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Thursday, 13 May 2021

The Free Will Show - Final season!

Booo! It's already been a few months since season 3 ended, and I'm now thrilled to announce the start of season 4 - the final season! It will (hopefully) be tougher than ever for the 4 contestants as we find out how they will deal with lots of drama by free will! I don't know how many episodes this final season will count, but I do know that the upcoming season will be the last and that we will have a winner within 4-8 episodes! So much drama will be added to the show, that it might actually be too much - but it will hopefully be more entertaining than ever before! And if it will kill them - great!

Teaser: Season 4 will be just as chaotic as this picture indicates, LOL. Fun awaits!

The WEIRD woman (pictured) is one of the contenders from the EVIL heat of the show, namely Jane Gargoyle. She did not win her heat back then, but in this season's 2nd episode (=episode 20) she moves into the Free Will Show house to stir up things quite a bit! Major DRAMA has also been prepared from the season opening; the lot itself is now a "haunted residential lot" and I can't wait to see how they will handle those spooky events by free will! I expect it to start pleasantly, but then build over a few episodes. The lot category might be reset to regular residential only if it becomes totally unplayable (too scared to do anything at all by free will, etc).

In addition they will deal with ordinary lot traits like Creepy crawlers, Spooky and Volcanic activity, and nobody should be surprised if the number of hungry COWplants was doubled... The goal is to EVICT or KILL of 3 of the 4 free will contenders!

Season 4 will open this weekend, and due to a few short RL vacations there will be sporadic episodes during Summer. Because the contenders will get kicked out as they get 4 red lamps, there is a limit on how many episodes there can be, so rest assured that this will indeed be the final thing!

The winning contender becomes a resident of my Region 12 - will it be Charles, Brenda, Sonia or Ramona? As season 4 begins Ramona is in the lead, but anything can happen. Stay tuned to find out!

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