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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Historical Guide to (my) Ravenwood

(Year 233, Spring) Up through Mazalom's history we often find references to Ravenwood. And that is not so strange, because Ravenwood is probably the oldest civilization of the kingdom. When Mazaloom's year count started 233 years ago, the Heighwood family claimed they already owned and used the Crow's Crossing hood, while the Mux-Raisser family claimed the rights to Whispering Glen. This is quite extraordinary, as all other areas of the nation seem to have been rather unoccupied land.

The Ravenwood administration was early, too, but we can't say for sure if it was a community like we define it today, or a few organizations with the particular interest in Thanatology, as Ravenwood is still famous for.

Anyway, the place grew into a small town, and Crow's Crossing became the administrative center. From early years there was a town board, unlike most other districts. Here in Ravenwood the board originally had 7 members, but gradually 4 of them were replaced with crows. Today the board includes Ravenwood Mayor, the Priest and the Undertaker, but they still consult the 4 crows when important issues are handled. The Mayor will be elected, but there is a tradition of this position being held by either House of Heighwood or House of Mux-Raisser.

In Mazaloom kingdom the general magic number is 8, but in Ravenwood it is 7. They even have something called the Raven's Year, which is any year where summing up the digits gives 7. We just had a Raven's Year in Year 232 (2+3+3=7), and the next will be Year 241. Then, after Year 250, there won't be another Raven's Year until Year 304. The Raven's Year is seen as good for community decisions involving Otherworld, but also other bigger debates will likely be handled in those years.

Current Mayor is Mr Shiftolph Heighwood, Priest is Mr Fartain Booch, and Undertaker is Olive Specter. They meet at the town hall, with or without the 4 birds.

There is some confusion to why crows were given such an important role, while the district is obviously named after the raven. Truth is that it is not that obvious that the Raven was a regular bird. Old religious scrolls found at Mourningvale indicates that in the early years the Watcher was actually seen as a Raven. The raven  has good eyes for observing and judging, and we all know the old Jacobian faith was punishing.

The Cracrow family have been in charge of tending to birds for generations. They are seen as commoners, but have a strong position in this spiritual community.

The 4 crows are kept in a tower, facing to each their direction to cover the full panorama. The birds are old, but well trained and they still do their job. 

There are other bird species at the Cracrow lot, too, of course. If you have a feather related question, this is where to turn!

A former member of this family was Paula Cracrow. She was often seen communicating with local ghosts. Now she is a ghost, herself.

The current town board is debating whether Paula shall become one of their officially supported ghosts. This will obviously not be decided until Year 241.

The only true aristocratic family of Crow's Crossing is House of Heighwood. They resides the largest property, and they currently hold the Mayor position.

The family photo above was taken before the current Head (left) got married. The elderly female hails from the Cracrow family and is now married for the 2nd time. Mrs Fille C. Heighwood never was head of the house, though. Their family tree can be seen here.

There are rumors that their estate is about o fall apart because they can't afford the maintenance. But it's not really anyone's business.

Then we have the Priest! Currently Priest Fartain Booch serves the Rossie parish of Church of Similius. The  vicarage is located here at Crow's Crossing, and he is of course often seen at the cemetery.

Priests are now life long commitments, formerly they were allowed to retire. Booch has been a popular character, more liked than the former Priest, Julius Tapper, who was an evil person, even favoring elements from the long gone Jacobian church. Priest Booch regularly gathers the locals for  speeches and memorials in the Raven Chuirch. Occasionally he also gives a tour of the older graves.

While Crow's Crossing is community geared, the next hod Whispering Glen is very relaxed and refreshing with lovely countryside cottages combined with old ruins.

The ruins are from when the Jacobian  Church ruled this district. The monument of the Boss was installed in the memory of the long gone era.

Today, like for 233 years ago, the most central household is found at Whishers Farm. House of Mux-Raisser probably settled here a couple generations before our Year 0.

The grand building is in much better shape than the Heighwood's, and it seems like this house actually managed to keep their financial position through the generations. In the background (above) you see they even have a servants house. This is traditionally occupied by helping farmers.

Current head of House of Mux-Raisser is the elderly Mr Pandor Mux-Raisser.

His wife Mrs Bettina was daughter of the evil Priest Tapper, and her sister is married to head of House of Heighwood. Rumors more than suggest that Pandor and Bettina do struggle a bit with their relation. Their children moved out, and farmers help with the crops, meaning there might be time to work a bit on romance.

Petram Raven the serving Farmer, his wife and two sons helps occasionally. The main crop is pumpkins, but they also grow Valerian and other typical Glimmerbrook plants.

It is easy to believe that the Raven family has something to do with Ravenwood's origin, but no, this family was servants for generations. There also exists a branch in Gloomville, they are pretty poor, too.

Teardrop Cottage is owned by House of Mux-Raisser, rented to the Ember family since many generations. They pay rent by making and selling fruit nectars. This family no longer enjoy focusing on gardening, though, it must feel like a terrible chore. They are well known for their lovely landscape paintings, mostly painted locally.

Salza Ember (pictured above) loves playing the viola, while her sister moved to Copperdale, not far away. Her aunt Fedibeth, had a decent Acting career. They all focus more on creativity than nectar making.

Whispering Glen also have a little castle, the Marigold Chateau. This was built by King Baltazar very long ago, and when it is not occupied by members of the royal family, a keeper from the House of Mux-Raisser or a retired Priest moved in temporarily. There is a servant cottage next to the stable, too. Right now House of Mux-Raiser's main heir resides here with wife, Cassandra (Goth) and their child.  

HRM King Tarriot spent Summers here in the past, and there are now speculations that one of the royal children will move in eventually. A Crown Princess or a Prince would probably feel welcome.

The slightly more secluded corner of Ravenwood, called Mourningvale, is frequented by locals but not so easy to find for tourists who mainly want to take their selfies.

There are many a myth in this hood, and the historical vibe is strong as the place sort of connects souls from several dimensions. Jacobian Church had their big cathedral here, the ruins can still be seen. The house "Straud Hissing" is currently a nightclub, but some says there is still a Straud descending vampire around. 

We're closing this long picture post with a lovely capture of Paula Cracrow running through Mourningvale while embracing everything there is to embrace! She often came here to swim, and she also founded a regular festival that is still important in many locals' lives.

PS: There is also a video series on my Youtube channel, 3 videos will show more of Ravenwood. The first video is already up, the other two will be released later tis month.

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