Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Major Trial coming up?

(Year 230, Winter) A large number of young citizens with the white eyes syndrom has formed a group to claim their rights. They claim to be children of the same man, all with different mothers. The case gets quite delicate as that man, a formerly highly respected Politician, was married.

The white eyes syndrom is quite rare. It means the eyes are all white, visually, a defect that shows from toddler stage. The carrier will have a normal eye quality, but to most it will be a physical burdon where they might choose to wear sunglasses on a cloudy day - indoors as well.

The child who brought this up is Amy Cracrow (17), from Finchwick in Henford-on-Bagley. She is now a teenager, living with her mother and her two halfbrothers, who are twins.

- I have contacted several other teenagers and children, to form a stronger group before we take our case to court! We are half siblings, because our father slept around a lot while being married. He never paid any financial contribution, and he never even stopped by to greet us. My mom doesnt even think that he knows about all the children he produced in his younger days! We will claim financial support, and most of our mothers will support our case with testemonies.

The trial comes as a shock to the wife of the not-yet-named Politician, as she had no knowledge about her husband's adventures. The couple is quite wealthy, so it is exprected that the claim will not be about crumbles.


  1. Wow!!! That's a huge scandal! I can't wait to see what's going to happen. 😃
    I started a new "story" in my blog, inspired by your way of playing. Mine has not so awesome details as yours and my Royalty is not based in the rules of the real ones. But thanks for inspiring me. What you make here is really amazing! 💚

    1. Thanks Sally, I appreciate your comments a lot! Looking forward to check out your blog again soon. I'm out of town for a few weeks, so I'm not very active these days due to lack of internet connection and game, plus other RL commitments, but I'll stop by as soon as I get back home - love to watch pictures even if I don't understand the text :) The trial was on my agenda for more than a year so it's really about time to proceed with it. There will be more on this subject in the upcoming "Simmerville show" youtube vid, just couldn't complete it before leacing town.

    2. I'll wait gladly for more in the blog when you can post. I hope you have fun in these weeks out. You have a great day! 😊
