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Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Eco Lifestyle - my plans

So, patch day is already here *), and in just 3 days the The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle pack will hit! I'm definitely not the only simmer doing some planning these days...

So, how will I implement the new world and features to my existing game of 70 households with 225 years of history?

First off, I've just added a short chapter to my growing history book, stating the industrial past of each of my districts (worlds). I already knew which district produced what, but that was mostly limited to harvestables. I never really paid attention to their industrial past, which obviously depends on the district's natural resources, climate and harbor access etc.

Evergreen Harbor
The new world will be outside my Region 12, meaning I won't play all residential lots. It comes with a total of 13 lots, but as 2 lots are apartments there are 15 units to fill. There are 3 Community Space lots (one per hood) and 1 Bar lot, meaning the remaining 11 units are residential. Some are taken by premade households, but I normally focus more on my own sims than the premades. I will move some eco spirited younger sims to the new world, but I also plan to turn more lots into community lots - or just save them for later.

I don't really feel like adding a full new world with new families to my rotation, because I would not have the time to play them all. It gives room for more community content while most resident features will be used in my existing worlds.

Neighborhood Action Plans
The voting system fits very well with my already existing political system. I already posted about my 3 political parties, and how most of the available plans were initiated by them. It's too early to state how the voting feature will work with rotational play, but with some luck it will be okay. I don't want the plans to change every time I stop by a hood, but I'll find ways around this. Hopefully the changes come after playing a hood for 7 days, and not on weekends if playing other hoods or worlds. It would be waste of game resources if plans do change in hoods that you don't play actively.

My working Council will not really relate to the many N.A.P.s, but the political parties will, and any trends might of course be debated by the Council.

Community Space
We also have the brand new Community Space feature, where a similar voting decides whether that lot shall be Makers space, Community garden or Market place. Again, if this changes too often, I will rather have static community space lots, but I'll first give it a try. My plan is to add such lots to:
* Oasis Springs (the right side poor hood) already has the traditional Sandtrap Crafts Market which can easily be costumized.
* Brindleton Bay (the Sports lot at Sable Square). Never built anything on this tiny lot, but I think it will be the perfect spot for the Community space.
* Gloomville (Willow Creek), already has the traditional Mugger Fair farmers' market in Muggerdale (right side poor hood), which today contains a few old booths + restaurant and picnic area. The outdoor restaurant is no good idea after Seasons, so I might bring back the old farmers' market, but with a limited part of the lot reserved the result of the voting, meaning only a small area will change.
* Windenburg (the park Hare Square in the harbor hood). This hood has no residents, so this lot must be static. I'll simply assign a corner for each of the 3 features in the park with no voting involved.

In addition I plan to add recycling features to a few "backyards" of existing lots, like outside the shopping malls where there ought to be a dumpster anyway. This involves San Myshuno's Spice Market, the mall in Newcrest and in Dusty Turf in Oasis Springs - for a start. Also the University Commons should get a touch of Eco lifestyle features, somehow. Maybe just the recycling machine and a dumpster in a shed outside... I assume most students will have a quite Eco friendly mindset.

Candle making
Two of my residents, Heidi L. Wooblershield (Windenburg) and Cheyenne B. Schwaini (Gloomville) already make a living from candle making. Time has now come to replace the mod by Icemunmun. Heidi will open a small shop in Oasis Springs' shopping mall.

Fizzle Juice
Morgan Fyres at Dresden Farm is set to turn the family farm into a Winery, and she will also open a Wine Shop at the Oasis Springs mall. The fizzle juice feature might be a good replacement for the nectar making machine that we never got. I just need to test how those bottles can be sold from a store, and not only from the sales tables. A few other sims who grow fruit and berries might produce fizzle juice commercially, too, but they will start small scale using the sales table.

Civic Designer Career
The sim moving to Evergreen Harbor will focus on the new civic designer career, as he will start a new business. I already have many companies in my game, most are stock companies with several owners. I have pretty cool plans for the new business, will share more on that after he has started up  his project. He will cooperate with locals, and there might even be a sub business founded by others to assist his project... it might get quite interesting!

Power Plants Industry
I also plan for someone to start a power production business, making a profit from selling off power. Not sure who will do this, but the Landgraabs might of course be involved financially, and it might take place in Evergreen Harbor as well as in Oasis Springs. These features are indeed interesting as weather will influence on their profit. Solar panels should work better in Oasis Springs than in Brindleton Bay. Will share more from this project later!

Off The Grid
Some of my houses, especially in the poor hoods, are already off-the-grid. I really look forward to the improved stuff they get with this pack. The only drawback is that they probably can't afford all the cool stuff like solar panels and dew collectors. And in a way that is fine, because these families do live in hoods that I want to get polluted...

Some of these objects will be good also for reducing the bills in wealthier homes. I'll not let every house bet Eco-friendly though, because it gets boring if all agree...

The Windenburg Monastery is also off-the-grid, and I wonder how to solve their needs and still make the lot look very traditional and dated. The Monks will probably love eating worms...

Insect Food Restaurant
I've not decided, but I love the Dine Out pack, and I think it's time to build a trendy or hippie restaurant that only serves insect and vegan dishes. My rotational play doesn't allow for running a restaurant actively, but it will work fine even if I don't know the owners. Such a restaurant might attract food interested sims from all over the region. Definitely something for a community spot in Evergreen Harbor!

I think the poor hoods of Oasis Springs, Gloomville (Willow Creek) and San Myshuno's Spice Market shall be rather polluted, but I don't plan to cheat their level. Instead I must make sure that those living there do "the wrong things", seeing how it will impact the hood. I might add the "more trash" lot traits, but I'll keep those traits only if they don't overdo it.

Basically I look forward to see how each hood will develop Eco-vise without my planning. I worry that the bigger mansions will leave the worse impact, despite those hoods often being the most pristine. Time will tell.

These are from the top of my list. There's more, but I'm saving the rest for later :)

* Patch has been delayed. New patch date is June 3rd)

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