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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

The Mysterious Glimmerbrook Horse

(Year 232, Spring) There exist several reports, and yet nobody was allowed to get close to the white and pink Unicorn of Glimmerbrook. The owner, Count Helfert of Ticktop (48), can occasionally be seen riding this spectacular creature.

They never take a ride during daylight hours, but there is no information stating whether the horse is shy of light or they simply try to ignore curious tourists. Over the past years tourism has grown and Glimmerbrook has more short term visits than ever before. This is not thanks to the unicorn, though, but the Brook Herbarium that has become quite popular, also for exclusive but small weddings.

Glimmerbrook was always a rather secluded community, their Tickertown is still very hard to locate unless you hire a local guide. Half their population is said to reside there, in Tickertown. Glimmerbrook with Tickertown is the total of Region 8 Ticktop. With a population of only 4,000 this region is doomed to expire, as hey will shortly be merged with a neighboring region. Details are yet not official.

Saturday, 27 January 2024

King Tarriot receives Family Tree

(Year 232, Spring) Yesterday HRM King Tarriot held a special audience for the Historical Society's leader, Mila Munch. The occasion was the society's first print of the new series of family trees honoring a few of our most important houses.

HRM King Tarriot received the first framed family tree; tree of the House of Luxe-Hamper. 

The series involves most of the high nobility Houses, but Munch states there will also be a few no longer existing houses. Starting with the royal House of Luxe-Hamper felt natural.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Regional Reform 233 - Speculations

(Year 232, Spring) Following numerous complaints stating that the Regional Reform 233 comes too late and debates taking too long, Prime Minister Wilder has confirmed more information to be announced in a few weeks! Now that the refined national map is ready, bar a few possible minor adjustments with reference to the ongoing «Come Rain Come Shine» weather system science project, it gets a bit easier to see the bigger challenges. We know where the culprits are located, and while a few changes might stir up protests, there are also smaller changes with hardly any effect.

The Mazaloom Kingdom map. Click for a larger version.

The map might appear as rather compact, but Mazaloom kingdom is just a small corner of the world. The number of 8 regions shall not change, but some borders will adjust, hopefully with more equal population numbers per region than today, which is the goal of the entire reform. The main challenge is that Region 12 is too large, stretching through most of he nation. It covers districts like San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, Magnolia Promenade, Gloomville, Evergreen Harbor, Brindleton Bay, Newcrest and the arid Oasis Springs with StrangerVille annex. Everyone acknowledge the splitting of this region is the most dramatic change to come, but how will it be executed?

Sunday, 21 January 2024

Nobility Calendar of Year 232

Now with photos! Time has come for a more narrow focus on the royal house and just one high nobility house from each region. Awaiting the Regional Reform Year 233, this might be the last time we have most high nobility listed.
It's now Year 232!

The Royal Palace Office (RPO) handles all events, invitations and more. The Royal House will mostly serve the community by attending various events out in the 8 regions as well as abroad. In addition there will be a few events hosted by them. In addition they might accept invitations from each region's highest nobility house - they equals to the 8 members of the High order of the Baltazar.

Summer is Social Season, packed with smaller or ad-hoc events with less formality and shorter notice, leading up to the Grand Ball at the royal palace. On top of this there are quite some representations involving patronages and more. Each high nobility house will typically host a couple events every year. They rarely take on community engagements outside their home district, unless being urged by the RPO. Guests are traditionally from same or one step down ranks, or even lower ranks if there exist family, historical or geographical connections. Each house will rarely accept more than two invitations per season, Summer (Social Season) is the exception, and the Royal House with more active members might get busier.

Thursday, 18 January 2024

Mazaloom NEWS - Year 231

Year 231 has closed, and Mazaloom NEWS is here with highlights (and some less lighted) news from Mazaloom kingdom and beyond. The format has changed, no longer focus on Region 12, but the entire kingdom, and even a new section covering news from other nations like Empire of Snorthia and Sea kingdom. Five minutes video with news, job openings and family notes, hosted by Simmerville Studio's news anchor, Paulo Caliente.

Monday, 15 January 2024

Princess Evendice has grown up

(Year 232, Spring) Last Winter a young woman graduated and turned into a young adult. This weekend she was observed with her closest family dining in San Sequoia, most possibly to celebrate her birthday. The real party takes place in two weeks, a little bit delayed, and probably more private than their family outing at the Museum of Classical Music's restaurant. Despite being 6th in line to the Mazaloom Throne, the young woman hardly got much attention in the past.

HH Princess Evendice (26) is oldest child of HRH Prince Royal Blaise (61) and HH Princess Duella (66). Her full name is Evendice Delleira Luxe-Hamper, and the family of 4 resides at Wyvern Hall in Britechester, one of the finer properties owned by the Royal Trust. Her uncle is HRM King Tarriot, making the Crownprincess her cousin.

Friday, 12 January 2024

Royal Guest at Gobelin Fashion Show

(Year 232 Spring) With plenty of hush-hush and invites only, last night Gobelin Fashion arranged another successful fashion show for the elite. The models did a great job as usual, and guests were treated well with lots of inspiration for the upcoming season.

Before we check out who were there, let's take a moment to step outside for an overview: What is Gobelin Fashion?

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Too many Rentals?

(Year 232, Spring) This Winter we got a new Landlord Deed, and the rental business has really reached a new level. In most of our 8 regions we got rental units, and Landlords have also been fighting over land to build their rental residential establishments. Not everyone applauds this development.

On the main street of Newcrest's Crestville this morning, Politician and Vice-President Silverbone allowed herself one hour of protesting. Fanny Silverbone (72) belongs to the «Simoleons for Everyone» fraction of the LEFT party, and despite also representing the nation as the 2nd most important Politician at People Chamber, giving less room for individual opinions, she had to let go of some steam.

Friday, 5 January 2024

History Lesson

(Year 232, Spring) The ever enthusiastic leader of Mazaloom Historical Society since many years, Mila Munch (78), expresses one sincere wish: That more residents would build knowledge of the history of their family as well as of our community. There is a waiting list to join the popular Historical Society club, but Munch can recommend additional ways to get enlightened.

Mila Munch in Historical Society's genealogy library.

If she had to list just one field where Mazaloom kingdom did well, it would be to make the common history available to anyone interested. Did you know that the online registry provides family trees all the way back to Year 1? Or that the National Museum frequently display portraits and other old heirlooms showing the history of some of our early heroes? Or that there exists a packed History Book online, helping you to trace historical events and persons based on geographical region or department?

Monday, 1 January 2024

The Simmerville Show - #6 Landlords and more

(Year 232, Spring) Happy New Year! Fritz Mervil is back with 6th edition of The Simmerville Show, and this time several guests are Landlords. This edition has no clear theme, though, and the five guests bring various subjects to the table.

This show was recorded a while ago, but editing process was delayed by RL. The focus of the show in general is how I play my game, and all sims involved - including guests as well as the live audience - are actual sims from my game.