Welcome! :) On this blog you will find stories, how i play and videos created with The Sims 4, but also a few projects from older game versions can be found in the Archive. The old TS3 stories have their own blogs. Most long going stories have a main page with index of updates.

Check out Simmerville's Youtube channel!

News May 2022: Mazaloom History Book.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Planning your Farm Produce

(Year 227, Cottage Living) I like my farmers to have different goals for their efforts and produce. Although most of them grow a little bit of everything for own consume, they often have a bigger amount of one or two selected species. This might be according to their Farm Rights, which force them to deliver a certain amount, or they might have specialized in specific products or markets, such as preserves or animal treats etc.

Does your farm have such a main goal?

Friday, 27 August 2021

House von Heimlich: Updates

(Year 227, Windenburg) It is with great gratitude that Duke Merlin and Duchess Mandy von Windenburg announce the expecting of a baby to be born this Winter. Our daughter, Mirarda Rosewood Heimlich (4), will not be a legit heir to the dukedom, and therefore neither in front line to become Head of House as a male heir is required for both. We and our supportive community all hope for a baby boy.

Mandy (Rosewood) Heimlich, who married to Merlin Edvard Heimlich this Spring, recently had her investiture as Duchess von Windenburg. We'd like to reach out and say thank you to all supporters. Those stating that a commoner should not become the Duchess von Windenburg were not obeyed, but neither totally ignored. All opinions were listened to.

Sunday, 22 August 2021

The Organization of a High Nobility House

(Year 227) Ever wondered how my dukedoms are organized? Then search no further, because here comes a map showing the command lines. In fact, this example is representative for all the high nobility houses, which currently include 4 dukedoms and 3 baronies.

The following is valid for the House of Ross, where Jarret Emanuel Ross is Duke of Rossie, and his brother Bennet Ross is Baron of Shiningham.

The Duke:
Head of House is of course on top of the organization, in this case Jarret Ross with the title Duke of Rossie. He is in charge of the person 1st in line of Successors, the Duchess, and the Butler. In addition he leads the Rossie Trust.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

House of Hump: Founded

(Year 227) A new House was approved by the Royal Chamber; House of Hump. Last week there was a small ceremony at the Council House, where Head of the new house, Doctor Nivert Hump (54) received his framed Coat of Arms, as a symbolic approval.

Siobhan F. and Nivert Hump, with Mayor Dougham.

While the Royal Chamber is formally in charge of approving this kind of matters, whenever there is no complicated issues and no peerage nor noble title involved, the regional Council normally handles the matter on their behalf.

Anyone can apply to register a new House if certain requirements are met:
* Net worth of minimum §250,000 (can include multiple similarly named households).
* Minimum 2 central members of the House (limited to Head of House and his/her descendants)
* Coat of Arms not conflicting with existing Houses.

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Our Brand New Farm Life - Part 2 of 3 (Summer)

(Year 227, Summer) In a new mini series we'll follow Antoinette Morck and Salim Benali and their 5 kids moving from a tiny rented flat in San Myshino, to run the Moo-moo Cow Farm in Henford-on-Bagley. It's not only a long distance to travel, but even more an extreme change to how they live their lives. There will be 3 parts each representing one week.

If you missed their first week, you might like to start here.

*) This is a not-in-game thing.

2nd Week - day 1

I'm Antoinette Morck. Our first week as farmers started rough, but I think we gradually found a better routine. That was before we were forced to get the fourth cow, though...

When we bought Moo-moo Cow Farm we did not realize that we had to keep 4 cows for milk production. It was challenging enough for our household of 7 just moving from San Myshuno to Henford-on-Bagley. On the picture above our farm is centered, the Watson Chicken  Farm is our closest neighbor (right), and the Rossie Palace is up there on the hill across the River Bagley (left). It's a nice neighborhood, indeed.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

When in Love with a Bicycle

Have you ever been in love with a bicycle? And even worse - a digital bicycle?

