had only one son, Richardo, who drowned in the harbor aged 10. Dora died the year after Richardo's birth, so in Year 134 Rabaan Rab-Saxor was a lonely widower. He started to write poems, and took up a Writer career besides managing the harbor businesses. His books never sold well, but he lived out his dream. Year 146 he was rewarded the Order of the Golden Lion for his success with the harbor trades. This exclusive order is still given for «extraordinary community building efforts» and allows only 10 living members at a time.

Year 151 Rabaan remarried Linda Bowl from Windenburg's Oldtown. She was of no noble heritage and a quiet and down to earth woman. When their first child was still a toddler, they moved from the modern quarters to Isle, where they had bought land from the Windenburg Trust and built «Pier Palace», which is still the main seat of Lord Lykke. Living away from the harbor business must have had a bad impact, as the income were reduced despite of a very good and peaceful era. When the household counted 4 children they had a live-in servant, but the current household lives as an ordinary family. It's said that it was the servant who started the big house fire in Year 157, the only serious fire in this house.

Lady Linda and Lord Rabaan von Lykke had 4 children: Ericco, Vintec, Elvy and Bella. Only Elvy got Rabaan's red hair. Year 179 Rabaan was heir to the Prome peerage, but the family stayed in Windenburg. Then Linda passed away in Year 185 (history notes a bit unclear on the exact year, but she was just turned elderly).

Another photo showing the Rab-Saxor household in Year 193. Rabaan was aged 98 and had retired from all duties, but as this Lord title can only be inherited by death, he was still the official Lord Lykke. All 4 children grew up well, Mr. Ericco aiming to soon become Lord Lykke.

Rabaan Rab-Saxor Lord Lykke died at age 100 in Year 195. He might be the longest reigning title holder of the region, and his 74 years long period as a Lord will sure be hard to beat. Such a pity he did not live to see the double wedding where both his sons married, taking place only 2 years later.

Left to right: Mrs. Jespers, bride Erica Jespers, Mr Jespers, groom Vintec Rab-Saxor Lord of Prome, Elvy Rab-Saxor, Lizzy Rab-Saxor (toddler), Bella Rab-Saxor, bride Lady Anthebe Roxenfox of Lunderclam, Lady Gloria Roxenfox of Lunderclam, groom Ericco Rab-Saxor Lord Lykke, and finally Duchess Claudine de Cavalier, Lady of Lunderclam (sister of Anthebe and Gloria). Phew!

Rabaan's descendants of today (Year 223) resides at Isle (WB), Prome (Magnolia Promenade, SM) and Shiningham (Rossie county). Ericco and Anthebe had a son, Benjamin, then Anthebe died and Ericco remarried Raggyann Dipperwell, daughter of the Priest of the Church of Similius. Vintec inherited the Prome peerage from Rabaan, he and Erica had two daughters, Laura and Rosanna. Elvy first married Dr. Nivert Hump and they had a son, Robin (San Myshuno), then she divorced him and became Baroness as she married Bennet Ross Baron of Shiningham. Bella moved to San Myshuno and had daughter Lizzy with a stranger shortly after Rabaan's passing, then Bella died from illness and Lizzy was adopted by Ericco and Anthebe.

This is just a secondary household in my save, in fact it was added just recently because this lord title is still going strong in Year 223 - and there were a suitable vacant lot for them in Windenburg. I had lots of fun following Rabaan and his descendants to form their backstory, with all details according to my historical notes. It's like researching real history or genealogy in my own game, quite cool :)

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