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Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Hope Terra - se 1 - ch 3: Family life

Hope and Rasmus get their first child! And there are many more to come...

Hope gives birth to a son, and they gives him the name Aquid. He has got orange scales on his legs, so they assume he will be a pretty good swimmer when he grows up!

Home life is different with a baby in the house. Rasmus will need to improve the house once more. There is only one bedroom, but maybe they can add some extra room upstairs?

Hope keeps looking for seeds. She prepares a small plot of soil, but there is no seed to find anywhere! If only her dear father, merman Aquator Merez could bring them at least a fruit of some kind? He still leaves treasures on the beach almost every night.

There are a few birds and animals on the little sland. They see the raccoon, mice, small birds, seagulls, snakes and one day Rasmus even gets to tame a parrot!

And then they giggle about their latest discoveries.

One evening Hope notices one of the Mersea group mermaids, Bea Breeze, in the waters. Hope joins her, but Bea just looks terrified and then she suddenly leaves. Hope starts to worry. Was it about Hope's father? Did anything happen to old Aquator? Or is it just the fact that Hope hardly understands the mer people language?

Hope gets pregnant again, and Rasmus completes a spacious tower room. He also finds a rowing boat, and enjoys fishing in deeper waters. He is always very careful, knocking four times on the boat before throwing the hook into water. He doesn't want to catch or damage any of the mer people!

At night he often sits in their living room, watching the sea. Some times he sees a swimming creature out there, and he knows it is the mer people. He wonders how many they are. He also wonders if they do guard all his steps?

Then son Davitor is born! Hope already has got a ritual, walking to the cliff to show the newborn to the Portal of Mersea South. She hopes that her father Aquator is still watching. One day she will tell the children about the huge rock out there...

Hope still swims daily, but she hardly go far away from Hope Terra. This morning she goes pretty far, and she finds the sea ground poison has spread! Even the tall Kelps looks dead in this region!

Finally, one morning Hope finds a seed!

She has waited so long for this moment, planting her first edible plants! Yes, she can get used to human food. She still prefers raw fish, but some vegetables for the family will do them good.

Family life goes on for a year, and once again Hope is pregnant. She recalls what her dear father once said, he asked her to build a large family. Will three children be considered a large family?

Rasmus loves to play with little Aquid. He is already a toddler, and keeps crawling about. One minute he is in the house, the next hew is outside exploring the dangers.

One day Rasmus can't find Hope! She has fainted right outside their washing room. Because of the pregnancy she occasionally forgets to go to the beach to have her daily swim. She needs water in a hurry!

Shortly she is recovered. Rasmus is worried, from now on he will need to look for her more carefully. He makes sure she goes for a swim every morning.

Hope finds more seeds, and when she sees a huge kitchen appliance on the beach, she understand that her father Aquator is still around! She plants the seeds, and then she realizes that some animal has aten one of the plants! An animal on this tiny island? Is the raccoon interested in her plants?

Rasmus is pretty good at fishing. He is a clumsy angler though, some days he doesn't catch a single fish.

They fence in the little gardening plot, and the plants grow slowly but seem to do well.

Then their first daughter, Animere, is born. She is the first child with human legs, no scales at all! Hope wonders how Animere will cope with being different from the mer people? And how about finding herself a spouse among the mer people?

The family now counts five, and both Aquid and Davitor are old enough to care for themselves. Hope takes up painting, but she will need some practice.

One night, when both Rasmus and the children are asleep, Hope sneaks down to the beach to meet Nesla and Alan Scalor of the Mersea group.

She can hardly understand them. They talk with sounds that Hope can no longer understand. She tries her best, and after a while she manages to understand a few words. They are worried about the future! The Mudder group has taken some more of the land. Hope's father is safe, but nobody can tell for how long. The worst thing is... no, Nesla Scalor changes her mind and decides not to tell... They swim away...

Hope has no idea that this was her second chance to be a full worthy mermaid, meaning communicating with them. She has only one more go, save it for your father, Hope!

Although Hope thinks 3 is enough, one more baby is born. It's another girl, named Shimmerita after Hope's mother, Shimmere. This girl has lovely scales on her legs. In other words, three out of four might be able to serve the Mersea group pretty well.

It's Winter again, and it's Hope's less favourite season! The garden plot is frozen, Rasmus goes out to fish only every other day, and they can hardly see the ocean from their living room window.

It's too cold for a swim. Hope just tried, and she nearly froze to death. On days like this she longs to the deeps of Mersea South. She knows that the water is warmer down there.

Rasmus can't wait to get assistance from Aquid and Davitor. As soon as they become teens, they will help catching fish. But today Rasmus goes out alone in his little boat. He knocks four times on the boat to warn any mermaids or mermen down there.

Just as he is sitting there in his own thoughts, he sees a dark shadow under the boat. Rasmus is a Sailor and has seen the Kraken before. But this shadow is not the Kraken, it's much smaller like a big fish or a merman. And before he gets time to reackt, a black merman tail hits the boat with impressive powers. Rasmus is thrown out of the boat and into the water that is too cold for swimming.

In a few moments Hope will look out their window to notice Rasmus' boat, empty and drifting on the waters.

There are 4 new family members; Aquid, Davitor, Animere and Shimmerita. On the Hope Terra main page you will find all the current household members' fact cards :)

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