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Friday, 3 July 2015

Gloomville Diaries - gen 1 - ch 36: Birthday party

Ochana reread the Secret Mission's Rules and Directions, and the further process was getting clearer. On Edith and Miranda's young adult birthday, she would have to pick the Main Heir as well as the Secondary Heir. And she had decided who that will be!

Ochana was a little relieved that the Secret Mission itself won't be passed on until the day before Main Heir's wedding. It would simply give here some more time to complete her book.

Instead she found herself busy planning the upcoming birthday party, a picnic.

When she checked out a nearby town, Newcrest, she ran into Willow Field neighbour, Zilla Brox.

- That's funny, Zilla! I was just thinking that I must remember to invite you to my daughters' birthday party this weekend, and there you are, away from home!
- Oh, I already ran into most of our neighbours here. It's my first visit to Newcrest. A wonderful place, I'm actually debating to move here.
- Oh, you are? said Ochana, not really waiting for a reply.

Back home Chad wanted to talk.

- Yes, what's up Chad?
- Everyone seems obsessed with certain rules these days, I'm the only one not being involved. What's it all about?
- Oh, the heritage rules? Well, they came with the house. I won this house you know... and now it's soon time to pass it all on to either Edith, Miranda, Pivian or Paula.

- It's pretty complicated, she said, not really wanting to tell him every single detail.
- I should be involved in this, too! Chad complained.
- Of course dear. Those rules are based on the kids' achievements, so I don't think it would ever be a very unfair result. How well they studied will be counted, how well they played their social life, and stuff like that.
- Seems sane, then. Will the heir get anything else han this house?
- Oh, no, just the house! Ochana lied. She knew she could never tell anyone but the Main Heir and Secondary Heir about the Secret Mission.
- Fine then!

Saturday was coming up, and everything was set for a joyful picnic in the Glee Abode garden. Originally Ochana wanted to arrange the birthday party at the public park, Gloom Garden, but then she realized it would be a tad easier at home.

Edith was excited! She thought she would be in with a good chance becoming the Main Heir.

Miranda was excited, too. Because she was hoping to become the Main Heir. After all she spent hours on tending their garden, and had plans for further work with raising a greenhouse. Her good friend Alan Mugger attended too, back there wearing a red jacket and a cap.

All the guests gathered in the garden. All Willow Field neighbours were represented, although Ochana knew that was only strictly required for the Legacy Holder's birthdays. It would be good for the Main Heir to strengthen ties within the hood though.

Because Edith was born first, she was blowing those candles first.
- Yay!

Then it was Miranda's turn.
- Double yay!

At one point it became too much for poor Ochana. She started crying, and everyone just thought she was emotional. The author Camilla Grossing, walking by with a hot dog, had experienced the same when her own kids grew up to adults. Yes, it was tough seeing them leave!

None of them understood that Ochana had made the hardest choices ever, picking the heirs.

Miranda was happy to see that Alan Mugger got to chat with her family. Well, that is, both mom Ochana and sister Edith at least stared at him. Alan was a bit shy, but Miranda didn't want to push him into any conversations.

- Dad, do you think running or lifting would suit me the better?
- Running, definitely, hon! Chad replied. Paula held a special spot in his heart, because she had adapted his extreme interest in sports.

The party went on, and all the guests seemed to enjoy themselves. Edith found it a tad boring. Her mom had forgotten to provide any entertainment beside the food. No music, no games. Edith, who worked as a comedian, could have told some jokes if here was only a microphone. After all, she intended to take up a professional entertainment career now that she was young adult and free to make her own choices.

In the late hours, some guests started to leave. Alan Mugger stayed though.

- I can't wait to see your greenhouse, Miranda! Did you get this house, or did your sister get it?
- It's not decided yet, Alan. I'm not quite sure what's going on. Both mom and Edith are missing...

That's because Ochana had pulled Edith aside from the party. She could have announced it out there, making a big fuzz about it, but it would look strange to announce a Secondary Heir, so she decided to keep it all private.

- Edith, you are the Mox household's Main Heir! Today you inherit our humble home, Glee Abode!

- Yayyyy! I knew it! I knew it all along!, Edith cheered loudly.
- The house comes with certain pledges, as you must bring on a special tradition, the Secret Mission. I will inform you more on that soon. You will receive the Secret Mission on the day before you marry.
- What? Pledges? All I want is to upgrade this house to its full potential!

Ochana sent Edith back into the garden, and brought in Miranda.

- Dear Miranda, you have been picked for the Secondary Heir! Your sister Edith will be our Main Heir. Being Secondary Heir won't have effect until the day before Edith marries, but in case something happens to her, you will take her place.
- Oh, so basically there is no effect at all?
- Yes, there are rules for you as well. I will tell you more about it in a few days.

Ochana could have told Miranda that she will need to settle away from Gloomville, but there was no hurry as Miranda had not said anything about moving out quite yet.

Miranda found Alan Mugger on the terracce.

- Alan, it's decided. Edith got this house! She will neglect my garden, and I don' know what to do.

- Oh, Miranda, that's bad news for you, but good news for me!
- How come?, Miranda asked.
- Well, you like it at Mugger Farm, don't you? Give it a thought, you could move in with me if you like! We could talk about greenhouses, tomatoes and strawberries all day long!

Next update is expected July 7th!

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