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Saturday, 30 May 2020

Neighborhood Action Plans

Yay! The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle comes with alternative Neighborhood Action Plans (N.A.P.). Each plan will affect the residents' behavior, and there is a voting weekends to pick the better one. As NPCs will also vote (your can influence them), I'm guessing (or hoping) that the vote result will not be completely random, but reflect the aspirations and traits of those voting. If so, the result might change over time as sims die and families switch hoods.

Here's some info on the plans I came across (not yet having the pack). More info will be added.

I've tried connecting each of the initiatives to my 3 political parties, RIGHT, LEFT and MIDDLE. I reckon the typical Eco-related initiatives were pushed by the MIDDLE party which has the younger members and is less traditional than the other two. So, my list is grouped, starting with the MIDDLE Party:

Free Love
Who needs negativity when you could be drenched in love? Who needs jealousy when you could be embraced with understanding? Vote with your heart and we can transform our community into a butterfly of love for all. Whether Single, Married, or just open, we embrace loving each other in all of its beautiful forms.

When Free Love reigns, you can gain Influence through Romance interactions.

Why keep feeding the corporate beast and continue spinning on this degrading hamster wheel of consumerist shame? We can rise up and maintain a perfectly good community ourselves!

We can live in a community where things like Fishing, Gardening, and Handiness are rewarded with increased Influence, as well as a sense of accomplishment.

Eco-Friendly Appliances
Neighbors, I think we could all benefit from a good N.A.P. One that promotes even the smallest changes to help make a difference.

Together we can push to fix our neighborhood one appliance at a time. Let's take action into our own hands by making Handiness skill and Influence easier to get by using green-upgraded appliances or by repairing any appliance.

Sharing is Caring
Some Sims own a lot of things. Som Sims own just a little bit of things. But what if everyone could just own everything? See that bike sitting there? That could be your bike! Or anyone's bike!

With this initiative, everything you see can be yours. You see something, you take it. No questions asked, no repercussions. Just don't get too attached to anything you already own.

Green Gardening
Have you always had the yearning to start gardening but never quite had the grumption to do it? Well, this fresh new N.A.P. might be just the thing to push you over that figurative mound of procrastination soil.

Grab your snips, cast your vote, and you'll get Influence for flexing your mighty green thumb. Growing a garden is beneficial for you, the community, and the planet. Let's all dig in!

Upcycling Initiative
Why spend your Simoleons on something you could create for yourself? Why do we throw away so many materials that could go into making something special and new?

With the Upcycling Initiative, we are giving Influence to everyone using Recyclers to get materials and Fabricators to turn those materials into something responsibly wonderful!

Promote Creative Arts
The mark of a true artistic community is a shared passion for the Creative Arts. Support this maker mindset with your vote, and you'll be rewarded not only with the pride you get from creating, but also with Influence from doing Painting, Photography, Writing, Fabrication, and other artistic activities.

Professionals working as Painters, Style Influencers, Freelance Crafters, or Writers will also earn increased pay while this N.A.P. is active.

We Wear Bags
Our community values reducing and recycling. But - has anyone else noticed that the paper bags are starting to pile up? We wouldn't dare throw those away! They could come to good use some day! Don't you think every last one of those 8.346 neatly folded pieces of untapped potential have finally earned their time to shine?

With the We Wear Bags Action Plan, we can proudly wear our bags as a mark of our Eco Lifestyles.

Green Initiatives in [Evergreen Harbor neighborhood]
Sometimes Green doesn't mean completely green, but at least a step towards it. It's time to blanket our neighborhood with luscious plant life.

With this Action Plan in place, we can expect to see not only trees and bushes sprouting, but we'll also see our neighborhood's Eco Footprint become more Green as well. All it takes is a small donation from residents in the form of a weekly bill increase. Simple!

Power Conservation
Energy isn't free, so what can we do on our part to help conserve? The Power Conservation Action Plan helps to answer that difficult question. Step 1: Limit your household's overall consumption of power by avoiding overuse of electronics. Step 2: Sacrifice one feensy weensy day per week without Power. The Landgraab Power Company even agreed to give a discount on utility bills for this.

