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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 22 May 2023

Farmers Guild: Old Farm Rights no longer Valid

(Year 230) This weekend the Farmers' Guild held an extraordinary meeting at Hotel Roadstead in Magnolia Promenade. The core group announces important changes that will affect many households within Region 12: Farm Rights are no more!

Produce deeds are nothing new in Mazaloom, but now they can no longer be replaced by Farm Rights.
Picture shows deeds for "Honey & Wax", "Blueberry Jam", and "Perfume with Playful scent".

All the way back in the Medieval era the first deeds were introduced. They were required to sell certain produce and crafted goods. A few guilds were active even back then, although not like we know them today. Over the centuries, mainly in order to control production and limit the number of persons involved, but also to drag in more taxes - one or more market rights were created for each affected product. For some there were only one deed total, meaning one single producer was providing the entire kingdom with that product, while other products could have up to four deeds each serving 2 of the 8 regions. Anyone with such a deed sell their goods directly to the regional Broker - either by visiting the region's storage in person, or by selling from inventory according to the Broker's claims regarding quality and volume.

These days there exist produce deeds for 100 products and services. Only Region 12 implemented additional Farm Rights, and over time Farm Rights got more attention than the deeds. While deeds are personal, each Farm Right was tied to a lot.

Farmers Guild now declares that the system will be equal for all 8 regions, starting Year 231. This means Region 12's Farm Rights will no longer be accepted!

Are you involved? Fear not!
Anyone owning a lot that holds a Farm Right will immediately lose all connected privileges, but there will be ways to have the old farm right replaced with a Produce Deed. The lot owner will get tokens that can be used to buy one or more deeds instead, the only problem is that deeds are way more exclusive as there can not be multiple deeds serving the same produce in a region. This will mean that not all farmers can keep growing what they used to grow - at least not in order to sell big scale. In the past 5 households (Oaksdale, Mugger, Sür-Blyth, Mox and Ferny) delivered eggs, but because they are all in Region 12, only one of them can get the produce deed for egg production. Same goes for Mushroom (4 households; von Kaching, Mugger, Mox and Despond). For produce like Carrots, Tomato, Potato, Spinach, Green pea, Strawberry, Milk there were 2 households for each.

When all old farm rights have been traded with tokens, we'll start assigning Produce Deeds by allowing token owners to buy one deed per round, starting with those having most tokens. Keep in mind though that deeds are priced a bit differently, being more expensive if being a one-deed-only product, meaning the owner will be the exclusive deliver of that produce to the entire kingdom (base cost §8,000). Deeds covering 4 regions will be cheaper (base cost §4,000), and the lowest cost we find for deeds covering just 2 regions (base cost §2,000). Each old Farm Right gives tokens equal to §2,000, and it will of course be possible to pay the new Produce Deed with a mix of tokens and fresh money. Some deeds are already quite old, and additional costs might occur. The deed can  be passed on as heirloom, and the value will normally build over time. So, it can surely be seen as an investment.

Farmers Guild's core group photographed at Hotel Roadstead:
Thomas Watson (52) Henford-on-Bagley, Fanny Silverbone (70) Brindleton Bay,
and Count Dominic von Dresden (81) Windenburg.

You should try to get a deed where you can make use of your already existing good quality plants (i.e. preserves, nectars or perfumes). You are not restricted to deeds issued by Farmers Guild, perhaps Merchants Guild will suit your business idea the better, but keep in mind that owning a deed means being a member of the Guild and that one person can not be a member of  multiple guilds. If you want several deeds that represent membership in different Guilds, multiple household members can cooperate by joining one guild each. Also - not all deeds will be available in all regions, but either way there will be many possibilities.

The Produce Deed is seen as Heirloom. It can be passed on to heirs and will increase in value, but will be valid in the region as stated, only.

Former Farm Right owners were contacted
The Core Group of Farmers Guild, Fanny Silverbone (Mazaloom, Reg12), Dominic Fyres (Windenburg, Reg1), and Thomas Watson (Rossie, Reg2) will help converting Farm Rights to deeds as smoothly as possible. Following the conversion, all former Farm Right owners will be contacted by the regional Broker to make sure all questions are dealt with and a fair solution is found for all.

There were very few changes involving the Merchants Guild. Sovereigns Guild and Artists Guild. Academics Guild has no changes at all at this time.

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