Ochana still had not discussed with Agaton or Sonia Oaksdale, why their farm next door was named Willow Farm instead of Oaksdale Farm. But these days it was all about the youngest twins, Pivian and Paula - their teen birthday was coming up!
Ochana and Chad were still in love, after all these years. Occasionally they were flirting as much as it would be tempting having another child, but maybe four of them should be enough. The last attempt could result in triplets, mind you!
- Love you so much, Chad!
- Oh, I love you, too, Ochana! By the way, would it be a good idea moving to Magnolia Promenade?
- Why? asked Ochana.
- Just thought it would be easier to start over in a smaller flat than to raise funds to equip this big mansion.
- Well, just no!
Ochana had no plans of leaving Gloomville! Now that Chad had brought it up, she feared he would mention his silly idea to the kids. If all of them wanted to move, she would be in trouble! 5 should win over 1.
Ochana hoped that at least Miranda would love this garden too much to live in a city flat. Edith would easily find another club to perform her jokes. And Pivian and Paula? They were still too young to make sense, but shortly their teen birthday would come up, and their interests will get more obvious.
Chad was slowly making a progress in the Sports career. He spent hours at the gym nearly every day.
- So, have you been to the gym at Magnolia Promenade, yet? he asked.
- Nope, they got no gym over there. Most establishments are rented by retail stores. Quite boring if you can't think of anything but exercising.
- Oh, is that true? No swimming pools either? Chad asked.
- I don't know about pools. I occasionally go there jogging. It's good for jogging.
Little Paula was not into jogging, but perhaps boxing? This day she was very angry, it turned out that some test at school was a trap that she noticed too late. She failed, and she thought it was unfair. Boxing on Drago made her feel better. And hey, this activity was fun, too!
Her twin brother Pivian was more busy with the chemistry table. He loved playing with it! Collecting serums, experimenting and playing the mad scientist game. It always made him filthy and tired, too, in a good way!
Pivian found his older sister Edith in the kitchen, busy doing her homework.
- Edith, do you think I will be allowed to keep playing with my chemistry table when I become a teenager like you?
- I have no idea, said Edith while focusing on Algebra.
- Could you do me a favour? Could you try playing the mad scientist game?
- No way, Pivian! It would ruin my nails! You should ask Miranda, she don't care about her nails...
Tomorrow is the birthday, and the night before Chad was strolling about Willow Field to look for time capsules. They would be perfect gifts for Pivian and Paula's birthday!
Ochana baked a cake, and got dressed for a small party for the youngest twins. Pivian and Paula had invited one friend each. When Ochana lit the cake candles, she noticed the gnome resembling Tammy Oaksdale, daughter of the Willow Farm next door. Tammy was knocking on the garden door.
Tammy was invited inside, although Ochana found it weird that she appeared on the very minute their party started. Did she spy on them? If so, did it have anything to do with the Glee people?
Well, in a way it was good that Tammy stopped by. The two invited guests did arrive on time, but hesitated to enter the living room. Pivian couldn't wait though, so he got ready to grow up!
Next was Paula, and either Ochana got a bit too close to the gloom, or Paula accidentally punched her mother as she twirled...
The two young guests were both kids of Sissela Morck, one of the contenders at the Sims by Numbers Show. They said they just got triplet siblings that are still babies and couldn't come to the party. Ochana never got any close to Sissela back then, but had seen her occasionally in the park. The kids, Ray and Antoinette were twins, too.
- Kids, it's getting late, it's time you head back home to Oasis Springs, said Miranda.
- But, but we had no cake yet! protested Ray and Antoinette.
- Sorry that you had to leave just as we got ready to eat the cake. Bye!.
Ochana and Chad placed the two gifts on the table. Those capsules were always exciting, because the content would be a surprise to everyone!
Paula and Pivian got one doll each. Not what Paula wished for, but Pivian was pretty satisfied.
So, who are they? What traits did Pivian and Paula get, and what aspirations?
Pivian: The Curator aspiration. Traits: Slob (from Ochana) and Cheerful.
Paula: Body Builder aspiration. Traits: Active (from Chad) and Geek.
Ochana spent one late hour in the attic. The rest of the house had gone to bed.
She was a little confused. This far she had been convinced that Miranda, with her green thumb, would be the perfect heir to the Secret Mission. Then she had seen Edith as the perfect one, being social and communicative. Now that Pivian and Paula grew up, they were possible main heirs, as well! Pivian seemed to like collecting stuff, which would be good for gathering information to solve the mission. And Paula, well, although she seemed to be as active as Chad, she kind of had it all, active attitude, geek for the secrets and even the good looks for socializing.
Well, Ochana will not make a decision until Edith and Miranda becomes young adults, there's still some time before that!
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