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News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Windenburg Fox Battle

(Year 232, Fall) We were thrilled when we learned that Crown Princess Emireza would somehow contribute to the bi-annual dancing contest Windenburg Fox Battle this Fall! Some thought she would participate as contender, which could actually both make a sensation and sense, as she is currently residing at boarding school in Windenburg and we know she practices ballet dancing at school. However, it turned out she attended to open the contest!

And let's just agree that she won the opening! Despite this being her first bigger solo appearance, she seemed confident and happy. No sign of nerves at all. She even revealed a few dance relevant memories from her own childhood, where her father, His Royal Majesty King Tarriot, was the one who taught her to enjoy moving to music. She explained that they normally danced without music, though, because a session could take place quite unexpectedly and practically anywhere. She also shared an amusing memory when she aged 4, snuck into the Throne Room to dance - this time not joined by the King, but witnessed and cheered by the cleaning palace maids.

Then she wished all contenders of this year's Windenburg Fox Battle good luck, and reminded everyone to enjoy their session regardless of the final result. 

Windenburg Fox Basttle is hosted by the Hot Fox Dance Alliance, which was founded in Year 214. Top 3 gets a medal, and the winner also gets a small money award or sponsored equipment. There is a national rank that might affect the top 3 to will participate in the next International Smustler Challenge (to be arranged in SimNation in Year 233).

Before this contest the top 3 rank was Hertog Lobster (Windenburg), Adriane Caliente (Chestnut Ridge) and Baroness Morgan of Verde (Oasis Springs). Lobster is 50 years old so this will be his very last official contest, meaning he will not be found in next year's International Smustler Challenge. Baroness Morgan is no longer participating, but still holds a good score and rank based on her previous efforts, back when she was a Windeburg resident and a very promising dancer.

Six dancers signed up for this round of the Fox Battle. Hot Fox Dance Alliance does not operate with the term «Elite members», like many other sports organization s do. The only requirement to sign up is to have minimum 1 skill in Dancing, Fitness and Charisma, because these skills are needed in the contests. However, the higher ranked members will obviously have better skills, especially in Dancing.

And here is this year's winner:

From left: Adriane Caliente (silver, Chestnut Ridge), Hertog Lobster (gold, Windenburg)
and Khloe A. Mervil (bronze, Gloomville).

Hertog Lobster won gold and Adriane Caliente got silver. They both got a good score and especially Lobster was extremely lucky with his performance and the judges. Caliente had some problems with her performance, but her Fitness made up for it. TV personality Khloe A. Mervil came 3rd, but she scored less than half of 2nd place.

The new club rank is Lobster, Caliente - and 3rd we find Baroness Morgan of Verde. The 3 who are likely to sign up for the International Smustler Challange next year are Caliente, Mervil and Jules Rico (Evergreen Harvest).

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