Water Conservation
Let's admit it. The water isn't quite flowing with the flow with which it used to flow. How can we all chip in and help to conserve?

We believe that with the pairing of a weekly Water Shut-off Day and an organized effort to Consume Less Water, this community can really make a difference!

Roughhousing Encouraged
Have you ever heard another Sim's opinion and thought, "I should be polite but I really think this conversation would be better if I asserted my stance, refused to back down, and ultimately engaged in a full-out neighborly brawl"? We're with you.

Sometimes we believe there is such a thing as being too polite. We should band together to make this world better, one fight cloud at a time. A world where we can speak our minds without any hurt feelings or bruised egos. Vote for the Roughhousing Encouraged N.A.P. and you can gain Influence by using Mean interactions on other Sims. If that's the kind of Sim you want to be.

Back to the old days
I remember the good old days. We used to play board games and read books. Nowadays, all anyone can think about is their phone and their TV. They're juicing it up, chugging all their wretched... juice. And what's with this obsession with woohoo? Woohoo in bed, Woohoo in the Rocket Ship, Woohoo in the hot tub, Woohoo in the observatory, and if that wasn't enough - now you delinquents are woohooing in Dumpsters? Gross.

With this initiative, those who live a wholesome lifestyle of reading books and playing board games will be rewarded with Influence. And those who indulge in technology, drinking juice, and woohoo will be properly fined for their woeful deeds.

Foodies Unite
Neighbors, let's get cooking! There are so many fabulous organic, non-organic, home-grown, and freebie ingredient options out there. Crack out that cutting board and start experimenting!

Under the foodies United N.A.P., members of the community will be rewarded Influence by exercising their tasty skills in home style, Gourmet, or any other style of cooking.

Support the Performing Arts
There are some who say Music is healing for the soul and Performing is healing for the heart. Uplift our community and gain Influence by not only sharing the melodies and the instruments that you play, but also by expressing other forms of Performing Arts.

Professionals working in Entertainment-related Careers can also enjoy increased pay while this N.A.P. is active.

Clean Energy Production
We have the luxury of living in a world that provides us with everything we need. We just need to learn how to harness that energy!

With the Clean Energy N.A.P. in place, members of the community will be rewarded with Influence for owning functional clean energy producing objects like Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, and Dew Collectors.

Tech Support
Have you grown too comfortable with things just the way hey are? Don't be caught N.A.P.ing on your community's technological progress. Working with Programming, Rocket Science, or other methods, we can continue to make our world a better place through technology and boosting our Influence while doing it.

As an added bonus, Sims working in tech-related Career fields such as Astronauts, Tech Gurus, Scientists, Freelance Programmers, and Civil Designers will also have increased pay if this initiative gets voted in.

Rock Your Body (and Mind)
What better way to care for oneself than with the accountability of a whole community? This initiative puts the "Action" back in Neighborhood Action Plans.

Together we can make sure all Sims in the neighborhood are practicing their Fitness, keep up on Hygiene, looking after their overall wellbeing, and boosting their Influence while they're at it!

Juiced Community
Get ready to get JUICED! In support of all things fizzy and funky, this N.A.P. wants to get everyone juiced up.

Gain Influence by using the practical Juice Fizzing and Mixology skills to make concoctions for the entire neighborhood.

Fun-loving Community
Recreation should be celebrated, not stifled! It's time to eradicate boredom and embrace having fun.

Vote for this N.A.P. and not only will we be able to let loose as a whole, but residents will also be rewarded with Influence for doing activities that involve Comedy, Mischief, and even Video Gaming!

Modern Development in [Evergreen Harbor neighborhood]
Having seen other cities in the greater Evergreen Harbor area, it's easy to compare and acknowledge there's work that could be done at Conifer Station to keep up with the times. By putting funding towards changes in this district, you will start to see new projects roll out with the apartments, railways, and the towers.

Of course, funding for this development will have to come from somewhere. With this initiative, weekly Utility Bills will be increased, but we'll also put in place an increase in residents' career pay to offset that added cost.

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