Oh yes! A baby in the house made a difference. Albert and Myrhna took their equal turns on changing dirty diapers, feeding and singing. Albert was rather excited.
Myrhna wasn't very happy though.
- What's up, my ugly love?, Albert asked. Tried to sing a little song to cheer her up.
- Well, I need a hobby.
Albert gazed into her ugly eyes, tried to see what hobby she might be thinking of. But all he saw was emptiness.
- You could get better at cooking, he said. - Your cooking stil sucks big time!
- Oh, I do my best. I always do!
- No need to cry, there's already enough salt in this house.
Myrhna probably was the happiest when she put their little boy to sleep. Hui was quite a joy, not all the time, but most of the time.
She also enjoyed cleaning the lawn! Some days she thought about getting a job as a Maid.
- You really shouldn't eat that salty soup, Albert stated one day.
- I cooked so much, we can't afford throwing it away.
- But then you must eat faster! It will get spoiled in a day.
- I'm glad our son drinks from a bottle and not from your ugly breast, dear. He would get a salt infection from you!
Silently, Albert couldn't help wondering about Hui's looks. He looked quite nice and innocent, like almost every baby did. Maybe Myrhna didn't look good as a baby, how would he know, she brought no pictures. In a little while Hui would grow up, and his ugliness will hopefully flow! What on earth should Albert do if Hui turned out to look amazingly handsome? Having another child?
Myrhna skipped the Maid idea, and decided to apply for a Musician job at the Town Theatre, instead.
They asked if she played many instruments. She said she plays the guitar and trombone. What a lier!
- Oh my, what have I done!, she said to herself when the interview was done and the job was her's. - I don't play any instrument, don't even own a guitar!
No wonder she turned away from Albert that night!
- But I want to woohoo, my ugly dear!
- Sorry, no! No, no no!
- But Myrhna, we are husband and wife!
- No, we are not!
Right she was, they never married! Albert was in shock, what if Hui turned out to be the ugliest toddler in the world, and Myrhna decided to move out and take the boy with her? Oh, oh, Albert had to think. Wedding!
Myrhna got dressed, she was very grumpy.
She did buy a guitar, and she knew that she won't become a happy girl again before she learns to play that... thing over there!
More in a couple days!
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