Whoever purchase the The Sims 4 expansion pack Cottage Living before September 2nd will get access to 3 extra items, including the cutest TS4 bicycle I ever saw. I think it will be perfect not only for Henford-on-Bagley residents - I also have a previous Duchess in mind :)

After 2 weeks of playing I'm thrilled with this pack, that released on July 22nd. Hoping what's left of Summer will be a chilly and rainy, with plenty of days and nights for gaming (j/k).

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

New Household Index

(Year 227) Yay! After all these years I finally took the time to create a Household Index! This new feature includes all my current 100+ households, with lots of key info at one glace. 

See who are the household members (name and age), their financial status (if great or bad) and fame, any lot challenges, what farm animals they have and what they grow commercially. Their address is of course given, and also whether this is formally registered as a House (with Head's Coat of Arms) or a regular household.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Our Brand New Farm Life - Week 1 of 3 (Spring)

(Year 227, Spring) In a new mini series we'll follow a family of 7 moving from a tiny rented flat in San Myshino, all the way to Henford-on-Bagley. It's not only a long distance to travel, but also an extreme change to how they live their lives. There will be 3 parts each representing one week, starting with the dreams & moving, then there will be improvement of farm and routines and blending into the local community, and finally a quick summing it all up.

OBS: The first part is a long read, come back with a cup of tea when you got the time needed, or prepare for just scrolling the pictures. The next two chapters will be shorter.

This Fall, head of the household will be guesting the HIP Studio show, that will return!

But first - let's get to know this big household!

Antoinette Morck (42) might ring a bell with many, well known from co-hosting the annual Reg12 NEWS. However, she is more of a private person, and never worked hard on building fame beyond the expected minimum. Not many knew that she lives together with Salim Benali (51), and that they over 6 years had a total of 5 kids!

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Mugger Farm attends the Fair

(Year 227) Today the second Cottage Living special edition of my Screenshot Folder video series (phew) was released. Instead of the 3 remaining videos focusing on just 3 households, I chose to dedicate each of them to the households of each of the 3 hoods. So, today you will meet the residents at Shiningham Hall (Ross), Cracrow Cottage and Crumpleton Cracrow - all at Finchwick! Embedded video link at end of this article.

Here on the blog today's focus will be on Finchwich also, but not the households. A farmer from far outside of Henford brought her daughter (8) to enter the contests at the weekly Finchwick Fair!

Janet Mugger runs the family farm, Mugger farm, at Muggerdale in Gloomville (aka the poor hood of Willow Creek). She was a teenager when her parents were no longer around, and although her only brother had plans of moving to Brindleton Bay, he stayed with Janet until she was old enough to run the farm by her own.

Monday, 2 August 2021

Online Residents Registry Upgrade

(Y227) Cottage Living comes with lots of new animals and produce, and my online residents registry had to be upgraded with some of the new content. Farm Rights were updated (although the system is being looked into on request by the MIDDLE party), but even more interesting is that HOUSEHOLD INFO has been added to each personal bio-page.

Politician Fanny Silverbone has her hands full at home - 2 cows, chicken coop, and more than 30 produce plants.
Plenty of chores for herself and hubby George, and their 2 children, 3 dogs and 1 cat!

In the past each bio page was including personal stuff only, but now you will see all members of the household with name/age if you point at their mini icon, and link to their personal bio page for more info if you click the icon.

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Screenshots - Cottage Living Specials

So, I'm having a blast with this new expansion pack, The Sims 4 Cottage Living! Farming was much anticipated, and this pack adds most of what I wanted. Although I was hoping for pigs and sheep, I realize that my farms will get way too busy with their cows, llamas and chicken. The lot challenges are cool, and I'm lucky to have nearly no bugs - just a couple minor things that I can easily ignore for now.

I'll share screenshots in 4 special edition videos of my Simmerville's Screenshots Folder series. Each video is just a couple minutes long, they are the perfect little break entertainment, but you might also spot some details that can trig new ideas for your own game.