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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday 23 June 2019

Patch goodies and detailed economy

[TS4] It's been busy days! I did not get the brand new Island Living expansion pack yet. Because my computer seems to allow max one more addition, I might actually skip this one in hope of a future farming pack. Or - I might add IL if we ever get hotels. Anyway, farming goes better with my existing game play than a tropical island, and my sims just recently got access to Selvadorada, anyway. I'm still exploring the Jungle Adventure and Spa Day game packs.

Any way, the latest patch did add a few temptations that I only partly checked out. The picture shows a testsim testing the new lounge chair. It comes in many colors, and best of all - it is portable. With this in the personal inventory your sim can relax anywhere, also outside community lots.

There was also added a new part time job system. Basically, adults can have the same part time jobs as teenagers, but with the new system many more jobs can be found. Also, your sim can choose working shifts and have 2 different part time jobs as long as the hours don't conflict.

And ... there are footprints on the sand, you can float on back in your swimming pool. Fishing has been greatly upgraded, and even if you need the IL pack to swim in the waters, you can wade if you find the few lucky spots. Swimming in the ocean is said to be available to all worlds, and hopefully even with out the IL pack, but at the moment it is not available.

Pride stuff was added to CAS, which is good in the RL pride month of June, but I would probably use it more if I got it a tad earlier and could plan for it. It's like getting Christmas decor a few days before Christmas, I don't really have the time to play every single day, and sometimes RL keeps you occupied during RL celebrations. Seasonal extras should be added at least one month earlier...

We also got tons of new colors for doors, and I think I found a few new options on some clothing as well, but I must admit I never got a full overview in CAS as I don't spend more time in there than needed.

Aside of making my patched game run with all CC stuff, I've been altering my community notes. Not patch related. I play rotationally, and in the past I thought household worth would randomly change while not played. But I just tested, and it's not so. With a very few exceptions of very small amounts of money, money seems stuck at what I left them. So, I have implemented the money system I used in The Sims 2! It took some time to gather all info from the game, but now it's all in my spreadsheet. This system I will update only every 5th year, then there might be a few taxes etc, as well. It makes inheritance and divorces more interesting as owned lots and stocks might get on new hands. Besides it makes it easier to have my own local taxes and fees. I'll tell more about this later. Right now I can't wait to play my community the TS2 way :)


  1. Keen to hear more on the system you're implementing! I've also been hoping they release some sort of farming pack. Fingers crossed. Also voted for As Sims Go By in the film festival the other day. Good luck! :)

    1. Hello! I already love my economic system, all it takes is to keep the spreadsheet open while playing, or to take notes. Will definitely write about it pretty soon.

      I was hoping for a farm pack now, but it was tropical theme instead, and besides they announced the Magic game pack, so it won't be a Farm game pack this fall, either. I have several farms and they have good routines already regarding crops, but I would love replacing my decorative only animals with real farm animals :) They could make them as limited as they like, as long as there is some animation and some way to make money from them. I'd be happy with a smaller pack, and I don't need a new world either.

      Happy simming!

    2. And thanks for voting in the sims film festival :) I see they have postponed the voting deadline, in case you want to watch more entries and vote in more groups. I found so many good videos in there!

    3. Speaking of farm animals, I noticed a mod for farm animals was recently updated by a modder called kawaiistacie. I haven't tried it out yet but thought you might be interested in having a look sometime? Here's the link: https://www.kawaiistaciemods.com/post/my-first-farm-animal

    4. Thanks for this link! It looks super cool, and I'll check it out more thoroughly when back from vacation. Love the wool harvesting idea!
