Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Friday, 28 May 2021

Baroness Rose

You already met her in the first two seasons of the video series As Sims Go By, but being married to the high nobility Baron of Gloom, Baroness Rose often went unmentioned. In public she was always reckognized as the model looking, fashion oriented and creative woman that she is and also her work brought her some fame. Now that a new generation is preparing to take over this barony, it might be time to give her some attention.

Her full name is Rose (Welder) von Kaching, and she is currently 77. She is known as a materialistic snob, sometimes quite hot-headed. A long life was lived, and these days her position as a baroness is coming to an end as her son Edward will officially take over the barony next year. Rose and Bud might leave Umbrage Manor to their son this year already. The retirement has been an issue for a few years already, but certain rules delayed the plan. There can only be one high nobility investiture per region per year. Last year it was Baron Auphor of Verde, this year it will be Baron Reinart of Myshuno. Next year seems to be when Bud and Rose's only son, Lord Edward, finally becomes the next Baron of Gloom.

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Barony of Crest not to be revitalized

(Court House, San Myshuno) Region 12 Court House has concluded that the old peerage, Barony of Crest, is not to be reactivated. Royal Chamber was found guilty of handing the peerage to the House of Panter despite there being a young heir of House of Roxenfox, who actually held this peerage, but the case is very old and will not be reactivated.

Old-Duchess Claudine (Roxenfox) de Cavalier (red coat) was joined by her sister, Duchess Gloria (Roxenfox) Saxor of Meadows. In the background are Hector Roxenfox with wife Nancy.

This case was brought to court by Old-Duchess Claudine (Roxenfox) de Cavalier (pictured wearing red coat), on behalf of House of Roxenfox that is still residing the old Roxenfox Manor at Old Crest in Newcrest. Head of house is Hector Roxenfox (73), with wife Nancy (Dougham) Roxenfox and their daughter Bonita Roxenfox (31). They are to get paid a small compensation of §25 000.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Free Will Show - Final Season (just started!)

Season 4 will be the final season, as 3 of the 4 contenders will die or get kicked out within max 7 episodes! I must be honest and say that I can't wait to close this show - it's been fun but it has been running much longer than I intended. 

To speed things up the free will life will get harder. From the season opening the lot is set to Haunted Residential Lot, with 3 suitable lot traits. In addition the evil Jane Gargoyle moves in from episode 20. This season will really get interesting as we see how all this will be handled by free will.

Remember that you can affect the next episode through voting. As usual - voting closes 7 days after video release.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Calendar Year 227

Year 227 is about to start in my Region 12, and the high nobility houses share headlights from their events calendar. The year is roughly planned a year in advance, making it easier for their busy network to reserve time for the upcoming celebrations, and to avoid that big events conflict. Most events are set for a season rather than a specific date, details will be shared later in formal invitations. Each district will normally host one or two major events per year, and most houses will accept only one invitation per season.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

The Free Will Show - Final season!

Booo! It's already been a few months since season 3 ended, and I'm now thrilled to announce the start of season 4 - the final season! It will (hopefully) be tougher than ever for the 4 contestants as we find out how they will deal with lots of drama by free will! I don't know how many episodes this final season will count, but I do know that the upcoming season will be the last and that we will have a winner within 4-8 episodes! So much drama will be added to the show, that it might actually be too much - but it will hopefully be more entertaining than ever before! And if it will kill them - great!

Teaser: Season 4 will be just as chaotic as this picture indicates, LOL. Fun awaits!

The WEIRD woman (pictured) is one of the contenders from the EVIL heat of the show, namely Jane Gargoyle. She did not win her heat back then, but in this season's 2nd episode (=episode 20) she moves into the Free Will Show house to stir up things quite a bit! Major DRAMA has also been prepared from the season opening; the lot itself is now a "haunted residential lot" and I can't wait to see how they will handle those spooky events by free will! I expect it to start pleasantly, but then build over a few episodes. The lot category might be reset to regular residential only if it becomes totally unplayable (too scared to do anything at all by free will, etc).

Monday, 10 May 2021

Pink Dogs for Sale

(San Myshuno, Y226) Diego Lobo is currently advertising two of his poodle dogs for sale. They grew up rather quickly, and he realized that 4 big dogs will be too much in a city apartment.

Samson is male, a pink vocal and jumpy couch potato that will love it in an active home.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

As Sims Go By - New Episode: Family Portraits

(The Sims 4 Machinima) Here is episode 2 of the 3rd season of my  ongoing video series AS SIMS GO BY! This time Josue Roasewood is in focus, he is set to wok on a project including an online family portraits catalog, in coorporation with the Historical Museum. But also his daughter Mandy is a main character, developing her romantic relation to the old man from Selvadorada that she had a baby with. Meanwhile the secret chartil waits eagerly for someone showing up with a seed from the Windenburg moneytree, to claim leadership. So, while there is still a touch of nobility, this episode is probably the most romantic story of the series this far.

In this 3rd season there are a few changes - like each episode focusing more on just one household. Less info require that you watched previous episodes, as each episode is more like a stand alone video. It's still real sims and locations from my game, and some scenes are even regular gameplay with not so much rigging. So, I also see the series like a documentary on how I play, despite lots of editing, of course.

I hope you will enjoy :).

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

As Sims Go By - Teaser

I know it has been a while since As Sims Go By season 3 opened with its first episode. Rest assured I'm not letting down my tiny but highly appreciated audience :)

A new episode is in the works, I'd say 95% is already done and that includes most editing. With a few more hours of fine editing the 2nd episode of this season will premiere this Wednesday - tomorrow! So, who are in focus this time, in my series featuring real sims at real locations?

Saturday, 1 May 2021

University of Britechester 100 Years Anniversary

(Britechester, Rossie Year 226) This year was the 100th anniversary of University of Britechester, and festivities were arranged all year long. Here are just a few pictures from a ceremony arranged at the UBrite Commons, Darby's Den this Fall, with a small group of guests enjoying speeches, a history lesson and refreshments.

Previously this year, there were a wide range of contests and celebrations involving students as well as professors. Some related to specific classes, but also a series of history quests involving the many old buildings.