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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Thursday 1 October 2020

The Verde Peerage Trust

(Oasis Springs, Y225) There are several announcements from the Barony of Verde: First off, the baroness is pregnant, and birth is due this Winter! It's a relief that there will be an heir this early on, as Baron Verde himself is quite old. Only males can inherit the peerage, but also a girl might help indirectly on the line of future successors.

The Verde coat of arms was originally black and yellow with 2 crossing swords.
Auphor Saxor's new version is black and brown with a centered horse torso.

Next announcement is the Verde peerage Trust. Who are the board members?

After last years trial, the situation could easily make the choice of the trust's board members a little tricky, but Auphor Saxor, Baron of Verde, who is leading the trust board with his double sovereign vote, has now announced that the additional board members are indeed Jarret Ross, Duke of Rossie, and Malcolm Landgraab, Lord Cacti. Trust board members are normally chosen long term (max 25 years), but because the Baron himself was replaced, extraordinary changes to the board would have been accepted. After all those 2 additional board members are meant to represent family branches that are in line of succession to the barony.

The portrait on Auphor's desk is indeed his late first wife, Cordenza.

The latter is the one who raised the trial against the Royal Chamber in order to have Jarret Ross sacked as successor, and obviously Landgraab was seeing a chance to fill the position as Baron of Verde himself.

The former, Jarret Ross, is the one who was sacked, but Court included eternal membership of the Verde peerage Trust for the Duke of Rossie.

Auphor's office at Yuma Heights is rather small, but the floor plan makes it hard to expand it in any way. They use the dining room nearby for larger meetings.

The Verde peerage Trust board already had their first meeting lead by Auphor. He informed them on the budget, the ongoing renovation which mainly will upgrade the formal salon of the estate, and the future plans of having the elderly Oswald couple stay as live-in servants. The old couple did a splendid job taking care of Yuma Heights while it was remotely administrated from Rossie. Both Vivian and Spencer Oswald used to work for the Landgraab Science Lab, as Accountant and Lab Photographer. 

Verde Trust owns several businesses; Verde Center Business, Burners & Builders Gym, and Bazar Liquors, Inc. In addition there is the unique Yuma Aubusson Rug and some valuable jewelry including the Baron's coronet. The trust was granted allowances 2 years ago. The finances are decent, in Region 12 only Duke of Meadows has a wealthier trust - before the Yuma Heights renovation project completes, that is.

No disagreements were reported so far. These meetings normally take place once every year. The board normally consists of distant relatives, and yes, both Ross and Landgraab are in fact distant relatives of Auphor. Auphor Saxor's mother Victoria (von Donnersmalt) Saxor and Jarret Ross' grandmother, Eva Maria (von Donnersmalt) Saxor, were sisters. Malcolm Landgraab's father's mother Princess Ann Caramelle von Donnersmalt, the first Lady Cacti, was their Cousin. In other words, the 3 men all descends from Victor August von Donnersmalt, former Baron of Verde (family tree).

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