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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Sim WORLD Party claims CC control

(Year 232, Summer) Next election is still 2.5 years ahead, but the 4 political parties are already busy  preparing the ground. The bigger activity might be with the new Sim WORLD Party, facing their very first election ever. The party's leader, Roger Mistfield, now has news for anyone wanting a better world!

- We, the Sim WORLD party, work for a stronger and more successful international community, including better relations to our neighbors. We applaud the imported CC (custom content), but this also calls for a better system to control what we import!

So, how would that work?

- If Sim WORLD party gains enoough seats at People Chamber, we will do our best to not only quality check all content that was already imported, but also to consider removing stuff that we have too many versions of. Say there was imported flowers in a vase years ago, and recent packs added tons of more flowers in vases, then we want a routine for examining those version in order to get rid of CC that is no longer needed. The better stuff is to keep, anything else to go.

But what would be the point of this?

- We all live with some lag these days. Everyday activities might feel choppy, your life less effective. We think that the lag might be reduced by limiting the enormous amount of imported CC. This is needed when there are practically copies, but also when CC turns out to hardly be desired. This goes for both objects and clothing.

And, finally, why should anyone listen to your party's claim? Sim WORLD party has zero seats at People Chamber, and is currently in absolutely no position to claim any changes at all.

- Even if we won't have any seats before the next election, we can challenge the existing system already. When residents do agree with us, other parties might be forced to modify their politics regarding imported CC, in order to keep most of their votes. When we gain some real political power, we might enforce even greater changes!

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